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Creative Ways to Tell a Bible Story

Techniques and tools for exploring the Bible with children and families

  • Bestseller
  • Paperback
  • 176 pages
  • Publisher: BRF
  • 13 x 19.8 x 1.7 cm


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For Sunday School and Church leaders

Martyn Payne gives you ideas and plans for creative Bible storytelling

You'll discover new ways to make stories of the Bible come to life for all ages

There's always more than one way to tell a story. In this essential book for church and Sunday School leaders, Martyn Payne offers ideas and tips for how to make the Bible come alive for children.

This resource offers a treasure trove of ideas for opening up a Bible story (the way in), telling the story (the way through) and exploring the meaning of the story (the way out), including suggestions for reflecting on how to apply the story to our lives today.

Also included are over 30 key words and phrases providing ways in which connecting threads might be explored, and a suggested year’s programme using the Bible stories explored in the book. A chronological index makes it easy to find material for a particular children’s session, special event, workshop or all-age church service

‘Engaging, interactive and reflective methods and ideas to bring Christianity to life with children and young people.’ Jane Butcher, former Barnabas in Schools team leader

Creative Ways to Tell a Bible Story and How Village Churches Thrive
How Village Churches ThriveCreative Ways to Tell a Bible Story
  • Author

    Martyn Payne

  • Book Format

    Paperback / softback

  • Publisher


  • Published

    June 2022

  • Weight


  • Page Count


  • Dimensions

    13 x 19.8 x 1.7 cm

  • ISBN


  • ISBN-10


  • Eden Code


A Bible storyteller’s prayer .................................................................... 8

Foreword ............................................................................................... 9

Introduction ........................................................................................ 10

How to use this book .......................................................................... 13


Getting into the theme: Cross the circle ............................................ 19

Getting into the content: Fruit salad .................................................. 20

Getting into the context: Group machines ........................................ 22

Getting into the scene: Group statues ............................................... 24

Getting into character: Clues to the people involved ....................... 25

Getting into the feelings: An in-and-out game .................................. 26

Getting into sounds: What would you have heard? .......................... 27

Getting into ideas: Out-of-the-box mimes ......................................... 29

Getting into props: Using objects ....................................................... 30

Getting into mystery: A box Bible ....................................................... 31

Getting into acting: Sculpting ............................................................ 33

Getting into the facts: A puzzle square .............................................. 35

Getting talking: Building bridges into the story ................................ 36

Getting crafty: Making objects for the story ...................................... 38

Getting moving: Moving with the story .............................................. 39

Getting thinking: Unravelling riddles ................................................. 40

Getting going: Using games ................................................................ 42


Response stories with sounds ............................................................ 49

Response stories with actions ............................................................ 52

Response stories moving on key words ............................................. 55

Walk the story ...................................................................................... 57

Feel the story ....................................................................................... 61

Using story circles ............................................................................... 64

Using rhyme and rhythm .................................................................... 66

Working from freeze-frames ............................................................... 68

Using colours and beads .................................................................... 70

Drawing the story ................................................................................ 72

Sculpting the story .............................................................................. 73

Sounding the story .............................................................................. 75

Bringing a picture to life ..................................................................... 79

Reflective storytelling ......................................................................... 81

Acting out the story together ............................................................. 88

Storytelling with simple visuals ......................................................... 91

Creating your own version of the story .............................................. 93

Reading stories aloud ......................................................................... 99



Talking about the story ..................................................................... 105

Puzzling out the story ....................................................................... 107

Stepping into the story ..................................................................... 108

Experiencing a dilemma from the story .......................................... 110

What happened next? ....................................................................... 111

Imagining the story from another point of view ............................. 113

Putting the story in your own words ................................................ 114

Crafting the story .............................................................................. 115

Personalising the story ..................................................................... 117

Comparing interpretations of the story ........................................... 119

Asking questions about the story .................................................... 120

Updating the story ............................................................................ 121

Debating the story ............................................................................ 122

Analysing the story ........................................................................... 124

Interpreting the story ........................................................................ 126

Praying the story ............................................................................... 135

Using silence...................................................................................... 138


Making connections .......................................................................... 140

A year of Bible stories........................................................................ 155

Bible index ......................................................................................... 165

Martyn Payne is BRF's Messy Church researcher. His role is to visit Messy Churches up and down the UK, listening to the stories of how Messy Church is developing, networking good practice and bringing encouragement. He has a background in Bible storytelling and leading all-age worship and is passionate about the blessing that comes when generations explore faith together. Martyn, who is a qualified teacher, has worked with BRF for over twelve years contributing to training and resources and leading Barnabas RE days; prior to this he worked with the Church Mission Society as its national children's work coordinator. His books include A-cross the World (2004), Footsteps to the Feast (2007), Where in the World? (2012), The Big Story (2011), Creative Ways to tell a Bible Story (2013) and The Barnabas Family Bible (2014).

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