This is a book that is subtitled ?building churches that make disciples? for a good reason. Supported by real-life examples that many will identify with and effective and practical strategies and tools to engage people in the church to find their best role, it is a valuable book in reflecting on what we do in churches at the moment, what we could do and what we must do to spread the Gospel. It is impossible to contain current thinking about encouraging gifted leaders or building and strengthening churches within around 200 pages. So what this book does well is outlining in three parts, a mission to identify leaders or disciples, a process to equip disciples and supporting these leaders in their evangelical work. It is practical, Biblically warranted and is well illustrated with experiences the author has had and has had passed to him. In terms of evangelism, any message and method must highlight the holiness of God. It is the prescribed way, the biblical way that pleases and honours God and brings blessing on our efforts. This is a book which supports these criteria and supports the true meaning of ?church? and the true meaning of ?disciple?, piety and godliness in a very practical sense. I liked this book because of the emphasis it gave to a practical and involved faith. Many books look at the conceptual stages of spiritual growth and seem detached from where churches find themselves. But this is a practical manual and alongside an accompanying training resource is immersed in what people can do and contribute at different stages of their spiritual journey. The examples used in the book are excellent and it is refreshing to see different age groups used throughout the book to illustrate points. This is a book that increases understanding and is a book that I will return to again. It sets its process out well, takes its warrant from very well selected biblical texts and is an excellent resource for leaders looking to identify others to strengthen and grow their churches ? whether in spiritual growth in the membership or by helping people lead others to a saving knowledge. Recommended Highly.