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  1. The Church/
  2. Church Growth and Revival

Letters To The Church

  • Paperback
  • 224 pages
  • Publisher: David C Cook
  • 14.5 x 20.7 x 1.6 cm


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Want to help the Church become a force for change once again?

Francis Chan helps churches find their way back to God's desire for them

A striking wake up call for the Church today

Returning with an urgent message for the Church, Francis Chan invites readers to rediscover God's plan and vision for the Church.
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Intended Audience: Minister
  • Occasion: Ordination
  • Accessibility Features
  • Not Applicable

    Has the Church lost its way?

    And what is God’s desire for the Church?

    Eight years ago, Francis Chan left Cornerstone Church. It was the Church he planted, nourished, and grew into what it is today: a Megachurch. For sixteen years, he led people in worship and connection with God. People who would ‘sing directly to God’, ‘hear the word of God’, and ‘love holy lives. But as the numbers grew, something wasn’t quite right. The roaring success was inadequate. Off the mark. Where before there was a close-knit community of believers who encouraged each other and were involved with the Church, there were now thousands of people who came to the church for ninety minutes and went home, and that was it. Francis Chan writes, “people had grown accustomed to the benefits of childcare and preaching at the big service.” The Megachurch format was becoming more efficient at generating consumers, rather than Christians.

    And so Francis Chan left the Church he helped build.

    Letters To The Church is his reflection on everything he learned during that period, and beyond. It’s an urgent plea for Churches to find what God’s desire for them is. To find the vision that shores against ruin.

    Build upon his love for Church, for what it is and what it can be, Francis Chan’s Letters To The Church explores ways the Bible offers a magnificent vision for Church.

    God’s vision.

    Letters To The Church and Letters To The Church: Study Guide
    Letters To The Church: Study GuideLetters To The Church
    • Author

      Francis Chan

    • Book Format


    • Publisher

      David C Cook

    • Published

      September 2018

    • Weight


    • Page Count


    • Dimensions

      14.5 x 20.7 x 1.6 cm

    • ISBN


    • ISBN-10


    • Eden Code



    1.The Departure

    2. Sacred

    3. The Order

    4. The Gang

    5. Servants

    6. Good Shepherds

    7. Crucified

    8. Unleashed

    9. Church Again

    Afterword: Surviving Arrogance


    Francis Chan is a pastor, speaker and best-selling author. God used the death of his parents early in childhood, to give Francis a deep understanding of the brevity of life. This has shaped his life and teaching with an eternal perspective, as he continues to challenge believers to live on mission, willing to surrender everything.

    Francis has been used powerfully by God to author books Crazy Love, Forgotten God, Erasing Hell, Multiply, and You and Me Forever. God’s blessing on these books have spread millions of copies around the world in many different languages.

    Francis’s love for teaching the Word compelled him to found Cornerstone Church in Simi Valley, California, where he pastored for 16 years. He helped found Radius International, which equips cross-cultural church planters with skills necessary to plant healthy, viable and reproducing churches. He recently started Project Bayview, discipleship homes for men and women who are coming out of addiction or incarceration.

    Currently, Francis is a pastor of We Are Church and is planting churches in Northern California, where he lives with his wife of 25 years, Lisa. They have seven children and one beautiful granddaughter.

    Letters to the Church reminds readers how powerful the Church can be and calls this generation to passionately pursue God's vision for His beloved Bride.

    God's Church started as a radical spiritually intimate gathering of believers that ultimately changed history. Yet millions today are content to be mere observers at church. Many more have left broken hearted and cynical. But God is waking up His people—people who will risk anything and sacrifice everything to be the dynamic world-changing Church of Scripture.

    In Letters to the Church Francis Chan invites readers to wrestle with the fact that many churches have drifted from God's desire for them. He challenges Christians to ask "What does God want for His Church? When Jesus returns will He find us caring for His Bride—even more than for our own lives?"

    Speaking out of deep love for the Church Chan guides Christ followers to live out God's magnificent and beautiful vision for His Church—a vision we may have lost but God has never forgotten.

    Francis Chan is the bestselling author of Crazy Love, Forgotten God, Erasing Hell, Multiply and You and Me Forever. He currently plants churches in the San Francisco area. Francis and his wife Lisa are raising their seven children in Northern California.

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    Average rating of5.0
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    • EJ


      Average rating of5.0


    • KH

      Karen Humeniuk

      Average rating of5.0

      This book is written by a pastor who formerly led one of the huge churches in America but then came to realise that this model did not follow that of the new Church we read about in the Acts of the Apostles. Prepare to be turned up-side -down by reading this book. If you have ever wondered what the early church must have looked like and then felt that we are woefully lacking then this is the book for you. It uses Scripture throughout. It is not difficult to read and has a thoughtful, kind approach. This does not mean you will not be challenged!

    • HS

      Heather Smith

      Average rating of4.0

      Am useing this book in a house group meeting so far its very good very interesting

    • PM

      Peter Marett

      Average rating of5.0

      Heartfelt pleas from Francis Chan, especially challenging to the megachurches which cater for consumer Christians who want entertainment in the form of good music, a good sermon and a well-resourced creche. Sunday mornings sorted! Francis Chan has been there and done that and now realises that the megachurch model does not nurture relationships that see you through the week, as seen in the Jerusalem church in Acts 2. Letters to the Church carries a real challenge for us all in terms of our personal devotion to God and to one another. Every church leader should read this book prayerfully, then pass it round!

    • JS

      John Sutherland

      Average rating of5.0

      Just buy this and start reading it with you Bible open beside you.