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Available - Usually dispatched within 3 days
Are you stuck on that final clue? Or do you just need a prod in the right direction? The Chambers Crossword Lists is the ideal reference for crosswords of all types - cryptic, quick and general knowledge.
Hundreds of categories
From abbey names to zoological terms, the categories in the Chambers Crossword Lists will help you fill in the gaps in both your knowledge and your crossword.
Fully updated
The Chambers Crossword Lists have been loved by a generation of crossword solvers. This edition is fully updated, with new categories added including websites and computer games, as well as old gaps filled in such as Chinese dynasties and the Cinque Ports.
Easy to use
The categories appear in alphabetical order. Within each category, the lists are organised first by the number of words, and secondly by alphabetical order.
Book Format
Paperback / softback
John Murray Press
December 2013
13.4 x 21.6 x 5.8 cm
Eden Code
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