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What to Do When You're Scared to Death

Free yourself from the paralyzing effects of fear

  • Paperback
  • 256 pages
  • Publisher: Lion Hudson
  • 12.9 x 19.9 x 1.4 cm


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What scares you to death? Terminal illness? Financial ruin? Loss of someone dear? For everyone whose life has been crippled by anxiety, here is a book about finding freedom. Pat Palau provides practical, tangible ways to make progress. Fear incapacitates; it strangles the life out of us. Her book guides the reader to those passages in the Bible that comfort, strengthen, and encourage. She provides trustworthy steps to get you moving again - despite and through your fear. Readers will understand their fear and its root causes; adopt practical, tangible tools to overcome fear; and begin new healthy life habits. Fear does not need to choke your life. Jesus Christ has already paved the way for your freedom.
What to Do When You're Scared to Death and Freedom from Fear
Freedom from FearWhat to Do When You're Scared to Death
  • Authors

    Pat Palau +1

  • Book Format


  • Publisher

    Lion Hudson

  • Published

    February 2009

  • Weight


  • Page Count


  • Dimensions

    12.9 x 19.9 x 1.4 cm

  • ISBN


  • ISBN-10


  • Eden Code


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  • TGBS

    The Good Book Stall

    Average rating of0.0

    This book came at the right time for me; God obviously wanted to do some work in me and work he did. A very helpful easy to read book full of scripture and useful tips for facing up to the truthful fears that keep us bound in all sorts of hang ups and wrongful thinking. When I got this book I was running away from a more intimate relationship with Jesus out of fear and busy reading Christian fiction to avoid facing up to things. I started reading this book months ago and was about to embark on a flight to Finland. Now, I used to fly with no problems but after a trip around the world with my husband 5 years ago and 17 flights later I was freaking about the flying – my husband’s fear transferred to my spirit and left me dreading flying. I was so annoyed about my newly developed irrational fear and wanted rid of it. I decided to take this book to the airport and read it on the plane. I prayed and used scripture to speak sense to my spirit and not surprisingly my return trip home was a doddle. This isn’t the only time this book has helped me – I have been betrayed and hurt in the past by a number of close people and out of that, to avoid that pain again, I had learnt to control almost everything around me. My job as a Police Officer gives me licence to control quite a lot but I don’t want to control out of an unhealthy ungodly fear: through the chapters of this book I have been helped to refocus my attention on Jesus rather than my agenda. I have quite a unique life at the moment and feel that time is running out and that scares me, but you know, that is a lie that the enemy will use to keep me immobilised out of fear rather than free to be a child of God and to realise that His plan is to bless, prosper and turn all things for good and His glory. Afraid of reading this book? – Well I dare you to read it; it will change your life, it did mine.