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Walking Papers: A Devotion on the Book of Galatians

by Kim Eslinger, Deone Emineth

  • Paperback
  • Publisher: Independently published
  • 15.3 x 22.9 x 0.9 cm


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The book of Galatians - I call it "Walking Papers".

If the Monopoly Board speaks of your life, you will need what Galatians has to offer-a free pass to a New Life. A "get out of jail free" card that will be right there where you can reach it any time you need it-which of course after you use it once, you will never have to worry about going to jail again.

And if you try to play the "go to jail" card on yourself or anyone else, you'll have the apostle Paul's strong word "anathema" -literally telling the perpetrator to take that lie and go to hell. Not just to jail---you can get out of jail. But to hell which once you're there you can never leave.

To receive walking papers. Walking papers that deliver one from the jail sentence which will (if it's not rescinded or somehow justice to the individual is rendered completely outside of himself) be commuted in hell. That being the ultimate price for jailbait to pay on his own-the only price he is able to scrounge up is his own death for payment-and that amounts to nothing-nothing that changes anything in the grand scheme of things.

As we walk this road together, we will be using the same format used in the study of the book of Galatians.

This is a 5- part look at each chapter of the book using the 5"R's"-

1. Read to Receive
2. Recite to Recall
3. Remember to Remind
4. Ruminate to Reflect
5. Repurpose to Relate

What follows is a brief overview of each of the five parts which are divided into one for every day of the week.

1. Read to Receive
Read through the chapter for the week with an eye for the answers to the questions "Who, what, when, where, why and how?" This is a time for observation and to record your first impressions of what you see. Take this day to read and absorb the text along with a prayer for God to open your eyes and ears to the truth he has for you. I will share my thoughts gleaned from that same exercise.

2. Recite to Recall
This is an opportunity to be creative. In order to capture the message of the chapter in a place for recall, I usually write a short summary of the chapter in the form of a poem. Rhyme and meter work to imprint the truth discovered in my memory. Other ways are useful as well. You may think of this exercise as writing the "elevator version" of a sales pitch or drawing a picture or even making a collage by writing words which express your impressions or questions raised by a second reading of the text. Whatever works for you.

3. Remember to Remind
Here I will select a verse which is key to understanding the chapter. I suggest you write it on a 3x 5 card or put it in your phone with a mind to refer to it during the week and "hide it in your heart" and/or memorize it. It will be the basis for your time of reflection and could also lead you into prayer for interpretation and understanding.

4. Ruminate to Reflect
This is where I employ the image of the ruminant animal (a cow) chewing her cud and swallowing it only to bring it up (regurgitate) and chew on it again. Most cows have three stomachs with different aids for digestion in each. This image is helpful to the hurried mind unfamiliar with the process of meditation on important truth because it suggests that it isn't something done quickly but requires the time to fully digest it and make it ready for full absorption of the beneficial content.

Often this is where insight for interpretation comes.

5. Re-purpose to Relate
This is a place to take the truth learned and put it into a real-life situation. Another way to think of this stage is application. How does this Scripture speak to me in the context of my life? In some chapters where the context is heavily doctrinal, you may have difficulty making direct application right away. Just be patient. The author may have some of the answers to your questions a chapter or two later.

Walking Papers: A Devotion on the Book of Galatians and God, Order, and Chaos
God, Order, and ChaosWalking Papers: A Devotion on the Book of Galatians
  • Book Format


  • Publisher

    Independently published

  • Published

    August 2022

  • Weight


  • Dimensions

    15.3 x 22.9 x 0.9 cm

  • ISBN


  • ISBN-10


  • Eden Code


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