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The Cowshed Revolution

A New Society Created by Downward Mobile Christians

  • Paperback
  • 200 pages
  • Publisher: Kevin Mayhew
  • 12.9 x 19.8 cm


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For Christians seeking to impact society positively

Addresses the crisis of capitalism and moral decline

You will learn to build a community focused on good

The Cowshed Revolution inspires Christians to create a fairer society.

Capitalism is in crisis

It has become divorced from moral norms. The Church, which in the past has provided a moral and social framework to guide the ‘free market’, is perceived to have forfeited the common ground. Yet experiments such as The Big Society cannot work unless the population is motivated to service. So society and the Church are at a tipping point.

What is the way forward?

Ray Simpson suggests it lies in an increase of Downwardly Mobile people – able Christians who lay down their lives for the common good. He explores fresh thinking and tells the inspiring story of such people, past and present, whose social enterprises, if multiplied, could make all the difference. The international ‘Occupy’ movement wants the 1 per cent who holds the levers of money and power to relate to the 99 per cent as one community: this book suggests ways in which this can come about.

The Cowshed Revolution and The Celtic Book of Days: Ancient Wisdom for Each Day of the Year from the Celtic Followers of Christ
The Celtic Book of Days: Ancient Wisdom for Each Day of the Year from the Celtic Followers of ChristThe Cowshed Revolution
  • Author

    Ray Simpson

  • Book Format


  • Publisher

    Kevin Mayhew

  • Published

    January 2016

  • Weight


  • Page Count


  • Dimensions

    12.9 x 19.8 cm

  • ISBN


  • ISBN-10


  • Eden Code


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  • TGBS

    The Good Book Stall

    Average rating of0.0

    The title of this book captures Ray Simpson’s theme succinctly, the need for Christians in an overtly upwardly mobile society to adopt a counter-cultural style of life which, he argues, reaffirms Christianity’s first principals. His introduction is inspiring, drawing an interesting parallel between the Darwinian ‘survival of the fittest’ and the concept of ‘upward mobility’. He proceeds to explore scripture to reveal those first principals, introducing the telling phrase ‘downwardly mobile glory’. Simpson develops his theme further using examples of holy lives through the centuries, from the 4th century Desert Fathers to Sundar Singh and L’Arche in the last. Having made his point, he examines our own doorstep, pointing to our gap between rich and poor, absent from contented Nordic societies, as the root of our own nation’s social malaise and dissatisfaction. This densely argued thesis concludes that downward mobility can be encouraged, and the Christian Church may be a vehicle. It has been a long journey but Simpson has enumerated the possibilities for his Cowshed Revolution, ending with a reiteration of Jesus’ prophesy that ‘the meek shall inherit the earth’, surely the ultimate expression of God’s downward glory.