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The Revival We Need

  • Paperback
  • Publisher: Kingsley Press
  • 14 x 21.6 x 0.6 cm


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When Oswald J. Smith wrote this book almost a hundred years ago he felt the most pressing need of the worldwide church was true revival-the kind birthed in desperate prayer and accompanied by deep conviction for sin, godly sorrow, and deep repentance, resulting in a living, victorious faith. If he were alive today he would surely conclude that the need has only become more acute with the passing years.The author relates how there came a time in his own ministry when he became painfully aware that his efforts were not producing spiritual results. His intense study of the New Testament and past revivals only deepened this conviction. The Word of God, which had proved to be a hammer, a fire and a sword in the hands of apostles and revivalists of bygone days, was powerless in his hands. But as he prayed and sought God in dead earnest for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, things began to change. Souls came under conviction, repented of their sins, and were lastingly changed. The earlier chapters of the book contain Smith's heart-stirring messages on the need for authentic revival: how to prepare the way for the Spirit's moving, the tell-tale signs that the work is genuine, and the obstacles that can block up the channels of blessing. These chapters are laced with powerful quotations from revivalists and soul-winners of former times, such as David Brainerd, William Bramwell, John Wesley, Charles Finney, Evan Roberts and many others. The latter chapters detail Smith's own quest for the enduement of power, his soul-travail, and the spiritual fruit that followed.In his foreword to this book, Jonathan Goforth writes, "Mr. Smith's book, The Revival We Need, for its size is the most powerful plea for revival I have ever read. He has truly been led by the Spirit of God in preparing it. To his emphasis for the need of a Holy Spirit revival I can give the heartiest amen. What I saw of revival in Korea and in China is in fullest accord with the revival called for in this book."
The Revival We Need and The Enduement of Power
The Enduement of PowerThe Revival We Need
  • Author

    Oswald J. Smith

  • Book Format


  • Publisher

    Kingsley Press

  • Published

    June 2012

  • Weight


  • Dimensions

    14 x 21.6 x 0.6 cm

  • ISBN


  • ISBN-10


  • Eden Code


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