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  1. Spiritual Growth/
  2. Holiness and the Deeper Life

The Renewed Mind

Becoming the Person God Wants You to Be

  • Paperback
  • 144 pages
  • Publisher: Bethany House
  • 13.9 x 21.7 x 0.6 cm


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Have you ever tried to break a bad habit? By sheer will power you set your mind to overcome it ...but suddenly, there it is again! Do you ever have thoughts rise up in your mind which would make you blush if they were suddenly broadcast over a loudspeaker? Experiences like this express the gap which exists between what we are and what we want to be. This book is all about bridging that gap! In a vivid series of images and parables, the Christian life is depicted not as a drear duty, but as an adventure of faith--living each day by the guidance and power of Christ's indwelling presence. The Renewed Mind touches on five major areas of the spiritual experience: Dependency on God, Facing challenges, Patience, Discipline, Prayer. This expanded edition includes new selections from Larry Christenson's other memorable teachings--Back to Square One and The Notre Dame Football Talk--plus new study questions.
The Renewed Mind and Answering Your Questions About Speaking In Tongues
Answering Your Questions About Speaking In TonguesThe Renewed Mind
  • Author

    Larry Christenson

  • Book Format


  • Publisher

    Bethany House

  • Published

    January 2001

  • Weight


  • Page Count


  • Dimensions

    13.9 x 21.7 x 0.6 cm

  • ISBN


  • ISBN-10


  • Eden Code


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  • TDG

    Trevor D Gamble

    Average rating of5.0

    Had a number of these over the years and lost them all. Sadly. Where lent to others and not ever returned to me back. I forgave. Finally bought this one a while ago back. Still have it. Probably maybe somewhere or other near my tenth copy ever owned. Only one still got hold of! A good guide to exploring into the subject of God's renewing of our mind through the power of His Word. In the leading of the New Creation Holy Spirit supernaturally changed person in the faith of Christ. Both the written knowledge Word of God, the Logos (in Greek) and the Holy Spirit powered Power Word or Rhema (in Greek language) Word of God the Lord at work here changing us by His power helping us in the flesh. Where the Spirit opens up His Word to us to enable our greater clarity of understanding of Him through His Word. We seek the living Word of God through the knowledge Word by helping of His Holy Spirit which leads us into all truth of God the LORD. The so termed Renewed Mind of Christ is made by Him, changing us to be more like Him. By the indwelling of His Spirit making us a new creation in the power of Christ as we believe. With His power at work in us as we trust and believe in Him. I AM, the Lord Almighty. Christ the living Word of God the Lord. Who is too God Himself. As the whole of scripture points towards a God who is both One and in trinity of three distinct parts or persons. Father, the Lord Alimghty Sovereign Lord God. The Eternal Son, His Word who was become flesh to walk among men. To die for the salvation of His chosen sheep at the cross of Calvary (see book of John's gospel for who His sheep are He calls.) And the third also Co equal and Co eternal person of God, the Arm of God (OT) Hand of God (OT) or the Spirit of the living God the Lord. (All title names of the Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit) The Spirit of truth and of Christ.The Spirit of God belonging to Christ the Word of God. All together making up in unity of the Holy Spirit the One Holy Lord Almighty God the LORD. I AM WHO I AM. The power of which indwelling the believer in Him gives the Christ follower the ability to be changed by God's Word with a new heart for Christ for knowing and loving Him. To be able to follow Him. And the aforementioned Renewed Mind of Christ. This is great older classic title book for exploring all of these basic essential pieces of doctrine correctly and scripturally in the growing of our personal knowledge of Him in our faith of Christ. To lead us deeper into Him, in encouraging trusting upon Him. And following Him by obedience to His Word that's Christ Jesus the Lord. Blessed be the Name of the Lord. A good book to have to guide you in understanding the Renewed Mind, New Creation of us in Him, in Christ. Where we are no longer the same. The old has gone and the new has come, brought by Him. By His indwelling power of His Spirit He puts into us. Speaking to us, leading us as the comforter, and sealing us unto the day of our final redemption in Him. When Jesus again returns for His church. His sheep given to Him by the Father to be His possession from before the foundations of the world. All wrapped up neatly explained in this great scripturally correct book. Our eternal security of salvation in the power of Christ in us, the hope of His Glory to come. Great book. I heartily recommend to anyone who loves the Lord.