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Songs of Fellowship 3 - Music Edition

540 worship songs and hymns - includes full words CD ROM

by Various

  • Hardback
  • 1170 pages
  • Publisher: Kingsway
  • 16.6 x 24.1 x 5.3 cm


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The essential Church worship resource

Songs of Fellowship 3 the music edition provides a additional mix of worship songs and hymns

Includes an accompanying words CD-ROM

Part 3 of the loved and trusted series, Songs of Fellowship 3 contains worship songs from some of the biggest names in Christian Worship Music.

Songs of Fellowship volume 3 provides 540 worship songs and hymns featuring the latest from the world's leading worship songwriters. The book is a fantastic collection of worship music for Church congregation or small groups.

Songs of Fellowship volume 3 includes a CD ROM, containing the words of the songs featured in this book.

Songs of Fellowship 3 - Music Edition and Songs of Fellowship 1-6 Combined Words Edition
Songs of Fellowship 1-6 Combined Words EditionSongs of Fellowship 3 - Music Edition
  • Book Format


  • Publisher


  • Published

    April 2003

  • Edition

    Music edition

  • Weight


  • Page Count


  • Dimensions

    16.6 x 24.1 x 5.3 cm

  • ISBN


  • ISBN-10


  • Eden Code


Featured in

The song titles for Volume 3 are:

A humble heart
A life of love
A little bit closer
A refuge for the poor
Above all
Above all else
Across the lands
Again and again
All around Your throne (Oakley)
All creation cries to You
All for Jesus
All glory, laud and honour
All I ask of You
All I know (Richards/Drain)
All I want is You
All I want to say
All my days
All my life
All my love
All of me (Robinson)
All of You
All over the world (Riley)
All the earth (Ulugia/Huirua)
All the heavens
All the way my Saviour leads me
All to Jesus I surrender
All who are thirsty
Alleluia, alleluia (Ryce-Kelly/Johnston)
Almighty God (Vargeson)
Almighty God, Holy One
Almighty God, to whom all hearts are open
Amazing grace (Fellingham)
Amazing love (Love is patient)
And after all
And I'm forgiven
Angels bow
Apostles' Creed (Townend/Getty)
Are the prayers of the saints?
Arms of love (Gregory)
Around You such beauty
As for me and my house
As I am known
As sure as gold is precious
As we bring our songs
As we come today
As we lift up Your name
At the foot of the cross (Gate)
At the foot of the cross (Sheppard)
At this table we remember
Awake, awake, O Zion (Fellingham)
Awake, my soul
Awesome God (Beeching)
Be glorified (Tomlin/Reeves/Giglio)
Be lifted up
Be still
Be the Centre
Beautiful Lord
Beautiful One
Beautiful Saviour
Because of You (Bilbrough)
Before one ever came to be
Before the throne of God above
Behold the Lamb of glory comes
Belov?d and Bless?d
Bless?d are the poor
Bless?d be Your name
Blessed to be a blessing
Blessing and honour (Townend)
Book of days
Born in the night
Breaking out
Breathe (Barnett)
Breathe on me (Lawrence/Robinson)
Brighter than the sun
Bring Your best to their worst
By Your side (Sampson)
Calling all nations
Can I see heaven?
Can you hear Him singing?
Carry me
Celebrate in the Lord
Child of the King
Christ is made the sure foundation
Christ, whose glory fills the skies
Close to You
Closer (Riley)
Come all you people
Come down, O Love divine
Come near to me
Come to the table
Come to us
Come, let us worship
Come, now is the time
Come, praise the Lord
Come, see the Lord
Come, see this glorious Light
Come, wounded Healer
Consider it joy
Consuming fire
Covenant of grace
Create in me (Redman)
Creation praise
Crying out to You
Dancing on holy ground
Day after day
Days of rage and wonder
Divine exchange
Do not be afraid
Do you love to praise the Lord?
Don't build your house
Draw me after You
Draw me close to You
Draw me closer (Precious Saviour)
Draw me near (And I will walk with You)
Draw me near to You
Draw me to Your side
Drawn from every tribe
Dreamers of Your dreams
Dwell in Your house
Eagles' wings
Eat this bread
Eternal Father, strong to save
Everlasting (Rinaldi)
Every breath
Every breath I breathe
Every day (Houston)
Every day (Redman)
Every day He is watching
Every morning
Everything cries holy
Falling on my knees (Scott)
Famous One
Father of life, draw me closer
Father, hear the prayer we offer
Father, into Your courts I will enter
Father, we have sinned against You
Fill me now
Find rest all the earth
For the cross (Redman)
For the cross (Sandeman)
For the fruits of His creation
For the healing of the nations
For the Lord is good
For this cause
Forever You're the same
Forgiven (Getty)
Forth in Thy name, O Lord, I go
From the rising of the sun (Grafstrom)
From the squalor of a borrowed stable
Give thanks to the Lord (Forever)
Give us clean hands
Giver of grace
Giving it all to You
Glorious (Heaslip)
Glory (Riley)
God gave us His Son
God is good all the time
God is great (Sampson)
God is here
God is our Father (In heaven above)
God is still for us
God of glory (Huirua)
God of great things
God of mercy
God of restoration
God of the breakthrough
God of the mountains
God, You are good
Gonna trust in God
Good and gracious
Grace and mercy
Great and marvellous (Hannah)
Great and marvellous (Latty/Luce)
Great in power
Great is He
Halala Ngo 'Jesu
Hallelujah (Brown/Doerksen)
Hallelujah (Martin)
Hallelujah song
Hallelujah to the King
Hallelujah, hosanna
Have I not been faithful?
Have we forgotten?
He died for my sake
He is holy, holy, holy
He once was dead, but now He lives
He will be called Wonderful
Head over heels
Healing love
Hear all creation
Hear my confession
Hear my mouth speak
Hear my prayer, O Lord
Hear our cry
Hear our prayer (Moen)
Hear our prayers
Hear the music of my heart
Heart and soul
Heaven opened
Here am I, a sinner free
Here I am to worship
Here I am waiting
Here I am, O God
Here I stand (Bell)
Here I stand (Gregory)
Here I wait beneath the cross
Here in Your arms
Here to eternity
Here with me now
Hey Lord, O Lord
High over all (Fellingham)
High over all (Lawson Johnston)
Highest praise
Hold me
Holy moment
Holy One (Ulugia)
Holy river
Holy Spirit, how I love You
Holy Spirit, rain down
Holy, holy (Bilbrough)
Holy, holy (Mark)
Holy, holy are You, Lord
Holy, holy, God Almighty
Holy, holy, holy (Riley)
Holy, holy, holy (Trad)
Holy, holy, holy Lord (Forgiven)
Hope has found its home within me
Hope of the nations
Hover o'er me
How amazing
How can I do anything but praise You?
How can I live?
How can I not praise You?
How can I repay You?
How good it is
How good You have been to me
How great are You, Lord
How I long for You
How long? (Kendrick)
How shall I find?
Humble King
Hungry, I come to You
I am amazed
I am changed
I am helplessly in love with You
I am in love
I am not ashamed (Simmonds)
I am the one with the unclean lips
I am Yours (James)
I am Yours (Redman)
I behold Your power and glory
I believe
I believe in God the Father (Townend/Getty)
I bow down (Cook)
I call on You, Almighty Lord
I can do all things
I can feel Your arms surrounding
I can only give my heart
I come as I am
I come running
I come to bow down
I come to You (Fellingham)
I come to You (Oakley/Parker)
I come, wanting just to be with You
I count as nothing every earthly treasure
I danced in the morning
I don't know why
I enter in
I give my heart to what I treasure
I give You my heart
I have come home
I have come to love You (Oakley/Cooper)
I have come to realise
I have heard so many songs
I have His word
I just want to love
I know He rescued my soul
I know not why God's wondrous grace (Townend)
I know You love an offering
I know You love me
I lift You high
I live my life to worship You
I love You more each day
I love You, Lord (Joy)
I met You
I need You (Romance me)
I need You now
I reach up high
I see the Lord (Oakley)
I see You hanging there
I surrender
I surrender all
I thank You for the cross
I tremble in Your presence
I want to be before Your throne
I want to go Your way
I will bless the Lord at all times
I will call upon the name of the Lord
I will come
I will enter Your house
I will love You for the cross
I will never be the same (Hannah)
I will never be the same (Oakley/Jamieson)
I will seek after You
I'll always love You
I'm calling out to You
I'm cradled
I'm crying out
I'm drawn a little bit closer
I'm forever in Your love
I'm giving You my heart
I'm gonna trust in God
I'm grateful
I'm learning to love You
I'm making melody
I'm on my knees
I'm working out what it means
I've come to meet with You
I've filled my days with details
I've thrown it all away
If I seek You
If it wasn't for Your mercy
If My people (Riley)
If we died with Christ
Image of invisible God
Immanuel (Townend)
In awe of You
In Christ alone
In every day that dawns
In love with God
In majesty He rides
In the shadow of the cross
In this place we gather
In this stillness
In You we live
In Your arms of love I sing
In Your presence
In Your presence there is joy
Infant holy
Isaiah 12
It is good
It is to You
It is You
It was on a starry night
It's all about Jesus
It's the way You walk with me
Jesus Christ (All my love)
Jesus Christ is waiting
Jesus Christ, Emmanuel
Jesus Christ, holy One
Jesus is exalted
Jesus is Lord (Townend/Getty)
Jesus is the Lord
Jesus loves the church
Jesus taught us how to pray
Jesus, all for Jesus
Jesus, be the Centre
Jesus, draw me ever nearer
Jesus, Friend of sinners
Jesus, God's righteousness revealed
Jesus, high King of heaven
Jesus, hope of the nations
Jesus, how I love Your name
Jesus, Jesus, Healer, Saviour
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus (Bilbrough)
Jesus, keep me near the cross
Jesus, King of the ages
Jesus, let me meet You in Your word
Jesus, melt my cold heart
Jesus, my desire
Jesus, my passion
Jesus, Name above all names (Hurter)
Jesus, Redeemer
Jesus, You alone
Jesus, You are so precious
Jesus, You're all I need
Jesus, Your beauty
Joined by angels
Just to be with You
Justice and mercy
King Jesus, I believe
King of history
King of kings, Majesty
King of love
King of our lives
King of the ages
King of this heart
Kingdom of heaven our goal
Knowing Your grace
Kyrie Eleison
Lamp unto my feet
Laudate Dominum
Laudate omnes gentes
Laying aside everything
Lead us, heavenly Father (Jubilate version)
Learning to love You
Let all mortal flesh
Let God arise (Fellingham)
Let my words be few
Let the peace of God reign
Let the poor man say, I am rich in Him
Let the river flow
Let the weak say I am strong
Let there be joy
Let us run with perseverance
Lift high
Lift high the cross (Kitchin/Newbolt)
Lifted into Your presence
Light of the world (Hughes)
Light of the world (Redman)
Like a fragrant oil
Like the sunshine
Living charity
Look to the skies
Looking to Jesus
Lord Jesus, robed in splendour
Lord of every heart
Lord of the Church (Dudley-Smith)
Lord of the Church (Lyle Morris)
Lord of the dance (Carter)
Lord of the heavens
Lord, have compassion
Lord, have Your way
Lord, hear the music of my heart
Lord, I am not my own
Lord, I come
Lord, I come to You (Leung)
Lord, I want to tell You
Lord, I'm grateful
Lord, let Your glory fall
Lord, my request
Lord, reign in me
Lord, to love You more
Lord, we thank You for the promise
Lord, when I think of You
Lord, You are my righteousness
Lord, You see me
Lord, You've been good to me
Lost in wonder
Love incarnate
Love is patient
Love like a jewel
Love, joy, peace
Maker of all things
Making melody
Many are the words we speak
Mary's child
May my eyes see more of You
May the mind of Christ my Saviour
May the words of my mouth
May this journey
Merciful Lord
Miracle in my heart
More than I could hope or dream of
My desire (Townend)
My Friend and King
My God is a Rock
My God is so big
My heart is captivated, Lord
My hope is in the Lord
My hope rests firm
My inspiration
My Redeemer lives
My Rock
My troubled soul
Name above all names (Bennetts)
No height, no depth
No longer just servants
No scenes of stately majesty
None other
Not by words and not by deeds
Not to us (The cross before me)
Nothing compares to You
Nothing in this world
Nothing is too much to ask
Now has come salvation
Now to live the life
Now, in reverence and awe
O changeless Christ
O dear God, we ask for Your favour
O for a closer walk with God (Getty)
O God of love
O Jesus, Son of God
O Lord, I am devoted to You
O Lord, our Lord
O Lord, when I wake up
O Lord, You are first in my life
O my soul, arise and bless your Maker
O sacred King
O taste and see (Bilbrough)
O, the love of God is boundless
Oh fallen one
Oh kneel me down again
Oh, that we might see Your glory
Oi, oi, we are gonna praise the Lord
On my knees
Once I was far away
One church
One day
One more step along the world I go
One sacrifice and I am free
One thing
One thing I ask (Oakley)
One thing I have been asking
One voice
Only Jesus
Only You (Oakley)
Only You (Taylor)
Open the eyes of my heart
Open the heavens
Open up the gates of heaven
Open up the skies
Opening our hearts to You
Our Father
Our God is strong and mighty
Our God reigns (Awake, awake, O Zion)
Our Master, our Saviour
Ouve Senhor
Over all the earth
Over me
Over, over
Overflow of worship
Passion for Jesus
Peace, perfect peace (Mayhew)
Pour over me
Praise Him, you heavens
Praise the mighty name of Jesus
Praise to Christ, the Lord incarnate
Praise You (Layzell)
Prayer is like a telephone
Prayer phone
Prayer song
Prepare the way (Bilbrough)
Prophet, Priest and King
Psalm 139
Pure heart
Pure, pure heart
Redemption hymn
Rejoice in the Lord always
Rejoice with trembling
Revealer of mysteries
Revival (Mark)
Revival fire, fall
Revival in our land
Rise up (Hurter)
Rock of Ages (Kendrick)
Rock of Ages (Mark)
Romance me
Sacred place
Salvation, spring up
Sandy land
Save the lost!
Saviour and Friend
Search my soul
Secret place
See how the Father
Send a revival
Send Your Spirit
Shine (James)
Shine Your light on us
Sing for joy
Sing like the saved
Sing out, my soul
Sing praises to our God
Sing praises, all you peoples
Sing, praise and bless the Lord
Soldiers of our God, arise
Solid ground
Sovereign Lord (Layzell)
Spirit of the Lord (White)
Spirit, move on this land
Standing on holy ground
Stay with me
Surely our God
Take me to Your sacred place
Take my whole heart
Take the world
Take us to the river
Taste and see
Teach me of Your ways
Tell the world
Thank You for the blood
Thank You for the cross (Riley)
Thank You for the cross, Lord
Thank You, Lord, for Your love to me
Thank You, Lord, You love us
Thank You, thank You for the blood
The Beatitudes
The birds don't worry
The calculator song
The cross before me
The eyes of my heart
The Father's embrace
The Father's song
The First, the Last, the Living One
The friendship and the fear
The fruit of the Spirit
The greatest thing in all my life
The Jesus song
The joy of the Lord
The narrow pathway
The people who walk in darkness
The place where You dwell
The Potter's hand
The power of Your love
The prayers of the saints
The Spirit lives to set us free
The voice of God
The wonder of forgiveness
The wonder of the cross (Kauflin)
The wonder of Your mercy
The wonderful cross
There is a day
There is a deeper love to know
There is a higher throne
There is a hope so sure
There is a name
There is a new song
There is a passion
There is a voice that must be heard
There is no other name
There must be more
There's a call
There's a calling to the nations
There's a new song upon my lips
There's a pageant of triumph in glory
There's a people
There's no love greater than Your love
There's no one like our God
This Child
This is how we overcome
This is love
This is my desire
This is our God
This is our time
This is the air I breathe
This is the best place
This kingdom (Bullock)
This means I love You
Though trials will come
Through all the changing scenes of life
Through days of rage and wonder
Through it all
Through the veil
Time is too short
To Him we come
To Jesus be glory
To love You more
To walk with You
To You, King Jesus
To You, O Lord
Touching heaven, changing earth
Treasure (Richards)
Trinity hymn
True surrender
Ubi caritas
Unto us a boy is born
Uyai mose
Wait for the Lord
Waiting for the blessing
Walk in the light
Wash me clean (Houston)
We are called to be prophets to this nation
We are heirs of God Almighty
We are joined by angels
We bow our hearts
We come in Your name
We could watch You from afar
We fall down
We have a gospel to proclaim
We have this treasure in jars of clay
We look to You, Almighty God
We see the Lord
We will go (Townend)
We will seek Your face
We're gonna sing like the saved
We're longing for Your presence
We've come to praise You
Well, I call upon my Father
Were you there? (Carter)
Were you there? (Trad)
What a day to be alive
What can I say?
What child is this?
What I have vowed
What love is this? (Bilbrough)
What love is this? (Horley/Whitehouse)
What the Lord has done in me
What to say, Lord?
What wisdom once devised the plan?
What wonder of grace
When a knight won his spurs
When deep calls to deep
When I come face to face
When I needed a neighbour
When I sing my praise
When I survey (The wonderful cross)
When I was lost
When I worship You
When Love came down
When my heart is faint
When my heart runs dry
When the darkness fills my senses
When the road is rough and steep
When we turn our hearts to heaven
When words are not enough
When You prayed beneath the trees
Where angels fear to tread
Where can I go?
Where could I find someone like You?
Where truth and mercy meet
While today is still today
Who can compare?
Who can stand before the Lord?
Who could offer us abundant life?
Who is like You?
Who is there like the Lord our God?
Who put the colours in the rainbow?
Who's the king of the jungle?
Who's the only light?
Whom have I but You?
With a prayer
With His hands He made me
With the choir of angels singing
Won't let go
Wonderful grace
Wonderful Maker
Wonderful Redeemer
Wonderful, beautiful, merciful
Wonderful, so wonderful
Worship the King
Worship the Lord (Fellingham)
Worshipping the living God
Worthy is the Lamb (Zschech)
Worthy, You are worthy
Woven together
Yes, I thank You
Yesterday, today and forever (Baker)
Yet will I praise Him
You are all I want
You are forever in my life
You are God in heaven
You are good (Redman)
You are good to me
You are holy (Morgan)
You are holy (Sheppard)
You are in control
You are known as the Rock of Ages
You are Lord, You are Lord
You are my anchor
You are my foundation
You are my God (Martin)
You are my King (Foote)
You are my King (Stevens)
You are my Shepherd
You are mystical
You are near (Morgan)
You are the fountain of my life
You are the King of glory (Fitzgibbon)
You are the Lord (Heaslip/Goss)
You are the Lord (Tomlin/Reeves)
You are the One (Now has come salvation)
You are the One I love
You are the song that I sing
You are the Sovereign 'I Am'
You are the strength in my heart
You call us first
You came into my life
You can depend on Him
You can have my whole life
You chose the cross
You confide in those who fear You
You gave Your only Son
You have been lifted
You have been patient
You have given me new life
You have laid Your hand on me
You led me to the cross
You must increase
You opened up my eyes
You pour out grace
You said
You set me apart
You shaped the heavens
You spread out the skies
You take me by the hand
You're the desire
You're the One who gave His Son
You're the Word of God the Father
You've captured my heart
You've placed a hunger in my heart
You've placed a song within my heart
You've put a new song in my mouth
You've touched my heart
Your grace covers me
Your hand, O God, has guided
Your kindness
Your kingdom generation
Your light
Your love (Fellingham)
Your love (Townend)
Your love has captured me
Your love is amazing
Your love is better than wine
Your love reaches me
Your name is holy
Your name is love
Your Spirit is speaking
Your unfailing love
Your voice
Your whisper to my soul
Yours is the kingdom (Bilbrough)

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