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Kidsource: Full Music Edition

Super Songs for Church and School

  • Paperback
  • 716 pages
  • Publisher: Kevin Mayhew
  • 17.6 x 26 x 3.6 cm


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For children and youth leaders looking for fun songs

Provides a vast selection of songs for worship settings

You will inspire kids to worship with engaging music

Kidsource: Full Music Edition brings joy with 806 praise songs for children.

Free delivery on orders over £10

Our customers loved 'Kidsource', our collection of praise and worship songs for children selected by the unique and effervescent Captain Alan Price, so much that we are adding to their joy by publishing its successor, 'kidsource 2'.

You'll find 806 fabu­lous songs here by such favour­ite writers as Doug Horley, Ishmael, Sammy Horner, Richard Hubbard, Paul Field, Ian White and Captain Alan himself. Alongside these are a signifi­cant number of contri­­butions from 'adult' praise and worship songwriters.

'Kidsource' contains 400 songs.
'Kidsource 2' has 406 songs.

All the songs in 'Kidsource' and 'Kidsource 2' are set in keys suit­able for young voices; there is a multiplicity of indexes, in­cluding a Key Word Cross Reference index, making the selection of songs as straight­­­forward as possible.

The Combined Words edition con­tains the complete words for all 806 hymns and songs in 'Kidsource' and 'Kidsource 2', in a user­­-friendly typeface.

Kidsource: Full Music Edition and Kidsource Combined Words
Kidsource Combined WordsKidsource: Full Music Edition
  • Author

    Alan Price

  • Book Format


  • Publisher

    Kevin Mayhew

  • Published

    June 1999

  • Editor

    Alan Price

  • Weight


  • Page Count


  • Dimensions

    17.6 x 26 x 3.6 cm

  • ISBN


  • ISBN-10


  • Eden Code


001. 2 4 6 8 Come and Join the Dance
002. 5000+ Hungry Folk

003. Abba, Father, Let me be
004. All Heaven Declares
005. All I One Held Dear
006. All of my Heart
007. All the Creatures
008. All things Bright and Beautiful
009. Amazing Grace
010. A Million Stars are in the Sky
011. And God Said
012. As for me and my House
013. As we Share Bread in the Family of God
014. As with Gladness Men of Old
015. Away in a Manger
016. A Wiggly Waggly Worm

017. Be Bold, Be Strong
018. Because of who He is
019. Be Still, for the Presence of the Lord
020. Be the Centre of my Life

021. Calling on the Spirit
022. Can we Love one Another
023. Can you Count the Stars
024. Can you See what we have Made
025. Celebrate Jesus
026. Christmas, it's Christmas
027. Church is not a Building
028. C-L-A-P, Clap your Hands
029. Clap your Hands
030. Come Along, Everyone
031. Come and Join in the Song
032. Come and Sing
033. Come, Jesus, Come
034. Come on and Celebrate
035. Crackers and Turkeys

036. Dear Lord, my Father who's in Heaven
037. Do Not Worry
038. Don't be Afraid
039. Don't be an Actor
040. Don't Build your House
041. Don't know much about the Ozone Layer
042. Don't Repay Evil for Evil
043. Don't you Worry about Tomorrow
044. Down in the Jungle on a Saturday Night

045. Easter Jubilation
046. Everybody has a Wobble from Time to Time
047. Every Day with Jesus
048. Everywhere He Walks with Me

049. Far and Near
050. Father God, I Come to You
051. Father God, I Know You Love Me So
052. Father God, I Wonder
053. Father God, You Love Me
054. Father, I Can Call You Father
055. Father, I Adore You
056. Father, I Thank You
057. Father, We Adore You
058. Father, Your Word
059. Find the Silence through the Noise
060. For Ever I will Live My Life by Faith
061. For I'm Building a People of Power
062. From Heaven You Came
063. F-U-N-E-N-R-G

064. Get on Board
065. Give Me a Heart of Compassion
066. Give Me Oil in My Lamp
067. Gives! Gives! Gives!
068. Give Thanks with a Greatful Heart
069. Glory
070. God Always has Time for Us
071. God has a Perfect Plan for Me
072. God is Faithful
073. God is Good, God is Great
074. God is Good
075. God is Here, God is Here
076. God is Here, God is Present
077. God is Our Father
078. God is So Good
079. God is the One
080. God Loves You
081. God Loves You So Much
082. God Made a Boomerang
083. Gog Never Gives Up
084. God's Love is Deeper
085. God's not Dead
086. God's People
087. God Rubbered Out All My Mistakes
088. God Trains All His Children
089. God, You can use Me
090. Go, Go, Go
091. Good or Bad
092. Grace is

093. Hands, Hands, Fingers, Thumbs
094. Hang On
095. Harvest Time
096. Have we Made Our God Too Small?
097. Have You Got an Appetite?
098. Have You Heard
099. Have You Heard the Raindrops
100. Have You Seen the Pussycat
101. Heaven is a Wonderful Place
102. He is the King of Kings
103. He is the Lord
104. Here I am, Lord
105. Here I am, Ready to Go
106. Here's a Song
107. Higher, Higher
108. Higher than the Highest Mountain
109. Ho Ho Ho Hosanna
110. Hold on to the Promises of God
111. Hosanna
112. How Did Moses Cross the Red Sea
113. How Good of Father God

114. I am a Lighthouse
115. I am a New Creation
116. I am a Soldier
117. I am Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
118. I am Part of God's Plan
119. I am So Glad
120. I am the Apple of God's Eye
121. I am the Way
122. I Believe in Jesus
123. I can be what God wants me to be
124. I can do All, All, All Things
125. I could Sing Unending Songs
126. I'd Reach for the Stars
127. If I Look in the Mirror
128. If I were a Butterfly
129. If Jesus is De Vine
130. If we Admit to God
131. If you Feel Unhappy
132. If you're going to Run the Race and Win
133. If your Output Exceeds your Input
134. If you See a Special Way
135. I have Hidden Your Word
136. I Just want to Thank You, Lord
137. I Love the Lights on the Christmas Trees
138. I Love to be with you, Jesus
139. I Love you, Lord Jesus
140. I'm Accepted, I'm Forgiven
141. I'm a Full-Time Christian
142. I'm a Pow Pow Powerpack!
143. I'm a Winner
144. I may Live in a Great Big City
145. I'm Enthusiastic
146. I'm getting to Know God as my Dad
147. I'm gonna be a Mighty Warrior
148. I'm gonna Build my House on Solid Rock
149. I'm gonna Clap my Hands and Shout
150. I'm gonna Click
151. I'm gonna Dance on the Streets
152. I'm gonna Shine
153. I'm gonna Walk by Faith
154. I'm in-right, out-right, up-right, down-right Happy
155. I'm just a Shepherd
156. I'm putting God's Armour on
157. I'm putting God's Gear on
158. I'm putting my Hand in your Hand
159. I'm Singing your Praise, Lord
160. I'm so Excited
161. I'm Sorry
162. I'm Special
163. I'm Taking on Board
164. I'm Working Out What it Means to Follow Jesus
165. I'm your Child
166. In All the Galaxy there is No-one Else
167. In Days of Old
168. I Need Faith
169. In Everything that I Do
170. I Once was Frightened
171. I Reach Up High
172. Is it Spooky
173. Isn't it Good
174. It's an Adventure
175. It's Great
176. It Takes an Almighty
177. I Walk by Faith
178. I Wanna be a Light
179. I Wanna Tell You
180. I Want to be a Tree that's Bearing Fruit
181. I Want to be Like Jesus
182. I Want to be Salt for Jesus
183. I Want to Worship You
184. I Will Dance, I Will Sing
185. I Will Enter His Gates
186. I Will Offer Up My Life
187. I Will Show You My Faith
188. I Will Wave My Hands
189. I Won't Wander Off

190. Jehovah Jireh, God will Provide
191. Jesus came Proclaiming
192. Jesus Christ
193. Jesus christ is the Lord of All
194. Jesus' Hands were Kind Hands
195. Jesus is a Friend of Mine
196. Jesus is Greater
197. Jesus is my Friend
198. Jesus isn't Dead Anymore
199. Jesus is our Shepherd
200. Jesus is Special
201. Jesus is the Lighthouse
202. Jesus is the Password
203. Jesus, I will come with you
204. Jesus, Jesus I am Here
205. Jesus, Jesus, I Love you
206. Jesus, Life Giver
207. Jesus' Love has got Under our Skin
208. Jesus' Love is Very Wonderful
209. Jesus put this Song in our Hearts
210. Jesus, Reign in me
211. Jesus, Rock of my Salvation
212. Jesus Rode a Donkey
213. Jesus, Send me the Helper
214. Jesus, Thank you for the Cross
215. Jesus, Touch me Now
216. Jesus wants me
217. Jesus, We Celebrate your Victory
218. Jesus, We Thank you
219. Jesus, you are Here
220. Jesus, you are my King
221. Jesus, you Gave Everything
222. Jesus, you're the King
223. Just as the Father Sent you

224. Keep me Close to you

225. Let me Tell you about a Baby
226. Let's Celebrate
227. Let's get Fit
228. Let's Sing and make Music to the Lord
229. Let us Run with Determination
230. Let us Sing and Praise God
231. Let you Love Shine Through
232. Life is like a Big Wide Ocean
233. Lift His Name High
234. Lord, I Lift your Name on High
235. Lord, I want to be in your Family
236. Lord, Look into my Heart
237. Lord, the Light of your Love
238. Lord, We Cry out
239. Lord, We Give you Praise
240. Lord, We Lift you High
241. Lord, We've come to Worship you
242. Lord, you Gave me Joy in my Heart
243. Lord, you put a Tongue in my Mouth
244. Lord, you've Promised through your Son
245. Lord, Love your Enemies

246. Majesty
247. Make a Joyful Noise
248. Make me a Channel of your Peace
249. Make Way, Make Way
250. Mercy is Falling
251. Midnight
252. Mind the Gap
253. Mister Cow
254. Moses went Down to see Pharoah
255. My Go is so Big
256. My Gos Shall Supply all my Needs
257. My Jesus, My Saviour
258. My Lips Shall Praise You
259. My Rock

260. Na, Na, Na, Na, Na
261. Nobody Likes Zacchaeus
262. Now I belong to Jesus

263. Obey the Maker's Instructions
264. Oh I'm Fighting
265. Oh, it's So Good to Know
266. Oh! Oh! Oh! How Goos is the Lord
267. Oh, Once there was a Father
268. Oh, the Lord is Good
269. Oi, Oi, we are gonna Praise the Lord
270. O Lord, you're Great
271. On Calvary's Tree
272. Once there was a Horse
273. One more Step along the World I go
274. One, Two, Three, Jesus Loves Me
275. Only One of me, Only One of you
276. On my Bed I Remember You
277. On my Tiptoes I am Tall
278. Open our Eyes Lord
279. Over the Mountains and the Sea

280. People brought Children to Jesus
281. Peter and John went to Pray
282. Please fill me, Lord
283. Praise God from whom all Blessings Flow
284. Praise him on the Trumpet
285. Pray at all times
286. Prayer is Like a Telephone

287. Riding High and Low
288. Rise, and Shine, and Give God His Glory
289. Risen!

290. Safe in the Father's Hands
291. See Him Lying in a Bed of Straw
292. Seek ye First
293. Shake a Friend's Hand
294. Shake those Hands
295. Shoop Shoop
296. Sing and Shout your Praise
297. Sing a Song, Sing a Joyful Song
298. Sing Praise
299. So if you Think your Standing Firm
300. So I'll Trust in God
301. So I've Made Up my Mind
302. Some People are Fat
303. Some People Laugh
304. Some Things Make you Angry
305. Sometimes in the Morning I Feel Sad
306. So we're Marching Along
307. Speak, Lord
308. Special Agents
309. Spirit
310. Sun and the Moon and the Starlit Sky
311. S-U-N is shining in the Sky

312. Teach me to Dance
313. Thank you, Jesus
314. Thank you Very Much
315. The blessings of God
316. The gift of God is Eternal Life
317. The Joy of the Lord
318. The Promise of the Holy Spirit is for you
319. The Race
320. There are Hundreds of Sparrows
321. There are Lots of Ways that I can Praise
322. There are so Many Stories
323. There is a God
324. There is a Place
325. There is No-one Else like you
326. There is Power in the Name of Jesus
327. There is so Much to Discover
328. There, on a Cruel Cross
329. There once was a Man Called Daniel
330. There's a King above the Heavens
331. There's Nothing Better
332. There's Nothing I Like Better than to Praise
333. There were Ninety-Nine Sheep
334. The Spirit Lives to set us Free
335. The Time has come
336. The wise Man Built his House upon the Rock
337. The Women went to Jesus' Tomb
338. The Word of the Lord is Planted in my Heart
339. This is a Catchy Songa
340. This is a Song for the Children of the Lord
341. This is the Day
342. This is the Nose that God chose for me
343. This Little Light of Mine
344. Three Little Words that Mean so Much
345. Two Little Eyes

346. Uh Well, It's Excellant to be Obedient
347. Up, Down, Turn Around
348. Up, Up, Up, and Away

349. We are Kingdom Kids
350. We are Marching (Siyahamb'e)
351. We are One, we are Family
352. We are the Lord's Kids
353. We Believe in Hebrews 13:8
354. We don't Believe the Devil's Lie
355. We don't Sing Songs
356. Welcome
357. Welcome to the Family
358. We'll Sing this Song for you
359. We Need to Grow
360. We Praise God
361. We Praise you, Jesus
362. We're a Bright Light Together
363. We're Going to Praise the Lord
364. We wanna Sing about your Love
365. We want to See Jesus Lifted High
366. We will Turn the Hearts
367. We Worship you
368. What a Whale of a Tale
369. What Noise Shall we Make
370. What was it Like for the Shepherds
371. When a Knight Won his Spurs
372. Whenever I'm Afraid
373. When I am Hurt
374. When I Look at the Trees
375. When I'm in Bed and it's Night
376. When I think About the Cross
377. When there is Nowhere to Run
378. When there's Hard Times
379. When the Time is Right
380. When we're Together with Jesus
381. When you Pray
382. When you're Feeling Good
383. Wherever He Rules
384. Whether you're One
385. Who made the Twinkling Stars
386. Who put the Colours in the Rainbow?
387. Who Spoke Words of Wisdom and Life?
388. Who's the King of the Jungle?
389. Who Taught the Spider
390. Why is it me?

391. You are the Best
392. You are the Light of the World
393. You can't Catch a Plane
394. You give me Joy
395. You Lift your Left Arm High
396. You may be Happy, you may be Sad
397. You may Think I'm so Young
398. You Never put a Light under a Dirty Old Bucket
399. Your Name is Jesus
400. You Say the Harvest is Plentiful

Kidsource: Full Music Edition brings joy with 806 praise songs for children.

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