I've still got a few different versions now of these once highly popular books on the Prayer of Jabez. All by the same author who took them to the top of the New York Times bestselling books lists in the USA years back ago. It's an important prayer statement of our faith in the Lord, encapsulated in just that small passage of scripture. Nothing else much quite like that elsewhere within the whole of scripture. Really very much obviously important to God to preserve that statement of the great faith of Jabez there forever to stand in His eternal Word. Christ the Word. We are today as believers in Jesus in that exact same one faith of trusting and believing in the Lord Almighty, as Sovereign Lord God. Back in the Old Testament days the faith of the old times heroes of faith was counted to them as righteousness before God. Today our righteousness is only through that of Christ, in believing upon Him, through the saving power of the cross. This is a good book overall, that's meant a lot to me in helping open up that part of scripture to my better understanding. I'm fond of these books still. But they're there to point you to Christ and to the truth of His Word. That you seek Him there through it. Not a replacement of itself, or a talisman of prayer prayer ritualistically as some tried to make this book out to be in the so termed error Prosperity Godpel mesaage. Preached against the gospel really. Becoming like an idol of use to get whatever you want out of God! That's idolatry then. One of the two main key definitions at least. To use what you should be worshipping as in God. Or to worship what you should just be using, instead of giving all Glory to God. To whom it rightfully belongs. Viewed in its proper context in scripture, we try not to make these mistakes with the so termed scriptural Prayer of Jabez. This author I found helped me to do rightly in exploring this issue. Foundational book in my personal Christian walk. Encouraging me to go deeper into study of His Word. To show myself approved before Him for His Glory. Not my own. Thank you Lord. I recommend the book because of this experience as stated