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Every Day A Friday

How to Be Happier 7 Days a Week

  • Paperback
  • 304 pages
  • Publisher: Hodder and Stoughton
  • 13.2 x 20.3 x 2 cm


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For those seeking daily happiness and joy in life

Shows you how to feel joy like it's Friday every day

You will learn to embrace positivity in all circumstances

Discover how to find joy and happiness every day with Joel Osteen's insights.

Changing Your Mind-Set to Find Lasting Happiness

‘Every Day A Friday’ is Joel Osteen’s response to studies that show we’re happier on Fridays - he wants us to experience this happiness every day, not just one day a week.

Joel describes how changing our mindset can lead to greater happiness. In seven parts, he carefully explains how we might adopt a different attitude, resulting in living happier lives. Joel’s stories illustrate the points he makes very well, getting his message across clearly and memorably.

Endorsements from Real People

''I really enjoyed the way Mr. Osteen shares his message in this book. Instead of "preaching" to us he instead encourages and teaches us how we have the power within ourselves to change. A positive message that is perfect for anyone who needs a bit of encouragement. This book is a quick easy read, that I have actually read twice this year. Filled with plenty of uplifting stories that can help anyone turn their frowns upside down making them smiles instead. A great gift that would be perfect for anyone needing a little encouragement.'' - Brenda Casto

''I will treasure each day from now on and enjoy the gift I have been given. Every day is meant to be celebrated like its Friday! It is so imperative that we live each day trying to be a blessing to someone else. We have the influence with God’s help to touch someone else and speak the words of truth into them.'' - Andrew

''You might say, "Do you really need to read a book for this?" And I would say, "Absolutely!" I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It's a great reminder of how to think positive and remember how blessed you really are.'' - La Tisha

''I love Joel Osteen's writing style. His message is laced with positivity. Not only does he preach it but he writes it in a very uplifting manner. Though some of his examples were repeated from his previous books. It's an excellent book for a boost of one's morale.'' - Andrea Lewis

''It is evident when you read the book that Joel's seven part 'happiness' recipe has been 'kitchen tested'! Joel's personal lifestyle and Ministry is based on his scriptural insights and experiences that have worked for him and made his worldwide Ministry one of the fastest growing in the World. From his smiling face on the front cover, to his sometimes 'corny' jokes and stories, readers are able to sense the sincerity of his personal message that is premised on 'faith and a positive attitude'.'' - Stephanie Washington

Every Day A Friday  and Pray Bold
Pray BoldEvery Day A Friday
  • Author

    Joel Osteen

  • Book Format


  • Publisher

    Hodder and Stoughton

  • Published

    October 2011

  • Weight


  • Page Count


  • Dimensions

    13.2 x 20.3 x 2 cm

  • ISBN


  • ISBN-10


  • Eden Code


PART 1: Don’t Give Away Your Power
1. Make Every Day a Friday,
2. Don’t Give Away Your Power
3. Express Your Joy
4. Bloom Where You Are Planted
5. Enjoy the Journey

PART 2: Know What to Ignore
6. The Right Perspective
7. Know What to Ignore
8. Silencing the Voice of the Accuser
9. A No-Excuses Life
10. You Can Have the Last Laugh

PART 3: Live Without Crutches
11. Living Without Crutches
12. Don’t Live for the Approval of Others
13. Freedom from Competition
14. Connecting with the Right People

PART 4: Travel Light
15. Forgive So You Can Be Free
16. Overcoming Discouragement
17. Dealing with Unexpected Difficulties
18. Don’t Have a Critical Spirit
19. See Through Eyes of Love

PART 5: Laugh Often
20. The Healing Power of Laughter
21. Smile, and the World Smiles with You

PART 6: Be A Dream Releaser
22. Help Others to Win
23. Be a People Builder
24. Living as a Healer

PART 7: Celebrate Yourself
25. Encourage Yourself
26. The Voice of Victory
27. Wear Your Blessings Well

Joel Osteen starts his ‘Every Day A Friday’ video with the observation that people are ‘10% happier on Fridays’. It’s the sort of thing we all ‘know’ to be true from our own experience – we don’t need statistics to back it up. However, now that we know Fridays are 10% happier, how much happier are Saturdays and Sundays? And assuming that weekend days are significantly happier than weekdays, why hasn’t he written a book called ‘Everyday A Saturday or A Sunday’… or a Bank Holiday Monday, Christmas Day or the most obvious Christian ‘happy day’ of all, Easter Sunday?

The answer might be in what Joel Osteen – and you and I, think is special or at least different about Friday. I’m guessing that Osteen is relating his title to the ‘traditional’ 5 day week working culture of the fast disappearing western industrialised society. If you work some kind of rolling shift pattern, work for yourself or can’t find work at all, then this title might not be as inspiring as the author hopes. But supposing that you do have a ‘standard’ 9 to 5 Monday to Friday working week, then what is Friday? It’s the last day of work; so why should that make you 10% happier? Joel seems to be assuming that we don’t actually enjoy work – which again raises the question I started with, why don’t we try to make ‘Every Day a Weekend Day’ instead?

Assuming this increasingly unrealistic working pattern, then Friday has something that no other day of the week has – including weekend days. I’d suggest that what that is, is potential; it has something to look forward to that hasn’t happened yet. On Friday we can have expectations as yet unrealised. We can imagine a weekend that’s perfect – as relaxing as we need, as satisfying as we hope and as fulfilling as we want it to be. Of course, when it comes – and when it’s gone, the weekend isn’t always everything we wanted it to be. But it doesn’t stop us being equally hopeful when the next Friday comes along. It seems to me that there’s nothing human beings enjoy more than the imagined future. So what does that say about Christians and our hope of heaven?

Christians already live everyday as though it’s Friday – looking forward to something that hasn’t yet come, but is always somewhere in our future imaginings. Unlike Saturday and Sunday, we don’t generally want heaven to come at the end of this week. Looking forward isn’t a uniquely human trait. I’ve known dogs that look forward to their owner’s return; becoming more excited with every minute past the expected time of reunion. You only have to stand near the lion enclosure at the zoo to see the inmates clearly anticipating the hour of their feeding. So if animals and especially humans are designed to look forward, and find a degree of happiness in looking forward, what do we look forward to once we’re already in heaven? I don’t know. Maybe heaven is one perpetual Friday afternoon, the everlasting Christmas Eve, an eternal eagerness to look into the empty tomb? Who knows? But I think the point is – and might also be what’s driving Joel Olsteen’s ‘Every Day A Friday’, looking forward makes for a happier life here on earth. Anticipating future happiness can translate into perpetual happiness in anticipation of a final, everlasting happiness in heaven. – Les Ellison

‘Every Day A Friday’ is Joel Osteen’s response to studies that show we’re happier on Fridays - he wants us to experience this happiness every day, not just one day a week.

Joel describes how changing our mindset can lead to greater happiness. In seven parts, he carefully explains how we might adopt a different attitude, resulting in living happier lives. Joel’s stories illustrate the points he makes very well, getting his message across clearly and memorably.

Joel Osteen: ‘‘I’m excited about my new book: ‘Every Day A Friday: How to be Happier Seven Days a Week’. The studies tell us that happiness goes up 10% on a Friday - why is that? ...People are looking forward to the weekend. In other words, they’ve changed their mindset. See I believe that we all have what we need to be happier if we can get our thoughts, our perspective, our attitude in the right place. In this book I describe seven different categories, like knowing what to ignore and not giving away your power and being a dream releaser in others. These are simple things that can help us to live every day happier. You know there’s enough unhappy people already, so I believe if you’ll take a copy of this, and get it down in you then it’s going to help you to enjoy your life more. Plus, when you get happier you’re going to rub off on other people. That’s what I’ve learned: that happiness is contagious. So, I hope you’ll pick up a copy, get one for your friend, and make every day a Friday.’’
Pastor Joel Osteen writes how we can generate this level of contentment and joy every day of the week. Known as a man who maintains a constant positive outlook in spite of circumstances, Osteen has described this message as a core theme of his ministry. The title comes from research that shows people are happiest on Fridays. Combining his personal experiences with scriptural insights and principles for true happiness, he shows readers how every day can hold the same promise and opportunities for pure joy that they experience at five o'clock on Friday.

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  • SD

    Sirpa Dorney

    Average rating of5.0

    I am a big fan of Joel Osteen since I read 'Your Best Life Now'. So they can seem a bit formulaic, but they are also awesomely uplifting and Bible-based. I can heartily recommend this one, it's a nice, easy read.