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Buying for a school or church? Upgrade to a FREE Eden Advance AccountThe essential Hymns resource for Anglican Churches
Updated & expanded for today's modern worship
Featuring nearly 600 hymns and worship songs
Anna Hockley
Eden Christian Books Specialist
001 A brighter dawn is breaking
002 A great and mighty wonder
003 A man there lived in Galilee
004 A new commandment I give unto you
005 Abba, Father, let me be
006 Abide with me; fast falls the eventide
007 Adoramus te, Domine
008 Ah, holy Jesus, how hast thou offended
009 All creatures of our God and King
010 All for Jesus, all for Jesus
011 All glory, laud, and honor
012 All hail and welcome, holy child
013 All hail the power of Jesus' name
014 All heaven declares
015 All my hope on God is founded
016 All over the world
017 All people that on earth do dwell
018 All praise to thee, for thou, O King divine
019 All that I am
020 All the nations of the earth
021 All things bright and beautiful
022 All ye who seek for sure relief
023 Alleluia x 8
024 Alleluia, alleluia, give thanks to the risen Lord
025 Alleluia, Alleluia, hearts to heaven and voices raise
026 Alleluia, sing to Jesus
027 Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
028 Among us and before us, Lord, you stand
029 An upper room did our Lord prepare
030 And can it be that I should gain
031 And did those feet in ancient time
032 And now, O Father, mindful of the love
033 Angel voices ever singing
034 Angels, from the realms of glory
035 Around the throne of God a band
036 As Jacob with travel was weary one day
037 As now the sun's declining rays
038 As pants the hart for cooling streams
039 As the deer pants for the water
040 As we are gathered
041 As with gladness men of old
042 Ascribe greatness to our God
043 At even, ere the sun was set
044 At the Cross her station keeping
045 At the Lamb's high feast we sing
046 At the Name of Jesus
047 At this time of giving
048 Author of life divine
049 Awake, awake: fling off the night!
050 Awake, my soul, and with the sun
051 Away in a manger, no crib for a bed
052 Be still and know that I am God
053 Be still, for the presence of the Lord
054 Be still my soul: the Lord is on thy side
055 Be thou my guardian and my guide
056 Be thou my vision, O Lord of my heart
057 Before the ending of the day
058 Behold, the great Creator makes
059 Beneath the cross of Jesus
060 Bind us together, Lord
061 Bless the Lord, my soul
062 Blessed assurance
063 Blest are the pure in heart
064 Blest Creator of the light
065 Born in the night, Mary's child
066 Bread is blessed and broken
067 Bread of heaven, on thee we feed
068 Bread of the world in mercy broken
069 Breathe on me, Breath of God
070 Bright the vision that delighted
071 Brightest and best of the sons of the morning
072 Broken for me, broken for you
073 Brother, sister, let me serve you
074 By your side I would stay
075 Child in the manger
076 Christ is made the sure foundation
077 Christ is our cornerstone
078 Christ is the world's true Light
079 Christ, the fair glory of the holy angels
080 Christ the Lord is risen again
081 Christ triumphant, ever reigning
082 Christ, whose glory fills the skies
083 Christ's is the world
084 Christians, awake! salute the happy morn
085 City of God, how broad and far
086 Cloth for the cradle
087 Colors of day
088 Come and see the King of love
089 Come, come, come to the manger
090 Come down, O Love divine
091 Come, Holy Ghost, our hearts inspire
092 Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire
093 Come, Holy Spirit, come! inflame our souls with love
094 Come, let us join our cheerful songs
095 Come on and celebrate
096 Come, risen Lord, and deign to be our guest
097 Come, thou Holy Spirit, come
098 Come, thou long-expected Jesus
099 Come, ye faithful, raise the anthem
100 Come, ye faithful, raise the strain
101 Come, ye thankful people, come
102 Creator of the starry height
103 Crown him with many crowns
104 Cry "Freedom"
105 Dance and sing
106 Dear Lord and Father of mankind
107 Dearest Jesus, we are here
108 Deck thyself, my soul, with gladness
109 Ding dong! merrily on high
110 Disposer supreme, and Judge of the earth
111 Do not be afraid
112 Drop, drop, slow tears
113 Earth has many a noble city
114 Eternal Father, strong to save
115 Eternal Ruler of the ceaseless round
116 Fair waved the golden corn
117 Faithful Shepherd, feed me
118 Faithful vigil ended
119 Father God, I wonder
120 Father, hear the prayer we offer
121 Father, I place into your hands
122 Father, Lord of all creation
123 Father most holy, merciful and loving
124 Father of heaven, whose love profound
125 Father, we adore you
126 Father, we love you
127 Father, who in Jesus found us
128 Fight the good fight with all thy might
129 Fill thou my life, O Lord my God
130 Fill your hearts with joy and gladness
131 Filled with the Spirit's power
132 Finished the strife of battle now
133 Firmly I believe and truly
134 For all the saints who from their labors rest
135 For I'm building a people of power
136 For Mary, Mother of the Lord
137 For the beauty of the earth
138 For the fruits of his creation
139 For the healing of the nations
140 For thy mercy and thy grace
141 Forgive our sins as we forgive
142 Forth in the peace of Christ we go
143 Forth in thy name, O Lord, I go
144 Forty days and forty nights in Judah's desert
145 Forty days and forty nights
146 From all that dwell below the skies
147 From glory to glory advancing, we praise thee, O Lord
148 From heaven you came
149 From many grains
150 From the sun's rising
151 From the very depths of darkness
152 Gather around, for the table is spread
153 Give me joy in my heart
154 Give thanks with a grateful heart
155 Give to our God immortal praise
156 Give me the wings of faith to rise
157 Gloria (3) (Taiz‚)
158 Glorious things of thee are spoken
159 Glory be to Jesus
160 Glory, love, and praise, and honor
161 Glory to God (Peruvian Gloria)
162 Glory to thee, my God, this night
163 Glory to thee, O God
164 Go forth and tell
165 Go tell it on the mountain
166 God be in my head
167 God forgave my sin
168 God is good
169 God is love, his the care
170 God is Love: let heaven adore him
171 God is our strength from days of old
172 God is working his purpose out
173 God moves in a mysterious way
174 God of grace and God of glory
175 God of mercy, God of grace
176 God rest you merry, gentlemen
177 God save our gracious Queen
178 God, that madest earth and heaven
209 God whose farm is all creation
180 God's Spirit is in my heart
181 Good Christian men, rejoice and sing
182 Good Christian men, rejoice
183 Good King Wenceslas
184 Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost
185 Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise
186 Great is thy faithfulness
187 Great Son of God
188 Guide me, O thou great Jehovah
189 Hail, gladdening Light
190 Hail, O star that pointest
191 Hail the day that sees him rise
192 Hail, thou once-despised Jesus
193 Hail to the Lord's Anointed
194 Hallelujah, my Father
195 Happy are they, they that love God
196 Hark, a thrilling voice is sounding
197 Hark, my soul! it is the Lord
198 Hark the glad sound! the Savior comes
199 Hark, the herald angels sing
200 Hark, the sound of holy voices
201 Have faith in God, my heart
202 Have you heard the raindrops
203 He is exalted
204 He is Lord, he is Lord
205 He who would valiant be
206 He's got the whole world in his hand
207 Heaven shall not wait
208 Help us to help each other, Lord
209 Hills of the north, rejoice
210 Holy, holy, holy, Lord God almighty (Owens)
211 Holy, holy, holy is the Lord
212 Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty
213 Holy Jesus, by thy passion
214 Holy Spirit, come, confirm us
215 Hosanna, hosanna
216 How firm a foundation
217 How good is the God we adore
218 How lovely, Lord, how lovely
219 How lovely on the mountains
220 How sweet the Name of Jesus sounds
221 I am a new creation
222 I am the bread of life
223 I am trusting thee, Lord Jesus
224 I believe in Jesus
225 I bind unto myself today
226 I cannot tell why he, whom angels
227 I come with joy to meet my Lord
228 I danced in the morning
229 I do not know the man
230 I give you all the honor
231 I heard the voice of Jesus say
232 I know that my Redeemer lives
233 I love you, Lord
234 I need thee every hour
235 I, the Lord of sea and sky
236 I will enter his gates
237 I will sing the wondrous story
238 I wonder as I wander
239 I'm accepted, I'm forgiven
240 I'm not ashamed to own my Lord
241 If I were a butterfly
242 Immortal, invisible, God only wise
243 Immortal love for ever full
244 In Christ there is no East or West
245 In full and glad surrender
246 In heavenly love abiding
247 In our day of thanksgiving one psalm let us offer
248 In the bleak midwinter
249 In the Cross of Christ I glory
250 In the Lord I'll be ever thankful
251 Infant holy, Infant lowly
252 Inspired by love and anger
253 It came upon the midnight clear
254 It fell upon a summer day
255 It is a thing most wonderful
256 It's me, O Lord
257 James and Andrew, Peter and John
258 Jerusalem, my happy home
259 Jerusalem the golden
260 Jesus, grant me this, I pray
261 Jesus, lover of my soul
262 Jesus, priceless treasure
263 Jesus, Son of Mary
264 Jesus, the very thought of thee
265 Jesus, thou joy of loving hearts
266 Jesus calls us! o'er the tumult
267 Jesus Christ is risen today
268 Jesus Christ is waiting
269 Jesus, good above all other
270 Jesus is Lord
271 Jesus, Jesus, holy and anointed one
272 Jesus lives! thy terrors now
273 Jesus, name above all names
274 Jesus, Prince and Savior
275 Jesus put this song into our hearts
276 Jesus, remember me
277 Jesus shall reign where'er the sun
278 Jesus shall take the highest honor
279 Jesus stand among us at the meeting of our lives
280 Jesus, stand among us
281 Jesus took a piece of bread
282 Jesus, where'er thy people meet
283 Joy to the world! The Lord is come
284 Jubilate, everybody
285 Judge eternal, throned in splendor
286 Just a closer walk with thee
287 Just as I am, without one plea
288 King of glory, King of peace
289 Kum ba yah
290 Kyrie (Taiz‚)
291 Laudate Dominum (Taiz‚)
292 Lead, kindly Light, amid the encircling gloom
293 Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us
294 Led like a lamb
295 Let all mortal flesh keep silence
296 Let all the world in every corner sing
297 Let saints on earth in concert sing
298 Let there be love
299 Let us break bread together on our knees
300 Let us praise God together
301 Let us talents and tongues employ
302 Let us with a gladsome mind
303 Lift high the cross, the love of Christ proclaim
304 Lift up your hearts! We lift them, Lord, to thee
305 Light's abode, celestial Salem
306 Little Jesus, sweetly sleep
307 Lo, he comes with clouds descending
308 Lord Christ, who on thy heart
309 Lord, enthroned in heavenly splendor
310 Lord, for the years
311 Lord Jesus Christ, you have come to us
312 Lord Jesus, think on me
313 Lord of all hopefulness, Lord of all joy
314 Lord of beauty, thine the splendor
315 Lord of our life, and God of our salvation
316 Lord, teach us how to pray aright
317 Lord, the light of your love is shining
318 Lord, thy word abideth
319 Lord, we come to ask your healing
320 Love came down at Christmas
321 Love divine, all loves excelling
322 Love is his word, love is his way
323 Love of the Father, Love of God the Son
324 Love's redeeming work is done
325 Loving Shepherd of thy sheep
325 Loving Shepherd of thy sheep
326 Low in the grave he lay
327 Majesty, worship his majesty
328 Make me a channel of your peace
330 Man of sorrows, wrapped in grief
331 Mary, blessed grieving mother
332 Mary, blessed teenage mother
333 May the grace of Christ our Savior
334 May the mind of Christ my Savior
335 Meekness and majesty
336 Mine eyes have seen the glory
337 Morning has broken
338 Moses, I know you're the man
339 My faith looks up to thee
340 My Father, for another night
341 My God, accept my heart this day
342 My God, and is thy table spread
343 My God, how endless is thy love
344 My God, I love thee; not because
345 My Lord, what love is this
346 My song is love unknown
347 Nothing can trouble
348 Nearer, my God, to thee
349 New every morning is the love
350 New songs of celebration render
351 Now is eternal life
352 Now let us from this table rise
353 Now, my tongue, the mystery telling
354 Now thank we all our God
355 Now the green blade riseth
356 O breath of life, come sweeping through us
357 O come, all ye faithful
358 O come, O come Emmanuel
359 O dearest Lord, thy sacred head
360 O for a closer walk with God
361 O for a heart to praise my God
362 O for a thousand tongues to sing
363 O God, beyond all praising
364 O God of Bethel, by whose hand
365 O God of earth and altar
366 O God, our help in ages past
367 O God, unseen, yet ever near
368 O happy band of pilgrims
369 O happy day that fixed my choice
370 O Holy Ghost, thy people bless
371 O Holy Spirit, Lord of grace
372 O Jesus, I have promised
373 O King enthroned on high
374 O Lamb of God, most holy
375 O let the Son of God enfold you
376 O little One sweet, O little One mild
377 O little town of Bethlehem
378 O Lord, all the world belongs to you
379 O Lord hear my prayer
380 O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder
381 O Lord of our salvation
382 O Lord, your tenderness
383 O love, how deep, how broad, how high
384 O Love that wilt not let me go
385 O most merciful
386 O my Savior, lifted
387 O perfect Love, all human thought transcending
388 O praise ye the Lord! praise him in the height
389 O sacred head, surrounded
390 O strength and stay upholding all creation
391 O thou, who at thy Eucharist didst pray
392 O thou who camest from above
393 O worship the King all glorious above
394 O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness
395 Of the Father's love begotten
396 Oft in danger, oft in woe
397 Oh! Oh! Oh! how good is the Lord
398 O, the love of my Lord
399 On a hill far away
400 On Christmas night all Christians sing
401 On Jordan's bank the Baptist's cry
402 On this day, the first of days
403 Once in royal David's city
404 Once, only once, and once for all
405 One more step along the world I go
406 One shall tell another
407 Only by grace
408 Onward, Christian pilgrims
409 Open our eyes, Lord
410 Our blest Redeemer, ere he breathed
411 Our Father (Caribbean)
412 Peace is flowing like a river
413 Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin
414 Peace, perfect peace, is the gift
415 Peace to you
416 Peter and John went to pray
417 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow
418 Praise him on the trumpet
419 Praise him, praise him, all his children
420 Praise him praise him! Jesus, our blessed Redeemer
421 Praise him, praise him, praise him in the morning
422 Praise, my soul, the King of heaven
423 Praise, O praise our God and King
424 Praise the Lord, rise up rejoicing
425 Praise the Lord, ye heavens, adore him
426 Praise to the Holiest in the height
427 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation
428 Purify my heart
429 Put thou thy trust in God
430 Rejoice in the Lord always
431 Rejoice, O land, in God thy might
432 Rejoice, the Lord is King
433 Rejoice, the year upon its way
434 Restore, O Lord
435 Ride on, ride on in majesty
436 Rise and shine
437 Rock of ages, cleft for me
438 Savior, again to thy dear name we raise
439 See amid the winter's snow
440 See him lying on a bed of straw
441 See the Conqueror mounts in triumph
442 Seek ye first the kingdom of God
443 Shall we not love thee, Mother dear
444 Silent night! Holy night!
445 Sing lullaby!
446 Sing, my tongue, the glorious battle
447 Sing to God new songs of worship
448 Sing we of the Blessed Mother
449 Soldiers of Christ, arise
450 Soldiers, who are Christ's below
451 Songs of thankfulness and praise
452 Soul of my Savior, sanctify my breast
453 Spirit of mercy, truth and love
454 Spirit of the living God (Iverson)
455 Spirit of the living God (Armstrong)
456 Stand up, and bless the Lord
457 Stand up, stand up for Jesus
458 Stay with me
459 Steal away
460 Strengthen for service, Lord, the hands
461 Such love
462 Sun of my soul, thou Savior dear
463 Sweet sacrament divine
464 Take my life, and let it be
465 Take up thy cross, the Savior said
466 Teach me, my God and King
467 Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord
468 Thank you, Lord, for this new day
469 Thanks for the fellowship
470 The advent of our God
471 The angel Gabriel from heaven came
472 The Church of God a kingdom is
473 The Church's one foundation
474 The day of Resurrection
475 The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended
476 The eternal gifts of Christ the King
477 The first Nowell the angel did say
478 The God of Abraham praise
479 The God of love my Shepherd is
480 The head that once was crowned with thorns
481 The holly and the ivy
482 The ink is black
483 The King is among us
484 The King of love my Shepherd is
485 The Lord is King! lift up thy voice
486 The Lord is my light
487 The Lord is my song
488 The Lord is risen indeed
489 The Lord will come and not be slow
490 The Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not want
491 The race that long in darkness pined
492 The royal banners forward go
493 The spacious firmament on high
494 The Spirit lives to set us free
495 The strife is o'er, the battle done
496 The Virgin Mary had a baby boy
497 Thee we adore, O hidden Savior, thee
498 There are hundreds of sparrows
499 There is a green hill far away
500 There is a Redeemer
501 There's a wideness in God's mercy
502 Thine arm, O Lord, in days of old
503 Thine be the glory, risen, conquering Son
504 Thine for ever! God of love
505 Think of a world without any flowers
506 This is my body
507 This is my will, my one command
508 This is the day
509 This joyful Eastertide
510 This little light of mine
511 This world you have made
512 Thou art the way: by thee alone
513 Thou didst leave thy throne and thy kingly crown
514 Thou, whose almighty word
515 Three in One, and One in Three
516 Through all the changing scenes of life
517 Through the night of doubt and sorrow
518 Thy hand, O God, has guided
519 Thy Kingdom come, O God
520 Thy Kingdom come! on bended knee
521 Thy way, not mine, O Lord
522 To God be the glory, great things he has done
523 To the Name of our salvation
524 To thee, O Lord, our hearts we raise
525 Ubi caritas et amor (Taiz‚)
526 Unto us a boy is born
527 Virgin-born, we bow before thee
528 Wait for the Lord
529 Wake, awake, for night is flying
530 We believe in God the Father
531 We hail thy Presence glorious
532 We have a gospel to proclaim
533 We love the place, O God
534 We plow the fields, and scatter
535 We pray thee, heavenly Father
536 We sing the praise of him who died
537 We three kings of Orient are
538 We will lay our burden down
539 We'll walk the land
540 Were you there when they crucified my Lord?
541 What a Friend we have in Jesus
542 What child is this, who, laid to rest
543 When a knight won his spurs
544 When all thy mercies, O my God
545 When God Almighty came to earth
546 When I feel the touch
547 When I look into your holiness
548 When I needed a neighbor were you there
549 When I survey the wondrous Cross
550 When in our music God is glorified
551 When morning gilds the skies
552 When our God came to earth
553 When we walk with the Lord
554 While shepherds watched their flocks by night
555 Who are these like stars appearing
556 Who is this, so weak and helpless
557 Who put the colors in the rainbow?
558 Who would think
559 Wide, wise as the ocean
560 Will you come and follow me?
561 Will your anchor hold in the storms of life?
562 Within our darkest night
563 Ye choirs of new Jerusalem
564 Ye holy angels bright
565 Ye servants of God, your Master proclaim
566 Ye servants of the Lord
567 Ye watchers and ye holy ones
568 Ye who own the faith of Jesus
569 You are beautiful
570 You are the King of glory
571 You shall go out with joy
Geoffrey Moore
Book Format
Kevin Mayhew
May 1996
Words ed Anglican Revised ed
Geoffrey Moore
Page Count
16.2 x 23.2 x 2.2 cm
Eden Code
The original edition which has sold in excess of 400,000 copies since it was published five years ago.
? 600 Hymns and Songs
? Exhaustive Indexes
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