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The Source, Vol. 3, Full Music Edition

  • Hardback
  • Publisher: Kevin Mayhew
  • 15.8 x 24 x 4.9 cm


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For worship leaders and church musicians of all ages

The Source, Vol. 3 solves song selection challenges

You will enrich your worship experience with diverse music

The Source, Vol. 3 is a comprehensive collection of 1700 praise and worship songs.

The latest addition to the source series brings the total number of songs in the three volumes to 1700 making it the UK's largest collection of praise and worship material and hymns. Reflecting the huge diversity of music used by the worshipping Church today; together with volumes 1 and 2, the source is now exactly what it says: a truly comprehensive musical resource that will have a wide appeal across churches of many denominations.

There is an identifiable trend amongst current worship leaders to honour the rich heritage of hymnody that has expressed the worshipping heart of God's people over many, many years. source 3 faithfully reflects this desire to put the very best of old and new together: alongside cutting-edge new material by the world's leading worship songwriters are fine old hymns full of great doctrinal truth. source 3 is packed with the very best songs from the generation of writers who have powerfully impacted our worship over recent years: Matt Redman, Tim Hughes, Martin Smith and other writers whose songs resonated with thousands of young people at last summer's Soul in the City event are well-represented in this collection.

A free CD-Rom is included which contains the full text of all the songs in the source family, across the three volumes. Using our extensive search facility you can select the song you require, then simply copy/paste it into your document. This CD Rom will be a useful tool, giving you the flexibility and creativity to really enhance your worship.

This index gives the first line of each hymn. If a hymn is known by an alternative title, this is also given indented but in italics.


Above all else
Above all else
Across the lands
A Father to the fatherless
All around your throne
All creation worships you
Alleluia, alleluia, Jesus, risen Lord of life!
Alleluia! What a Saviour!
All I am, Lord
All I can bring
All honour
All I need
All my days
All my fountains are in you
All my love
All of heaven's treasure
All of me
All of me
All of my heart
All of you
All shall be well!
All that I need
All that matters
All that thrills
All that turns my eyes from you
All the beauty I can see
All the days of my life
All the earth
All the earth
All the earth will sing
All the heavens
All the kings will bow
All the way to Calvary
All we, like sheep
All you have done
Almighty God, Holy One
A love so amazing
A love so undeserved
Ancient words
And after all
Angels bow
Answer me when I call
Anthem of the free
A purple robe
Arise and sing
Arise: a prayer for peace
Arise, King of kings
Around you such beauty
As angels
As angels looked on
As for me and my house
Ashes to beauty
As high as the heavens (Shepherd)
As high as the heavens (Martin)
As if you were not there
As I look at you
A song of freedom
As the light of the sun
As we bring our songs
As we come today
As we come to your throne
As we gather
At the foot of the cross
At this table we remember
Awake, awake
Awake, awake, O Zion
Awesome God
A wonderful Saviour
A word is spoken

Beautiful, lovely Jesus
Beautiful One
Beautiful Saviour
Beauty for ashes
Beauty of your peace
Because of you
Because we believe
Be glorified
Behold I am the first and the last
Behold the Lamb of God
Behold the Son of God
Be lifted up
Beloved and blessed
Be my all
Be my guide
Better than life
Better than life
Better than the riches of this world
Bigger than the air I breathe
Blessed be your name
Blessed to be a blessing
Blessing, glory and honour
Bread of life
Breaking out
Breathe on me
Breathing the breath
Bring your best to their worst
Broken, through my weakness
By your blood

Call to worship
Can a thousand souls be won in a day?
Can't stop talking
Celebrate in the Lord
Celebrate the Lord of love
Celebration song
Change me on the inside
Child of God
Child of the King
Chosen to go
Christ be before me
Christ, be our light!
Christ is risen
Christ's is the world
Christ the Lord is risen again
Close to you
Come and worship
Come, come let us return to the Lord
Come, heal this land
Come, heal this land
Come, Holy Spirit
Come into his presence
Come into the holy of holies
Come, let us sing
Come, Lord Jesus
Come near to me
Come, praise the Lord
Come, see the Lord
Come, share his resurrection
Come to the table
Come, wounded Healer
Comfort me
Consuming fire
Created to worship
Crown of glory, crown of thorns

Dance, dance
Dancing generation
Dancing on holy ground
Day after day
Deep in my heart
Deep in my soul
Do not be afraid
Do something beautiful
Draw us near
Dreamers of impossible dreams

Eagles' wings
Even if the world should fall around me
Even when we turned our backs on you
Everlasting God
Ever living God
Everybody sing
Every breath
Every day
Every day that I live
Every day with you, Lord
Every morning that breaks
Everything cries O Holy'
Everything's gonna be OK
Exceeding joy

Face to face
Faithful Father with Your faithfulness
Faithful, mighty, glorious
Fall, Holy Spirit, fall
Famous one
Far across the world
Father, into your courts I will enter
Father, let me dedicate
Father, make us one
Father of heaven, whose love profound
Father of life
Father of love
Father to the fatherless
Father, we have sinned against you
Father, your love
Flow to you
For all you've done
Forever in my heart
For every disappointment
Forgiven, forgiven
For riches of salvation
For the cross
For the grace of God
For the honour
For the life of the world
For the Lord is good
For the Lord our God reigns
For your name is holy
From everlasting
From the heights of glory
From the rising of the sun
From the squalor of a borrowed stable

Giver of grace
Giver of life
Give thanks
Glorious one
Glory and gratitude and praise
Glory to him who has saved us
Glory to the Lord our God
God holds the key of all unknown
God is good
God is here
God is so good
God is the strength of my heart
God of glory, God of wonder
God of grace
God of holiness
God of restoration
Great and mighty
Great God of wonders!
Great is the Lord God Almighty
Great is your faithfulness

Hallelujah, for the Lord our God
Hallelujah, our God reigns
Hallelujah, there will be no other
Hark! the voice of love and mercy
Have mercy on me
Have mercy on me, O Lord
Have you not known
Healer, heal me
Healing love
Heal me, O Lord
Hear all creation
Hear from heaven
Heart and soul
Hear the sound
Heaven came down
He hideth my soul
He is high and exalted
He is the King
He is the King of kings
He is Yahweh
Here I am
Here I am to worship
Here I stand (Bell)
Here I stand (Zschech)
Here I stand before you, Lord
Here I stand in your presence
Here we are
Here we stand
Here we stand in your presence
He's the Lily of the Valley
Hide me now
Hiding in thee
High above
High and exalted
His wounds, my healing
Holiness, holiness
Holy God
Holy, holy
Holy, holy are you, Lord
Holy, holy God Almighty
Holy, holy, holy Lord
Holy, holy Lord
Holy, holy Lord God Almighty
Holy is the Lord
Holy moment
Holy One
Holy praise
Holy Spirit, come
Holy Spirit, hear my prayer
Holy Spirit, we wait on you
Holy words long preserved
Hope of the nations
How amazing
How awesome is your name
How could I but love you
How good is the God we adore
How good it is
How good you have been to me
How long?
How matchless is your love
How sweet the name of Jesus sounds

I am yours
I behold your power and glory
I believe
I believe in Jesus
I belong to you
I bow down
I can do all things
I come before you
I come by the blood
I come to bow down
I come to you
I dream of tongues of fire
I enter the Holy of holies
If I could have one desire
If I have not love
If it wasn't for your mercy
I fix my eyes on you
If there's one thing
If you're looking for somebody
If your presence doesn't go with us
I have come to worship
I have found exceeding joy
I have heard so many songs
I have his word
I have seen a mystery
I heard the sound of voices
I just want to love
I know you love me
I lay it down
I lay my life down at your feet
I lift my voice
I live for you
I live my life to worship you
I live to worship
I'll always love you
I'll never stop
I long for freedom
I long to be so close to you
I love to tell the story
I love you, Lord
I love you, Lord
I'm amazed
I'm calling out to you
I'm coming back to you, my Father
I'm learning to love you
I'm making melody
I'm trading my sorrows
In and out of season
In Christ alone
I need thee every hour
I need you here
I never knew a sweeter name before
In every day that dawns
In him we live and move
In the beauty of holiness
In the presence of holiness
In the presence of your people
In this place
Into the centre
Into your hands
Into your presence we come
In your presence
In your presence
In your presence, O God
In you we live
I rejoiced when they said to me
I rejoice in your love
I see the cross
I see the Lord (Chisum/Moen)
I see the Lord (Oakley)
I stand amazed
I surrender
I surrender
It is the church
It is to you I lift my eyes
It's amazing
It's me, it's me, O Lord
I've had questions
I've thrown it all away
I want to be holy
I want to be more like you
I want to give you more
I want to hear you say
I was glad
I was made to praise you
I was sinking deep in sin
I will be a living sacrifice
I will bless the Lord forever
I will dance,
I will sing
I will enter your house
I will lift my voice and sing
I will love you for the cross
I will magnify you
I will never be the same
I will not be afraid
I will praise him
I will praise you
I will praise you, my God and King
I will rejoice
I will rejoice
I will sing
I will sing of your love for ever
I will worship
I worship you (Merkel)
I worship you (Thompson)

Jesus, almighty Saviour
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ is Lord
Jesus Christ is waiting
Jesus come, come reveal
Jesus, draw me even nearer
Jesus, hope of the nations
Jesus! am resting
Jesus, I could sing
Jesus is exalted
Jesus is Lord
Jesus, I've come to worship
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
Jesus, keep me near the cross
Jesus, King of the ages
Jesus, my friend
Jesus, my Lord
Jesus, my passion in life
Jesus, my Saviour, to Bethlehem came
Jesus, Redeemer
Jesus shall reign where'er the sun
Jesus, the Holy One
Jesus, the name that sets our hearts ablaze
Jesus the same
Jesus, the source of all our joy
Jesus, we celebrate your fame
Jesus won it all
Jesus, you alone
Jesus, you are
Jesus, you are my King
Joy is in this place
Joy of my desire
Joyous light of heavenly glory
Just got to be with you
Just to be with you

King Jesus, I believe
King of love
King of love
King of majesty
King of my life
King of the ages (Getty/Townend)
King of the ages (Heaslip)
Knowing your grace

Lately, I've been thinking about you
Lead me on, Lord
Lead me to Calvary
Lead us, Lord
Learning to love you
Let all creation praise the Lord
Let earth and heaven combine
Let my words be few
Let's think about our God
Let the earth and heavens rejoice
Let the exile come
Let the living stones cry out
Let the name of the Lord
Let there be blessing
Let there be glory and honour and praises
Let us go to the house of the Lord
Let worship be the fuel
Let your kingdom come
Lift my eyes
Lift up your heads
Lift up your heads
Light of my life
Light of the world
Light of the world
Like a fragrant oil
Like eagles
Like the sunshine
Longing for light
Look away to the cross
Looking for your presence
Look my way
Looks like tonight
Lord, I am not my own
Lord, I come expectant
Lord, I come to you
Lord, I stand in the midst of the multitude
Lord, I will bow to you
Lord, let your glory fall
Lord most high
Lord of the harvest
Lord of the harvest
Lord, send the rain
Lord, the love you give
Lord, this heart must sing
Lord, turn your footsteps
Lord, we believe when we call
Lord, we come to seek your face
Lord, we wait
Lord, we welcome you
Lord, what a sacrifice I see
Lord, you seem so far
Lost in wonder
Love lifted me
Love so amazing
Love unfailing
Lord, you are good

Made me glad
Make a joyful noise
Maker of all things
Making melody
Man of sorrows
Many are the words we speak
May the words of my mouth
May this journey
May we be a shining light
May we daily drink from your river
May your presence go with us
Mercies anew
Mercy flows
Mercy in our time of failure
Miracle in my heart
Mission's flame
More than conquerors
More than life
Multiply your love
My desire
My faith looks up to thee
My Father's here
My God reigns
My heart is filled with thankfulness
My help
My hope
My hope rests firm
My Lord, I come to honour you
My Redeemer
My Redeemer lives
My reward
My Saviour, Redeemer
My soul
My soul glorifies the Lord
My soul is yearning

Name above all names
Nations rise and nations fall
Need you here
New generation
No eye has seen
None but Christ can satisfy
No one else is worthy
No one like you, Lord
No other name
Not by words and not by deeds
Nothing in this world
Nothing is too much to ask
Not I, but Christ
Not to us
Now I belong to Jesus
Now the grave in the tomb is empty
Now to live the life

O Christ, in thee my soul hath found
O for a thousand tongues
O God of love
O God, you search me
Oh, how dark the night
Oh, safe to the rock
Oh, that we might see your glory
O Jesus, Son of God
O Lord, to you
O Lord, you've searched me
O my soul
O my soul, arise and bless your maker
On bended knee
One day
One desire
One God
One offer of salvation
One way
Only a God like you
Only you
Open my eyes that I may see
Open our eyes, Lord
O praise him
O sacred King
O soul, are you weary
O the blood of Jesus
O the blood of the Passover Lamb
O the King is coming
O, to see you
Our God is a great big God
Our God is strong and mighty
Our God reigns
Our God reigns
Outrageous grace
Over me
O what a wonderful, wonderful day

Passion for Jesus
Pass me not, O gentle Saviour
Pierced for our transgressions
Pour over me
Praise be to you, Father God
Praise the Father
Praise the Lord
Praise the Lord from the heavens (Brewster)
Praise the Lord from the heavens (Kendrick)
Praise to Christ, the Lord incarnate
Press into the heart of the Father
Princes and paupers
Prophet, Priest and King
Psalm 100
Psalm 113
Psalm 148
Pure light
Put peace into each other's hands

Rejoice and be glad!
Rejoice with trembling
Rest in his promise
Resurrection hymn
Risen One
Room at the cross

Salt and light
Salvation and glory
Salvation, spring up
Saviour, I will sing to you
Saviour of the world
Say the word
Seeing you
Seeking for me!
See, what a morning
Send down the fire
Send out your light
Shall we gather at the river
Shalom, Jerusalem
Shalom, shalom
Shepherd of my thankful heart
Shine your light
Shine your light on us
Shout out to the Lord
Show me how to stand for justice
Simply believe
Simply loving you
Since Jesus came into my heart
Sing for joy
Sing glory to God the Father
Sing hallelujah!
Sing out
Sing over me, Jesus
Sing them over again to me
Sing unto the Lord
Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling
So, I sing of the cross
Song from the heart
Song of freedom
Son of God
So sing
Soul's desire
Source of life
Sovereign Lord
Spirit, Holy Spirit
Spirit of the Lord
Stand in the gap
Stand up and clap your hands
Stand up and give him the praise
Stand up, stand up for Jesus
Sweet by and by
Sweeter name

Take me higher
Take my life
Take not your Spirit from me
Take the world but give me Jesus
Take us to the river
Teach us, O Lord, to number our days
Tell me the stories of Jesus
Tender Saviour
Thank you for the blood
Thank you for the cross
Thank you for the cross
Thank you, thank you for the blood
That's why I give my life
The Blessing
The cross before me
The cross still stands
The diamond turns
The eyes of my heart
The Father's embrace
The Father's song
The giver of grace
The glory of the cross
The glory of the cross
The greatest gift
The greatest love
The head that once was crowned with thorns
The heart of my King
The holiest place
The image of the invisible God
The King is coming
The Lord bless you and keep you
The Lord thy God
The love of God comes close
The power of your love
The promise of your cross
There are shadows cast across the sun
Therefore the redeemed
There is a day
There is a higher throne
There is a hope so sure
There is a new song
There is a place of quiet rest
There is one name
There must be more
There's a call (Moen)
There's a call (Townend)
There's a cry
There's a land that is fairer than day
There's a light in the darkness
There's a lot of pain
There's a new generation
There's a people
There shall be showers of blessing
There's nowhere else
There will be no other
The solid rock
The sun cannot compare
The voice of hope
The way the sun breaks through
The wonder of your cross
Think about his love
This is a time
This is my song of praise with Certain as the rivers
This is the anthem of the free
This is what I live to do
Though I've seen troubles
Through all the changing scenes of life
Through our God
Thy word
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet
Times of refreshing
'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus
Today I awake
Today I choose
To honour you
To the ends of the earth
To the King
To the one God
To the river
To worship
Trade your heavy heart
Trading my sorrows
Trust and obey
Trust in the Lord
Trust, trust in the Lord
Turn your ear
Turn your eyes upon Jesus

Under the blood
Unashamed love
Upon a cross of shame

Victory song

We all bow down
We are a shining light
We are called to be prophets
We are your people
We believe
We believe in God
We call upon your name
We come to your mountain
We could watch you from afar
We crown you now
We fall down
We give glory
We give thanks
We have cried out
We have nothing to give
We humble ourselves
We humbly pray
We journey on
Welcomed in to the courts of the King
We lift up your name
We place you on the highest place
We pray for peace
We're here because of grace
We're here to bless your name
Were you there when they crucified my Lord?
We see the Lord
We speak to the nations
We stand
We stand and lift up our hands
We stand in the gap
We turn our eyes to you
We've come to bless your name
We've come to praise your name
We've come to sing
We wait
We want to see your glory
We will go
We will proclaim
We will seek you first, Lord
We will see the glory of the Lord
What a gift
What a wonderful change
What a wonderful Saviour
What have we to show our Saviour
What I have vowed
What love is this
What wisdom once devised the plan
What wondrous love is this
When all around is fading
When I sing my praise
When I think about the Lord
When I think about you
When it's all been said and done
When I turn my eyes
When I was lost
When I worship you
When the roll is called up yonder
When the sunlight is shining
When the tears fall
When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound
When we walk with the Lord
Where angels fear to tread
Where do I go
Where the Spirit of the Lord is
Where would I be
While today is still today
Who can cheer the heart
Who is like the Lord?
Who is like you, O Lord?
Who is moving on the waters
Who is there like you
Who is this who rises like the dawn?
Whole world in his hands
Who made the stars
Whom have I in heaven but you?
Who you are
Wider than the ocean
Will you worship?
With all faith
With all I am
With a true heart
With every breath
With God all things are possible
Wonderful Maker
Wonderful, so wonderful
Wonderful words of life
Worship the Lord
Worthy is the Lamb
Worthy of praises
Worthy, you are worthy

Yesterday, today, forever
You alone
You are
You are all that matters
You are beautiful
You are beautiful
You are everything
You are exalted, Lord
You are God
You are God in heaven
You are good
You are good to me
You are great
You are my anchor
You are my God (Henry)
You are my God (Delavan)
You are my soul's desire
You are righteous
You are the God that never sleeps
You are the Lord
You are the Lord, the famous one
You are with You are the Lord
You are the one
You are the peace
You are the perfect and righteous God
You are the stone
You are worthy
You call us first
You came from heaven's splendour
You came into my life
You came to earth
You chose the cross
You come close to the broken-hearted
You forgave my sins
You formed us from the dust
You have been so good
You have given me new life
You hear, O Lord
You hold the sea
You know
You know that I love you
You laid down your majesty
You led me to the cross
You lived
You make me lie down in green pastures
You make me want to be like you
You, O Lord, are a holy God
You opened up my eyes
Your beauty is astounding
Your blood says everything
Your call
You're calling me
You're marvellous
You're my God
You're my Shepherd
You're the one who made the heavens
You're the solid rock
You're the strength of my life
You're the word of God the Father
Your love
Your love
Your love is deep
Your love is everlasting
Your love, O Lord
Your love, your love is extravagant
Your love, your mercy
Your loving-kindness
Your mercy taught us
Your name is highly exalted
Your name is holy
Your name is love
Yours is the kingdom
Your voice has stilled
Your voice is the voice
Your whisper to my soul
You said to seek
You shaped the heavens
You shine
You spread out the skies
You've had mercy on me

The Source, Vol. 3, Full Music Edition and Songs of Fellowship 3 - Music Edition
Songs of Fellowship 3 - Music EditionThe Source, Vol. 3, Full Music Edition
  • Author

    Graham Kendrick

  • Book Format


  • Publisher

    Kevin Mayhew

  • Published

    February 2006

  • Weight


  • Dimensions

    15.8 x 24 x 4.9 cm

  • ISBN


  • ISBN-10


  • Eden Code


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