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  1. Bible Commentaries/
  2. New Testament Bible Commentaries


  • Hardback
  • 544 pages
  • Publisher: Zondervan
  • 19.4 x 23.9 x 3.3 cm


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For pastors and teachers seeking deeper biblical insight

Ephesians commentary clarifies complex Greek texts

You will understand Paul's message and its impact today

This commentary on Ephesians offers deep insights for pastors and teachers.
Designed for the pastor and Bible teacher, this series brings together commentary features rarely gathered together in one volume. Written by notable evangelical scholars, each volume in the Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament series treats the literary context and structure of the passage in the original Greek. The series consistently provides the main point, an exegetical outline, verse-by-verse commentary, and theology in application in each section of every commentary. Critical scholarship informs each step but does not dominate the commentary, allowing readers to concentrate on the biblical author's message as it unfolds. While primarily designed for those with a basic knowledge of biblical Greek, all who strive to understand and teach the New Testament will find these books beneficial. The ZECNT series covers the entire New Testament in twenty volumes; Clinton E. Arnold serves as general editor. In this volume, Clinton Arnold offer pastors, students, and teachers a focused resource for reading Ephesians. Through the use of graphic representations of translations, succinct summaries of main ideas, exegetical outlines and other features, Arnold present Paul's epistle to the Ephesians with precision and accuracy. Because of this series' focus on the textual structure of the scriptures, readers will better understand the literary elements of Ephesians, comprehend the author's revolutionary goals, and ultimately discovering their vital claims upon the church today.
Ephesians and NIV Lectio Bible: A simple, ancient way to read the library of Scripture, Cloth over Board:
NIV Lectio Bible: A simple, ancient way to read the library of Scripture, Cloth over Board:Ephesians
  • Author

    Clinton E. Arnold

  • Book Format


  • Publisher


  • Published

    November 2010

  • Weight


  • Page Count


  • Dimensions

    19.4 x 23.9 x 3.3 cm

  • ISBN


  • ISBN-10


  • Eden Code


This commentary on Ephesians offers deep insights for pastors and teachers.

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  • DG

    David Gould

    Average rating of5.0

    This momumental study of Ephesians takes in a very wide view of most of what has been published to date on this fascinating and powerful tscripture. Clinton Arnold starts by sketching in the main features of the letter, its readership, the locality at the time and some of those who find difficulty with the authorship. He takes one view that is interesting as he develops the theme in the detail that follows. This is a very helpful and emminently readable commentary for those wanting a little more detail that just plain description. By referring constantly to the Greek text he is using (There are variants to the texts available on line) he takes us through the grammar and structure of the text with some clear helpful notes on the possible meanings and how that applied at the time. He also helpfully does have a faith which he expounds in brief theological bursts at the end of each section. While Ernest Best is the ultimate authority on this text Clinton Arnold with his firm rebuttals regarding authorship and purpose argues his case well. I have found this book invaluable in preparing both sermons and Bible Study courses and read it thoroughly whenever returning to this wonderful letter. The point of a detailed commentary is not to agree with every word but to set one off on one's own journey of discovery. Scripture is living with the Spirit of God. Clinton Arnold in his clear notes helps us to examine the text from the inside as well as the outside. This book has certainly extended my knowledge of this letter and even some commentaries written after do not live up to the level of this one. Any serious student of the Bible should certainly find this a most helpful addition to their bookshelves.