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Transform Your Church

50 Very Practical Steps

  • Paperback
  • 215 pages
  • Publisher: Intervarsity Press (IVP)
  • 13.9 x 21.7 x 1.7 cm


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For church leaders seeking fresh insights and ideas

Helps combat isolation in ministry with shared wisdom

You will inspire growth and renewal in your church today

This practical guide offers 50 steps to transform your church community.

'As a minister of a local church, I know how easy it is to become isolated. My experience very quickly becomes confined to my own church', writes Paul Beasley-Murray. 'In such a situation it makes such a difference to read how others "do church", not in order to adopt ideas wholesale, but to take and adapt that which would be appropriate.'

With warmth, originality and skill, Paul Beasley-Murray shares his pastoral wisdom with the wider church family. This is a book to dip into again and again. Readers will find it a trusted teacher, guide and stimulus to further thinking. Everywhere the author's personality shines through, though Paul Beasley-Murray is at pains to point out that he is only a learner, leading a church that is still very much on a journey. Each chapter ends with Scriptures to reflect on.

Transform Your Church and 50 Lessons in Ministry
50 Lessons in MinistryTransform Your Church
  • Author

    Paul Beasley-Murray

  • Book Format


  • Publisher

    Intervarsity Press (IVP)

  • Published

    October 2005

  • Weight


  • Page Count


  • Dimensions

    13.9 x 21.7 x 1.7 cm

  • ISBN


  • ISBN-10


  • Eden Code


"'It would be easy to dismiss these fifty short pieces as reflections on secondary matters of church leadership. But that would be a grave mistake. Each piece has been moulded by experience and fashioned by using the tools of a biblical theologian. Their value lies in that they raise the issues most books on ministry fail to address, often because they seem too ordinary. But ministry is mostly made up of the ordinary. Sometimes provocatively, always profitably, Paul Beasley-Murray points to a wise way forward." - Derek Tidball, Principal, London School of Theology

"Many churches need a good spring clean. Paul Beasley-Murray challenges us to look again at every facet of church life, from mundane issues like money and church magazines to major matters like prayer and church discipline. Treat this book as a treasure trove of great ideas." Steve Gaukroger, then Minister, Gold Hill Baptist Church, Buckinghamshire

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  • TGBS

    The Good Book Stall

    Average rating of0.0

    Another challenge if you can bear another one! This book joins an ever-increasing line of published manuals of how to improve every facet of church life. I sometimes wonder if I read all of them would I be able to provide the world with a wonder church. I may appear a little cynical as this book without doubt joins the genre with some impact. The author asks us to examine what we already are doing and then providing a guide on how to improve. Sections including prayer, pastoral care, retreats, hospitality and many more are examined and mentioned. The book includes fifty short, readable pieces on areas important to all of us who attempt to move forward and onward. I just hope it doesn’t get lost in the melee of these books around at present, it deserves better treatment.