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Do Not Tempt the Holy Spirit: A Relatiionship With The Holy Spirit

by Edward F. Stapleton

  • Paperback
  • Publisher: Independently Published
  • 15.2 x 23 x 0.3 cm


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Do our expectations of God appear sometimes as if we are tempting the Holy Spirit to prove Himself? Are we tempting Him when we disobey Him and then expect Him to bless us anyway just because He loves us? As Christians, we have a responsibility to follow Jesus' teachings, trust Him, obey Him and believe Him but, instead of trusting Him to be the savior we all need and know Him to be, and trust that He will always keep His promises, we sometimes focus on our desires and not His desires for our lives, which is to bless us while moving us to a better place because of our faith in Him and because of His awesome love for us Christians are aware of their adversary (Satan), who persecuted the church (people) from the beginning and who is seeking churches, to see whom he can devour (Rev. 12:1-17). There exist in the world today a spiritual war for our souls (1 Peter 5:8; Eph 6:10-20 so, we must remain in a strong holy spiritual posture of vigilance and sobriety in an effort to resist the destructive advances of the demon (James 4:7). This is the Christian way and responsibility. In these perilous times of the last days, when Godly religion is a mere form without any authority (2 Tim 3:1-17), and when the zealous spirit of Phinehas, and the courageous spirit of Elijah, are once again needed to defend the honor and glory of the holy God (Num 25:1-15; 1 King 19:10-14). Can the Lord find such a man or woman in this ungodly generation (Ezek. 22:30)? Is there a church today, that will heed to Thyatira and cast out Jezebel and others who commit fornication and defile the worship of God (Rev. 2:18-29? Let us earnestly contend for that once-delivered faith (Jude 1:3), so when the Son of Man comes He shall find faith on the earth (Luke 18:8), if only in the faithful. This book will present some spiritual food for thought while expressing some biblical perspectives on some spiritual facts. My desire is that this book will open the minds of the readers and force them to search the scriptures and allow the Holy Spirit to enlighten them in the ways and desires of their God. I have longed to express what God continues to reveal to me by way of the Holy Spirit, but each time I have started, I began to feel inept to meet the challenge, not because I do not love and trust my God, but I wondered why me, and He responded with, why not you? So, my God continues to challenge me, and I have submitted and decided to be obedient to His demands by allowing the Holy Spirit to speak through me. Before we begin let me say that I do not consider myself to be "The" messenger for our God, I'm just "A" messenger, as we all must be if we are true Christians. You see I believe the Holy Spirit is with all of us, and this fact puts demands on all who profess to love and follow the Lord, and are willing to submit to His command and "spread the good news". His command to us is to "Spread the Good News, and I believe He speaks to all of us all the time as does the demon. The problem is that we fail to recognize His presence when He is speaking to us, or maybe we just refuse to accept the reality of His presents. I believe the Holy Spirit can; and dose, lead, teach, and protect all of His creations but, in order to recognize His presence and enjoy the full benefits of His blessed protections, a personal relationship with Him is required, or at least there should be some signs that demonstrate a willingness that shows some efforts to be obedient to His demands by demonstrating signs that follow His teachings and guidance while seeking to establish that beautiful relationship with Him.
Do Not Tempt the Holy Spirit: A Relatiionship With The Holy Spirit and Questioning God
Questioning GodDo Not Tempt the Holy Spirit: A Relatiionship With The Holy Spirit
  • Book Format


  • Publisher

    Independently Published

  • Published

    October 2020

  • Weight


  • Dimensions

    15.2 x 23 x 0.3 cm

  • ISBN


  • ISBN-10


  • Eden Code


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