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Buying for a school or church? Upgrade to a FREE Eden Advance AccountWant to introduce 4-8s into the wonders of God's word?
With simple and bright images, the Bible jumps off the page and into imaginations
Told by Archbishop Desmond Tutu, the essential truths of these 50+ stories will last a lifetime
Laura White
Eden Children's Resources Specialist
The Children of God Storybook Bible gives a beautifully illustrated and simply told collection of more than fifty of yours - and Archbishop Desmond Tutu's, favourite Bible stories. Engagingly retold for young children, easy to read and speak words and phrases make the well loved stories memorable and meaningful to young readers.
Reasons to buy, share and give 'The Children of God Storybook Bible '
From the ever popular children's Bible classics, such as the story of Noah, and of Jesus calming of the storm, to less well told stories such as Naboth's Vineyard and the deeply human story of Ruth, the Archbishop takes these influential and impactful stories and brings them into young readers' lives in his own inimitable way.
The book has a truly international flavour, with illustrators from as far away as China, Argentina, Vietnam, South Africa and home grown talent from the UK contributing their interpretations of the stories. The result is a glorious celebration of love, joy and creativity that will draw children to the Bible as they grow to adulthood. A book to keep and treasure forever, 'The Children of God Story Book Bible' is also a reliable value package that promises a sound presentation of Biblical truth.
Using NIV text for Bible quotations, the stories provide an engaging opportunity for adults to share the Bible with children – reading to them at first, and gradually helping children to read and discover the Bible for themselves. Children that learn to read early do better, and children that share learning with their parents or carers do best of all. The Children of God Story Book Bible offers parents or carers and children a way to grow together in literacy and in the Word.
Includes a presentation page for giving as a prize, gift or on a special occasion.
Written for 4s to 8s, though younger children will love the pictures as grown-ups read, and even 9s and 10s may value the beautiful created book, it's illustrations and stories.
Archbishop Desmond Tutu
Book Format
William Collins
July 2010
Douglas C. Abrams
Various, worldwide
Recommended for Ages
from 4 years up to 8 years
Page Count
21.5 x 24.3 x 1.6 cm
Eden Code
Featured in
- The Creation: Genesis 1
- Adam and Eve: Genesis 2
- Leaving the Garden: Genesis 3
- Noah’s Ark: Genesis 6-9
- Abraham’s Trust: Genesis 15-17
- Strange Visitors: Genesis 18
- A Wonderful Dream: Genesis 25, 27-28
- Joseph is Sold into Slavery: Genesis 37
- Joseph Feeds and Forgives: Genesis 41, 45
- Moses is Saved: Exodus 2
- The Voice from the Burning Bush: Exodus 3-4
- Let my People Go: Exodus 7-15
- The Ten Commandments: Exodus 20
- The Story of Ruth: Ruth 1-4
- Samuel in the Temple: 1 Samuel 3
- King David Is Anointed: 1 Samuel 16
- David and Goliath: 1 Samuel 17
- King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba: 1 Kings 3-10
- Naboth’s Vineyard: 1 Kings 21
- Esther Saved Her People: Esther 1-10
- Isaiah Becomes God’s Messenger: Isaiah 1, 6
- Jeremiah the Boy Prophet: Jeremiah 1, 18
- God Saves Daniel: Daniel 6
- Jonah and the Big Fish: Jonah 1-4
- An Angel Appears to Mary: Luke 1
- Jesus Is Born: Luke 2
- The Three Wise Men: Matthew 2
- Jesus Goes to Jerusalem with his Parents: Luke 2
- Jesus is Baptised: Matthew 3 & Luke 3
- Jesus in the Desert: Matthew 4
- Jesus Turns Water into Wine: John 2
- Jesus Goes Fishing: Luke 5
- Jesus Teaches the Secret of Happiness: Luke 6
- Jesus Blesses the Little Children: Mark 10
- The Good Neighbour: Luke 10
- The Law of Love: Mark 12
- The Disciples Learn to Pray: Luke 11
- The Lost Sheep: Luke 15
- Jesus Feeds the Crowd: John 6
- Jesus the Healer: Luke 5
- Jesus Restores Sight and Gives Life: Mark 5, 8
- Zacchaeus Turns to Jesus: Luke 9
- The Loving Father: Luke 15
- Jesus Calms the Storm: Luke 8 & Matthew 8
- Sharing God’s plan: Matthew 25
- Jesus Changed on the Mountaintop: Matthew 17
- A Woman’s Love for Jesus: John 12
- Jesus is Alive: Luke 24 & John20
- The Goon News: Acts 1
- The Coming of the Holy Spirit: Acts 2
- The Disciples Spread the Holy Spirit: Acts 2
- Paul Follows Jesus: Acts 9
- The Promise of a New Earth: Revelation 21-22
The Brilliant Book of Bible Stories: The Bible is not and ordinary book. It has changed and inspired many people, including Archbishop Desmond Tutu. In the pages of this beautiful book, he retells the story of the Bible in his own words for all children around the world.
The Children of God Storybook Bible includes everyone’s favourite Bible stories including Adam and Even, Noah’s Ark and the birth of Jesus and also some surprising and wonderful less well known stories. Archbishop Tutu’s loving and embracing re-telling of the classic stories brings them to life as never before.
Many of the finest artists from around the world have been selected to illustrate the stories making this the most beautiful story book Bible ever produced. Their stunning colour pictures created specially for The Children of God Storybook Bible provide a vivid and accurate portrayal of these world-changing stories.
Desmond Mpilo Tutu was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for this lifelong struggle to bring equality, justice and peace to his native country of South Africa. He is revered throughout the world as the one of the great moral and religious leaders of our time, His wisdom, compassion and sense of humour shine through this book as he reminds us that ‘We are all God’s children.’
If you’re looking for a children’s Bible with real heart and substance with an outward-looking theme, then the Children of God Storybook Bible may just be what you have been searching for. When Harper-Collins began to work with Archbishop Desmond Tutu in 2010 on this project I’m sure it was a real treat. Such an influential leader wishing to communicate God’s Word to children in a unique and personal way must have been a huge honour.
In 1984 Archbishop Tutu was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his struggle and fight for equality and justice in his native country of South Africa. He has gone on to do many other great things, including choosing over 50 of his favourite Bible stories to retell to a new generation. His desire is to communicate God’s love to all people, regardless of race, age, girls or boys.
This feels like a very personal gift as his wit and wisdom and compassionate heart is made clear for all to see in the retellings of the stories.
One of the special features of this Bible is the way it seeks to communicate to a wider audience, a global audience in fact. This Bible is all about celebrating the ‘the beauty of diversity’. Enjoying and relishing the diversity of God’s creation.
The idea for the Children of God Storybook Bible was born out of wanting a Bible for children that would be directed especially at the African continent to highlight the gems that are hidden in the Bible. But it goes much further than that and speaks to children from all parts of the globe, and this is certainly part of its beauty.
What cannot be denied about this Bible are the beautiful illustrations interwoven into the stories that transport you to the place and time in a very special way. 20 individuals were chosen specifically to bring their own personal take on the story, the characters and emotions involved create an eclectic mix of styles and forms.
“In the spirit of celebrating children all over the world, each illustrator in this book has been invited to draw on their own unique and rich cultural heritage in their portrayal of these Biblical stories. Their art is truly a marvellous reflection of how we are all made in God’s image.” – (Archbishop) Desmond Tutu
Unlike many of the children’s Bibles available lots of the more challenging and difficult parts of the Bible are often left out, which can leave the child with an incomplete view of the God’s Word especially the last days of Jesus.
The Children’s Storybook Bible is not afraid to tackle these types of stories from Jesus being tempted in the desert, to the trial and death of Jesus. Each story is dealt with in enough detail to give the child an accurate picture, though the words may be hard the illustrations that fall alongside them are beautifully created and full of emotion and atmosphere.
Each story is covered on a two page spread with the text either all placed on one page or spread across the two with the illustrations covering both pages with stunning finish. One of the great things about this children’s Bible is that each story finishes with a short prayer. This allows children to respond to the story that they have read with a relevant but concise prayer. A prayer taken from the story of Jesus’ crucifixion: ‘Dear God, help me to forgive just as Jesus forgave.’
So if you are looking for a children’s Bible with a difference, one that will stand out on the shelf and spend most of the time off it then look no further as The Children’s Storybook Bible is full of God’s Word, for younger children who can admire the understand the story through the pictures to older children that can follow the words of the stories. Discover the Bible through a different lens from a global perspective.
Archbishop Desmond Tutu has a smile that gives out warmth and a cheery voice that brightens a room. The very same man who was an instrumental figurehead in the Anti-Apartheid movement, who witnessed and experienced institutional racial prejudice, who was 63 when he first got to vote in his home country of South Africa.
And so, the very same man wishes to give the next generation a legacy. A children’s Bible free from racial prejudice that reverses histories mistakes and guides our future towards social harmony.
Desmond was a teacher in a Black school when the government introduced a new education law they called Bantu Education. The law was enforced in 1957, and this was its blunt purpose, as said by Dr. Favolt:
"Why do you have to teach blacks mathematics? What are they going to do with mathematics? You must teach them enough English and Afrikaans, the other white language as it were, for them to be able to understand instructions given to them by their white employers."
Shocked and appalled, Desmond found himself questioning his profession. Knowing the purpose of this law, to make docile creatures of the blacks, he was pushed away and stumbled in the work of the cloth.
The man who was foremost responsible for the apartheid system was Dr. Daniel Malan, a churchman, and an ordained priest in the Dutch Reformed Church. And the man who became the most dynamic opponent of the apartheid system was also a churchman, in fact Desmond Tutu went on to became the Archbishop of Cape Town. History has an ironic way of correcting itself.
In 1978, Archbishop Desmond Tutu became the first black secretary of the South African Council of Churches. This was a significant position which proved to be crucial in the churches fight against racial segregation. Perhaps his most famous quote came from the pulpit, after the police ransacked his town. He spoke words of peace to his frightened and bitter congregation. “Do not hate, let us choose the peaceful way to freedom".
When awarded the prize for peace by the United Nations, Archbishop Desmond Tutu had no illusions of pride. It was a corporate award, a symbol of international support, and a political missile to expose injustice. The humble man even joked at his timely luck:
“They gave it to me because I think it is usually better than giving it to an institution and I have an easy name. You know what I mean, Tutu … Any [European] can say Tutu. Whereas if, I mean, I had been something like Matashavalla that might have made it a little more difficult.”
If asked, who demonstrates Christian love, Desmond Tutu would certainly spring to my mind. His life and his actions of peaceful protest is a shining example to the world. And now he has collected artists from around the world to illustrate his all inclusive Storybook Bible as a shining example to children.
“God made every one of us different – but he loves all of us equally, for we are all God’s children’s … This is truly a storybook Bible created by people in many, many lands for children all around the world just like you” – taken from the introduction to ‘Children of God Storybook Bible’.
Truly this Bible is a monumental stamp in history. That people from all corners of the earth can collaborate together to produce something beautiful, all inspired by a man who helped break down the Apartheid and continues to stand for racial harmony.
Top children’s illustrators from around the world bring their skills to give a range of vibrant styles to the beautiful full page full colour illustrations in bright, strong yet delicately childlike images. Story text is added to the pictures in easy to read words and sentences, each story ending with a simple and sensitive two line prayer.
Kristin Abbott, Alik Arzoumanian, Lyuba Bogan, Paddy Bouma, Shane Evans, Laure Fournier, Jago, Cathy Ann Johnson, EB Lewis, Frank Morrison, LeUyen Pharm, Jesse Reisch, Javaka Steptoe, Peter Sutton, Marijke Ten Cate, Marjorie Van Heerden, Beatriz Vidal, Stefano Vitale, Nadine Wickenden, Xiao Xin.
The Children of God Storybook Bible is a collection of beloved Bible stories written by Archbishop Desmond Tutu and presents the idea of God?s forgiveness and reconciliation to children. Each of the stories emphasizes God?s desire for all people to live in community.
Desmond Tutu retells more than fifty of his most beloved stories, artfully highlighting God?s desire for all people to love one another and to find peace and forgiveness in their hearts. Many of the finest artists from around the world have been selected to illustrate the stories. In an attempt to create the first truly global Bible for children, the artists have been invited to portray the stories with the style and richness of their own culture. Their stunning colour illustrations allow readers to experience the Bible stories as if they were there - with Adam and Eve in the garden, with Noah on the ark, with Abraham in the desert, and with Jesus on the mountaintop.
Every story shows how God works through history and ends with a short prayer which personalises the message for each reader?s own life. Archbishop Tutu?s wisdom, compassion, and sense of humour shine throughout, as he reminds us that ?We are all God?s children.?
Archbishop Desmond Tutu was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984 for his lifelong struggle to bring equality, justice, and peace to his native country of South Africa. In 1986, he was elected Archbishop of Cape Town, the highest position in the Anglican Church in Southern Africa. Tutu is currently the Chair of The Elders, an independent group of global leaders who are working to promote the shared interests of humanity. In 2009 Tutu received the Presidential Medal of Freedom, America?s highest civilian honour. He is known for his great love for children, as well as his powerful and profound understanding of the message of Jesus Christ. The Archbishop lives in South Africa with his wife, Leah. They have four children and seven grandchildren.
Archbishop Desmond Tutu was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984 for his lifelong struggle to bring equality, justice, and peace to his native country of South Africa. In 1986, he was elected Archbishop of Cape Town, the highest position in the Anglican Church in Southern Africa. Today Archbishop Tutu chairs the Elders, an independent group of global leaders working to promote the shared interests of humanity.
In 2009 Tutu received the Presidential Medal of Freedom, America?s highest civilian honour. He is known for his great love for children, as well as his powerful and profound understanding of the message of Jesus Christ. The Archbishop lives in South Africa with his wife, Leah. They have four children and seven grandchildren.
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