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  1. Christian Fiction/
  2. Biblical Fiction


A Story

  • Bestseller
  • Paperback
  • 320 pages
  • Publisher: John Murray Press
  • 11.8 x 19.4 x 2 cm


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For fans of thoughtful Biblical Fiction

Paula Gooder brings her vast expertise to this novel of the story of Phoebe

Phoebe brings to life the world of the Apostle Paul

A debut novel like no other, renown Biblical scholar and speaker Paul Gooder uses her expertise to create a vivid and moving Biblical story.

The gripping first novel from renowned New Testament scholar Paula Gooder, which brings alive first-century Christianity and the apostle Paul as never before.

Sometime around 56 AD, the apostle Paul wrote to the church in Rome. His letter was arguably his theological masterpiece, and has continued to shape Christian faith ever since. He entrusted this letter to Phoebe, the deacon of the church at Cenchreae; in writing to the church that almost surely met in her home, Paul refers to her both as a deacon and as a helper or patron of many. But who was this remarkable woman?

In this, her first novel, Biblical scholar and popular author and speaker Paula Gooder tells Phoebe's story - who she was, the life she lived and her first-century faith - and in doing so opens up Paul's theology, giving a sense of the cultural and historical pressures that shaped Paul's thinking, and the faith of the early church.

Written in the gripping style of Gerd Theissen's The Shadow of the Galilean, and similarly rigorously researched, this is a novel for everyone and anyone who wants to engage more deeply and imaginatively with Paul's theology - from one of the UK's foremost New Testament scholars.

Phoebe and Lydia
  • Author

    Paula Gooder

  • Book Format


  • Publisher

    John Murray Press

  • Published

    May 2019

  • Weight


  • Page Count


  • Dimensions

    11.8 x 19.4 x 2 cm

  • ISBN


  • ISBN-10


  • Eden Code


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Average rating of5.0
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  • VB

    Virginia Balchin

    Average rating of5.0

    The book provides a wonderful insight into the culture and thinking of the period when Paul was travelling. Especially the position of slaves. It helps bring to life the bible text. Alongside the teaching given in the notes, is a very readable and moving story in which different shades of discipleship are explore.

  • LC

    Louise Cook

    Average rating of5.0

    I just loved this book. I'm studying Romans at the moment so it was really helpful insight into how Romans might have been received when Phoebe first delivered it. But beyond that it touched every emotion from tears to joy. Even the end notes (which Paula Gooder was so apologetic about) are fascinating background and helpful in understanding first century Christians and their world. For me it delivered both purely as a story and as an educational vehicle.

  • NH

    Nancy Hands

    Average rating of5.0

    Beautifully written, with well drawn characters and believable action. Most enjoyable.

  • JO

    Jacqueline Ough

    Average rating of5.0

    A well researched and entertaining read. Helps you to feel, hear and draw alongside the characters from the bible. Hard to put down.

  • DA

    David Adsett

    Average rating of4.0

    This was recommended by a new member to our theological reading group who had recently read it. We all found it easy to read (we have had some pretty heavy going choices in the past!) and liked the division of the imagined story and the research notes which formed about a third of the book. We all found it interesting and informative, particularly illuminating the social context of the early Church. As the author says it is not a fictional novel but imagined telling from the facts we are given in Paul’s letters. We all enjoyed it and picked up on interesting points.

  • DB

    David Brawn

    Average rating of5.0

    The book was excellent when it finally arrived after nearly four weeks on a delivery that was promised as three or four days. No explanation, no email, no update.