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Pilgrim Journeys

  • Ebook
  • Publisher: Bible Reading Fellowship


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Why do pilgrims walk so much? What do they learn? What lasting good does it do? In Pilgrim Journeys, experienced pilgrim and writer Sally Welch explores the lesstravelled pilgrim routes of the UK and beyond, through the eyes of the pilgrims who walk them. Each chapter explores a different aspect of pilgrimage, offering reflections and indicating some of the spiritual lessons to be learned that may be practised at home. This absorbing book shows how insights gained on the journey can be incorporated into everyday life, bringing new ways of relationship with God and with our fellow Christians, offering support and encouragement as we face life’s joys and challenges.
Pilgrim Journeys and Journeying through Lent with New Daylight
Journeying through Lent with New DaylightPilgrim Journeys
  • Author

    Sally Welch

  • Book Format

    eBook (Christian360)

  • Publisher

    Bible Reading Fellowship

  • Published

    July 2017

  • ISBN


  • ISBN-10


  • Eden Code


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