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Songs of Fellowship 2 - Music Edition

500 worship songs and hymns - includes full words CD ROM

by Various

  • Hardback
  • Publisher: Kingsway
  • 16.5 x 24 x 4.4 cm


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The essential Church worship resource

Songs of Fellowship 2 the music edition provides a mixture of worship songs and hymns

Includes an accompanying words CD

Continuing the Songs of Fellowship, these books contain the songs that have shaped faith in the UK Church.
Anna Hockley

Anna Hockley

Eden Christian Books Specialist

Songs of Fellowship 2 the music edition provides a mixture of worship songs and hymns - songs 641-1150 leading on from Songs of Fellowship 2. The book is an excellent worshiping resource for Churches.

The book includes a CD with all the words to the songs featured in the Songs of Fellowship volumes 1 and 2, and suitable for all word processing packages.

The song words provided on the disk are also compatible for selective copying and pasting into most song projection programs.

The song titles for Volume 2 are: hungry folk
A living sacrifice
A mighty fortress
A touching place
Abraham's son
All around the world
All consuming fire (Oakley)
All consuming fire (Wright)
All creation bows
All creatures of our God and King
All I know (White)
All I once held dear
All that I am
All that we need
All the ends of the earth
All the riches of His grace
All things are possible
All you people
Almighty God (Fellingham/Watts)
Almighty God, my Redeemer
Among the gods
Ancient of days
And from Your fulness
And He shall reign
And that my soul knows very well
Anointing, fall on me
Apostles Creed (Drain)
Are we the people?
Arms of love (I sing a simple song)
Army of God
As the deer pants
As water to the thirsty
As we behold You
As we see the world
At the cross
At the foot of the cross (Bond)
Awaken the dawn
Awaken the nations
Awesome God (Exon/Thorpe)
Baby Jesus, in the manger
Be free
Be glorified (Funk)
Be known to us in breaking bread
Be magnified (DeShazo)
Be still and know (Loizides)
Be still and know that I am God
Beauty for brokeness
Because He lives
Because of the Lord's great love
Because of You (Oakley)
Behold the Lord
Behold the servant of the Lord
Bells they are ringing
Better is one day
Bless the Lord my soul
Blessèd be the name of the Lord (Utterbach)
Blessèd Jesus
Blessing and honour (Sadler/Harvill)
Bowing down
Break our hearts
Breathe on me (Pownall)
Breathe on me, Breath of God (Fellingham)
Burn it deep
By Your blood
Called to a battle
Can a nation be changed?
Can I ascend?
Carry the fire
Catch the fire (Bowater)
Catch the fire (Fellingham)
Children of the cross
Chimes of freedom
Christ's is the world
Clap your hands, all you nations
Closer to You
Come and join the celebration
Come and satisfy
Come bless the Lord
Come into the heavenlies
Come let us return
Come let us worship Jesus
Come out of darkness
Come to the Light
Come to the power
Come, Holy Spirit
Come, Lord Jesus
Come, Lord Jesus, come
Come, my soul, and praise the Lord
Confidence we have confidence
Cry mercy
Cry of my heart
Dancing with the Father
Dangerous people
Day by day
Day of favour
Days of Elijah
Days of heaven
Deep calls to deep
Did you feel the mountains tremble?
Don't be lazy
Don't let my love grow cold
Down the mountain the river flows
Draw me close to the cross
Draw me near (May I sing a song of love)
Enable Your servants
Eternal covenant
Every place
Extravagant praise
Face to face
Faithful and true
Faithful God
Far above all other loves
Far and near
Father God
Father in heaven (The Lord's prayer)
Father me (Kendrick)
Father of creation
Father, I come to You
Father, I love You
Father, like rain from the skies
Father, You have given
Fill the earth
Fill us up and send us out
Fill your hearts with joy
Filled with compassion
Focus my eyes
For all the people who live on the earth
For the joys and for the sorrows
For this I have Jesus
Friend of sinners (Haworth)
Friend of sinners (Redman)
From every tongue
From the sleep of ages
From Your throne, O Lord
Give me a heart of compassion
Give me oil in my lamp
Give me, Lord, a dream from heaven
Give your thanks to the risen Son
Glory to the King
Go forth and tell
Go in Your name
Go to all nations
God is great (Kendrick)
God is raising up an army
God is so good (He's so good to me)
God is so good (Prosch)
God of heaven (Townend)
God sent His Son
God, break through
God, our God, blesses us
God, You are an awesome God
Good news, good news to you we bring
Grace upon grace
Great are You, Lord, and mighty
Great awakening
Great High Priest
Great I Am
Great is the darkness
Great is the Lord
Great, great, brill, brill
Hail to the King
Hallelujah! Jesus is alive
Hands, hands, fingers, thumbs
Have you got an appetite?
Have you heard the good news?
Have You not said?
He brought me to His banqueting table
He has been given
He has clothed us with His righteousness
He has risen
He is lovely
He is the Lord
He knows my name
He made the earth
He picked me up
He reigns
He saves
Healing grace (Chisum)
Hear the beat of my heart
Hear these praises from a grateful heart
Heart of a lover
Help us to sing
Here for the harvest
Here I am Lord
Here I am once again
Here I am, and I have come
Here in the presence
Here is bread
Here is the risen Son
Here we are, Lord
Here we stand in total surrender
His banner over me
His love (Ruis)
History maker
Hold me closer to You each day
Holiness is Your life in me
Holy and awesome
Holy Child (Dudley-Smith)
Holy Ghost
Holy ground (This is holy ground)
Holy ground (This is the place)
Holy is Your name (Leppitt)
Holy is Your name (Paculabo)
Holy One (Gisbey)
Holy One of Israel
Holy Spirit, move within me
Holy, holy (Fellingham)
Holy, holy (Owens)
Holy, holy, holy is the Lord (In His eyes)
Holy, holy, holy, holy
Holy, holy, Lord God Almighty
Hope of the world
House of gold
How can I be free from sin?
How deep the Father's love for us
How high and how wide
How I love You (Rose)
How long? (Townend)
How lovely is Your dwelling place
How majestic is Your name
How sweet the name of Jesus sounds (Bowater)
How wonderful
Humble yourselves
I am carried
I am the apple of God's eye
I am Yours (Gate)
I believe in God the Father (Drain)
I believe there is a God in heaven
I bow down (Fellingham)
I come by the blood
I could sing of Your love forever
I could sing unending songs
I cry out
I don't want to be a Pharisee
I dream of tongues of fire
I have a Maker
I have come to love You (Redman)
I have heard
I have loved you
I have made You too small in my eyes
I just want to be where You are
I know a place
I know a place, a wonderful place
I know You love to crown the humble
I lift my eyes to the quiet hills
I live to know You
I long for You, O Lord
I love the God of heaven
I love the Lord
I love You, Lord, my strength
I love Your love
I need You (Bowater)
I need You (Founds)
I once was frightened of spiders
I see the Lord (Falson)
I sing a simple song of love
I sing praises to Your name
I stand amazed
I stand amazed in the presence
I stand in the presence of the Lord
I waited patiently
I walk by faith
I want to be holy
I want to be out of my depth in Your love
I want to be where You are
I want to know (Rogers)
I was lost
I will always love Your name
I will be Yours
I will come and bow down
I will cry mercy
I will dance
I will exalt You, O Lord
I will extol the Lord
I will follow You to the cross
I will give thanks to the Lord
I will offer up my life
I will only worship You
I will praise You
I will praise You with the harp
I will rest in Christ
I will run to You
I will sing of the Lamb
I will sing, I will sing
I will trust in You (Townend)
I will wait
I will wave my hands
I will worship with all of my heart
I won't let go
I worship You, Almighty King
I worship You, O Lord
I would rather be
I, the Lord of sea and sky
I'm a friend of Jesus Christ
I'm coming up the mountain, Lord
I'm justified
I'm looking up to Jesus
I'm standing here to testify
I've fallen in love
I've found Jesus
I've got a love song in my heart
If My people (Kendrick)
In every circumstance
In God alone
In His eyes
In my life proclaim Your glory
In my weakness
In mystery reigning
In the Lord
In the name of Jesus
In these days of darkness
In these days of refreshing
Into the darkness
Is anyone thirsty?
Is it true today?
It is good to give thanks to the Lord
It is the cry of my heart
It's a wonderful feeling
It's all about You
It's getting clearer
It's rising up
Jesus (It's the Name above all names)
Jesus Christ (Once again)
Jesus Christ is the Lord of all
Jesus is our God
Jesus is the Boss
Jesus is the name we honour
Jesus, at Your name
Jesus, forgive me
Jesus, I am thirsty
Jesus, I love You (Butler)
Jesus, Jesus (Friend of sinners)
Jesus, Lamb of God
Jesus, Lord of all
Jesus, lover of my soul (Hillsong)
Jesus, lover of my soul (It's all about You)
Jesus, remember me
Jesus, restore to us again
Jesus, what a beautiful name
Jubilee song
Just the mention of Your name
Keep on praying
King forever (Rose)
King of the nations
Kiss the Son
Knocking on the door of heaven
Knowing You
La Alleluia
Last generation
Lead me (Oh, lead me)
Lead me (We have flooded the altar)
Lead me to the cross
Let all the world
Let every tribe and every tongue
Let everything that has breath
Let it rain (Fitts)
Let it rain (Oakley)
Let the Bride say come
Let the chimes of freedom ring
Let the church arise
Let the righteous sing
Let us draw near
Let us draw near with confidence
Let us go
Let Your glory fall
Let Your love come down
Let Your word
Lift Him high
Lift Him up
Light the fire again
Like a candle flame
Like a child (Oakley)
Like a child (Townend)
Lion of Judah (Mark)
Lord of all (Jesus Christ is the Lord of all)
Lord of all (McPherson)
Lord of all creation
Lord of all hopefulness
Lord of all mercy
Lord of every man
Lord of the dance (Prosch)
Lord over all
Lord we've come to worship You
Lord You are worthy
Lord You have my heart
Lord, come and reign
Lord, for the years
Lord, have mercy (Bilbrough)
Lord, I come before Your throne of grace
Lord, I come to You (Power of Your love)
Lord, I have heard of Your fame
Lord, I lift Your name on high
Lord, I long to see You glorified
Lord, look upon my need
Lord, my heart cries out
Lord, pour out Your Spirit
Lord, send the rain
Lord, we come in adoration
Lord, we cry to You
Lord, we long to see Your glory
Lord, we long to see Your glory (Help us to sing)
Lord, You are the Author of my life
Lost in the shuffle
Lost without Your love
Love songs from heaven
Love You so much
Love's compelling power
Magnificent Warrior
Make us a house of prayer
Makes you wanna dance
Many will see
Matthew 23
May God be gracious to us
May I sing a song of love
May our worship be as fragrance
May the peoples praise You
Men of faith
Merciful God and Father
Mighty God, everlasting Father
Mighty is our God
Mighty is our God, mighty is our King
Mighty is the Lord
Mighty, mighty Lord
More of You
More than oxygen
Most holy Judge
Mourning into dancing
Mukti Dil-aye
My desire (To be in Your presence)
My first love
My God shall supply all my needs
My heart
My heart is not raised up too high
My Jesus, my lifeline
My Jesus, my Saviour
My life is in You, Lord
My lips shall praise You
My trust is in the name of the lord
Name of all majesty
Name over all
Nearer, my God, to Thee
Never let my heart grow cold
New covenant people
No eye has seen
No eye has seen, no ear has heard
No one is like You, O Lord
No other name
No weapon formed
Not to us (Critchley)
Nothing shall separate us
Now is the time (Bullock)
O Breath of God, breathe on us now
O Father of the fatherless
O for a closer walk with God
O give thanks to the Lord
O God beyond all praising
O God of burning, cleansing flame
O God, be my strength
O God, Most High
O how marvellous
O Lord, arise
O Lord, how I love to sing Your praises
O Lord, I want to sing Your praises
O Lord, our Lord, how majestic
O Lord, You are my Rock and my Redeemer
O Lord, You're great
O Most High
O righteous God
O the deep, deep love of Jesus
O, Holy One of Israel
Oh, lead me
Oh, our Lord and King
Oh, the blood of Jesus
Oh, the mercy of God
Once again
Only one thing
Only the blood
Open the doors of praise
Our Father in heaven (Doerksen)
Our Father in heaven (Routledge)
Our God
Our God is awesome in power
Our God is great
Our passion is for You
Over and over again
Over the heavens above
Over the mountains and the sea
Overwhelmed by love
Peace, perfect peace
People just like us
Pour out my heart
Power from on high
Power of Your love
Praise and glory
Praise God from whom all blessings flow (Piercy/Clifton)
Praise the Lord, all you servants of the Lord
Pre-revival days
Promise of the Father
Psalm 116
Psalm 138
Psalm 47
Pure like You
Quiet my mind
Raise up a church
Release Your power
Release Your power, O God
Remember mercy
Remember your Creator
Restless pilgrim
Restorer of my soul
Revelation 7:12
Righteousness, peace, joy in the Holy Ghost
Rise up (Arajs)
River of fire
River of God
Safe in the shadow of the Lord
Salvation belongs to our God
Save us, O God
Say it loud
Say the word
Search me, O God (Oakley)
Season of singing
Send forth Your light
Send me out from here
Send revival
Send revival, start with me
Send the fire
Send us the rain, Lord
Send Your rain
Shout to the Lord (My Jesus, my Saviour)
Shout to the Lord (We are His people)
Shout to the north
Show me, dear Lord
Show me the way of the cross
Show Your power
Sing a song of celebration
Sing hosanna
Sing to God new songs
Sing to the Lord with all of your heart
So come
Soften my heart, that I may know
Sometimes when I feel Your love
Son of man
Soon and very soon
Sound the trumpet
Spirit of God, show me Jesus
Spirit of holiness
Spiritual fruit
Standing in Your presence
Sweet wind
Take me in
Take me past the outer courts
Take our lives
Teach me to dance
Teach us, O Lord
Tender mercy
Thank You for saving me (Smith)
That the Lamb who was slain
The angels around Your throne
The angels, Lord, they sing
The battle is the Lord's
The candle song
The cross has said it all
The crucible for silver
The day of the streams
The earth resounds in songs of praise
The grace of God
The happy song
The heart of worship
The heavens they preach
The King has come
The King of love is my delight
The latter rain
The light of Christ
The Lord fills me with His strength
The Lord has spoken
The Lord reigns
The Lord's my Shepherd (Townend)
The Lord's prayer (Bailey)
The Lord's prayer (Routledge)
The love of God
The name of the Lord
The river is here
The sky is filled
The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord
The summons
The Virgin Mary had a baby boy
The waves are breaking
The way of the cross
The world is looking for a hero (Champion)
There is a home
There is a louder shout to come
There is no one like our God
There is no other friend
There is no other love
There is none like You
There is one name
There's a light that shines
There's a place where the streets shine
There's a river
There's a river of joy
There's a wind a-blowing
There's an awesome sound
There's no one like You
There's nothing I like better than to praise
These are the days of Elijah
They that wait
This earth belongs to God
This God is our God
This I know
This is holy ground
This is my belovèd Son
This is my pilgrimage
This is our heart cry
This is the mystery
This is the place
This land
This love
Though I feel afraid
Throughout the earth Your glory will come
Thunder in the skies
Thy hand, O God, has guided
Thy word
Times of refreshing
To be in Your presence
To Him who loves us
To the ends of the earth (Bilbrough)
To Your majesty
Unending love
Unfailing love (Bullock)
Visit us, O Lord
Waiting for Your Spirit
Wake up, my soul
Wake up, wake up O sleeper
Wash me clean (Dawn)
We are His people
We are marching in the light of God
We are marching to a different anthem
We are salt
We are the army of God
We are Your inheritance
We ask You, O Lord
We behold Your glory
We believe in Hebrews 13:8
We bow down
We confess the sins of our nation
We give thanks to You
We give You praise
We have a vision
We have called on You, Lord
We have come to seek Your face
We have flooded the altar
We have prayed that You would have mercy
We have sung our songs of victory
We lift up our heads
We proclaim Your kingdom
We rejoice in the goodness of our God
We rejoice in the grace of God
We stand together
We wanna change this world
We want to see Jesus lifted high
We will dance
We will give ourselves no rest
We will tear down every stronghold
We will worship the Lamb of glory
We'll be set free
We're here for the harvest
We're looking to Your promise
We're reaching out to You again
We're so thankful to You
We're standing here
Welcome, King of kings
Well, I hear they're singing
Well, I thank You, Lord
What a faithful God
What a friend I've found
What kind of love is this?
Whatever I have gained
When can I go and meet with God?
When the music fades
When we're in trouble
When you've been broken
Where there once was only hurt
Who is there like You?
Who paints the skies?
Whose lips will plead?
Will you come and follow Me?
Within the veil
Worthy is the Lamb (Owen)
Yet this will I call to mind
You alone are God
You alone are worthy of my praise
You are good (Goss)
You are merciful to me
You are mighty
You are my King (Doerksen)
You are my passion
You are my strength
You are righteous (Goss)
You are the Christ
You are the great I Am
You are the Lord (Drain)
You are the perfect and righteous God
You are wonderful
You are worthy to receive
You bless my life
You call us near
You came
You came from heaven to earth
You have become for us wisdom
You have broken the chains
You have called us chosen
You have lifted up the humble
You have taken the precious
You make Your face to shine on me
You never put a light under a dirty old bucket
You rescued me
You shall be holy
You're amazing
You're making me like Jesus
You're my stronghold
You're the Lion of Judah
Your eye is on the sparrow
Your love looks after me
Your love, O Lord
Your name is peace
Your presence
Your voice is like thunder (Oakley)
Your waves of love
Your will, not mine

  • Book Format


  • Publisher


  • Published

    December 1998

  • Edition

    Revised edition

  • Weight


  • Dimensions

    16.5 x 24 x 4.4 cm

  • ISBN


  • ISBN-10


  • Eden Code


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Average rating of5.0
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  • KW

    Keith Wise

    Average rating of5.0

    Brilliant book - delivered in as new condition. This joins my other volumes of Songs Of Fellowship. CD with words is now loaded onto my computer ready for use. Very happy with this purchase.

  • PM

    Philip McGarvey

    Average rating of5.0

    Essential for any worship leader