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The Infographic Bible, Brown, Hardback

Visualising the Drama of God's Word

  • Bestseller
  • Not Applicable
  • Hardback
  • Good News Bibles
  • NKJV
  • NRSV
  • 22.2 x 28.6 x 2.3 cm


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Love beautifully presented data?

The Infographic Bible brings to life the Bible's themes, facts, and figures

A great coffee table book for dipping into

An inventive new way to dip into the facts and figures of God's word, The Infographic Bible is a handsome and contemporary coffee table book.
Aaron Lewendon

Aaron Lewendon

Eden Bibles & Bible Study Specialist

  • Translation Style: Not Applicable
  • Binding: Hardback
  • Font Size: Not Applicable
  • Colour
  • Brown, Bronze
  • Bible Features
  • Illustrated, Website, Study Bibles
  • Intended Audience
  • Teen, Friend
  • Bible Version
  • Good News Bibles, NRSV, NKJV
  • Accessibility Features
  • Not Applicable
  • Occasion
  • Birthday
  • Type Of Stitching
  • Glued
  • Suitable For
  • Both
  • Recommended Bible Cover Size
  • Not Applicable

Ancient scriptures from the most popular book of all time, revolutionised to reveal its themes and narratives for a modern generation.

Billions of people across the world find solace, meaning and wisdom from reading the Bible. But for some, it can be a difficult book to engage with and understand. In this pioneering book Karen Sawrey shows you the bible as you've never seen it before, using powerful infographics, with data sourced by experts in their fields, to communicate the key biblical themes and narratives. The Infographic Bible focuses on the meta narrative, the key points of the major stories and themes, to give the reader insight into the bigger story and help you understand the complex or abstract themes in a relevant way.

Through revealing the ancient traditions, showing connections between Old and New Testament themes, and profiling important characters, you are left with a deeper and more memorable interpretation of the scriptures. Covering themes such as the First Family Tree, the Nature and Character of God to the Sacrificial System and Jesus I AM, this fascinating book, painstakingly gathered and presented in this unique and beautiful way will appeal to both the Christian and non-religious readers alike and provide unexpected insight into (one of) the most important book/s ever written.

The Infographic Bible, Brown, Hardback and Bible Infographics for Kids
Bible Infographics for KidsThe Infographic Bible, Brown, Hardback
  • Author

    Karen Sawrey

  • Book Format


  • Publisher

    William Collins

  • Published

    November 2018

  • Weight


  • Page Count


  • Dimensions

    22.2 x 28.6 x 2.3 cm

  • ISBN


  • ISBN-10


  • Eden Code


Conceptual designer, illustrator and lover of all things paper and ink, Karen Sawrey is passionate about engaging a visual general with creative ways to see and digest information. Karen has over 20 years’ experience stretching across a wide range of media, including top magazines, global charities and publishers including HarperCollins, Hodder & Stoughton and Penguin Random House. Having worked in central London, she now continues to flourish as a creative amongst the Northern Hills, still loving paper, people and life to the full.

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Average rating of4.5
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  • RCJ

    Ronald Carl Jones

    Average rating of5.0

    Thanks I was recommended this book. I don’t buy many books. But I have been told about some other books. So I’m going on your website to see if I can find them.

  • JF

    Jenny Flood

    Average rating of5.0

    This is a must have book for studying Gods word.

  • HRG

    Helen Ruth Giles

    Average rating of5.0

    Informative, interesting, accessible- a different angle on presenting Bible knowledge.

  • GB

    Gail Burns

    Average rating of5.0

    Oh, my! What a treasure trove of information, insight, visual delight and imagination. It's just stunning. The information and links within the Bible presented in this book will be used and used and used by me. It is going to be such a wonderful reference book, as well as being fun to just 'dwell' over. Thank you, Karen Sawrey, for your work, insight, use of talents and sharing it all with us!

  • JP

    Jane Palin

    Average rating of5.0

    This book is beautiful. The cover grey with embossed gold design (much nicer thanthe colours pictured). I love infographics and these really are superior. Some are simple and others require mulling over. I will be returning to this again and again.

  • BS

    Barry Soden

    Average rating of2.0

    As an engineer and scientist, I am very familiar with the representation of data in graphical format. Sadly I found the diagrams in this book very confused and difficult to follow. I cannot recommend this book.

  • JM

    James Maclure

    Average rating of4.0

    Looks very comprehensive and interesting for a graphic art lover!