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For students seeking to understand Christian ethics deeply
Provides a structured overview of ethical dilemmas today
You will gain insights to navigate moral challenges wisely
This is a single volume that effectively introduces students to the full breadth of the discipline of Christian ethics. This reader captures the range of timely issues related to ethics but not at the expense of essays that show the theoretical foundations of the field. Part One examines the sources of Christian Ethics—Scripture, tradition, philosophy, and science. The norms, forms, and contexts of Christian moral theories are reviewed in Part Two. The final section discusses contemporary questions about human sexuality, medical practice, the use of force, economic justice, ecological responsibility, and more. Relevant biblical readings and a series of case studies accentuate the text.
An Introduction to Christian Ethics
Understanding Ethics
Understanding Christian Ethics
The Diversity of Christian Ethics
The Complexity of Christian Ethics
Try It Yourself: Holy Unions
Scripture and Christian Ethics
2 Timothy 3:16-17
Biblical Ethics Allen Verhey
Ways of Using Scripture James M. Gustafson
Scripture and the Love of God St. Augustine
Social Ideas in the New Testament Walter Rauschenbusch
Biblical Imperatives Richard J. Mouw
The Moral Authority of Scripture Stanley Hauerwas
Feminist Consciousness and the Interpretation of Scripture Margaret A. Farley
Biblical Revelation and Social Existence James Cone
Tradition and Christian Ethics
Mark 7:1-13; 2 Thessalonians 2:15
Tradition in Ethics Jeffrey Stout
The Transmission of Divine Revelation Vatican II
Community Experience as a Source of Christian Ethics James Tunstead Burtchaell
What It Means to Stand in a Living Tradition Douglas F. Ottati
Feminist Interpretation: A Method of Correlation Rosemary Radford Ruether
The Authority of Tradition John Howard Yoder
Philosophy and Christian Ethics
Romans 1:18-25; 2:14-16; Colossians 2:8-15
Excerpts from the Nicomachean Ethics Aristotle
Excerpts from Summa Contra Gentiles and Summa Theologica St. Thomas Aquinas
Conscience and Truth Pope John Paul II
Moral Justification Richard J. Mouw
A Historical Example: The Challenge of the "Fools for Christ" Christos Yannaras
On Keeping Theological Ethics Theological Stanley Hauerwas
Science and Christian Ethics
Job 28:9-14, 23-28
Excerpt from Humanae Vitae Pope Paul VI
Scientific Humanism and Religion Edward O. Wilson
The Abolition of Man C. S. Lewis
The Relationship of Empirical Science to Moral Thought James M. Gustafson
A Different Voice in Moral Decisions Carol Gilligan
Using Empirical Information Lisa Sowle Cahill
Try It Yourself: Holy Unions
The Forms of Christian Ethics
Exodus 20:1-17; Matthew 5:1-11, 17-48; Galatians 2:15-21
Treatise on Christian Liberty Martin Luther
The Meaning of Responsibility H. Richard Niebuhr
Three Approaches Joseph Fletcher
The Problem of Protestant Ethics Today Paul Ramsey
Values, Victims, and Visions James Gaffney
From Decision to Story James W. McClendon, Jr.
A Framework for Feminist Ethics Carol S. Robb
The Norms of Christian Ethics
Micah 6:6-8; Luke 10:25-37; 1 Corinthians 13
Excerpts from The City of God and The Morals of the Catholic Church St. Augustine
The Cardinal Virtues Kenneth E. Kirk
The Relevance of an Impossible Ethical Ideal Reinhold Niebuhr
Ethical Principles of Moral Action Paul J. Tillich
For Justice in Shalom Nicholas Wolterstorff
Implications for a Theory of Justice Karen Lebacqz
Justice and Christian Charity Gordon Graham
Friendship and Fidelity Gilbert Meilaender
To Bear Wrongs Patiently Sidney Cornelia Callahan
The Contexts of Christian Ethics
1 John 2:15-17; 4:1-7; Romans 13:1-7
On the Insufficiency of Human Strength Tito Colliander
Excerpts from the Schleitheim Confession of Faith The Swiss Brethren
The Riddle of Romans 13 Wayne G. Boulton
The Civilization of the Pluralist Society John Courtney Murray
Spirituality and the Corporation Max L. Stackhouse
The Meaning of the Cross for Social Ethics in the World Today Larry Rasmussen
Try It Yourself: Holy Unions
Christian Sexual Ethics
1 Corinthians 6:9-7:16; 7:25-38; Ephesians 5:21-33
An Ethic of Marriage and Family Vigen Guroian
Misogyny and Homophobia: The Unexplored Connections Beverly W. Harrison
Excerpts from Personal Commitments Margaret A. Farley
Respect for Covenant Lewis Smedes
The Liberal Approach to Sexual Ethics James Nelson
Excerpt from Limited Engagements Philip W. Turner III
Try It Yourself: A Case of Premarital Sex
Christian Medical Ethics
2 Chronicles 16:12; Wisdom of Jesus ben Sirach 38:1-15; Luke 7:19-23
Religion and the Secularization of Bioethics Daniel Callahan
Can Theology Have a Role in "Public" Bioethical Discourse? Lisa Sowle Cahill
Salvation and Health: Why Medicine Needs the Church Stanley Hauerwas
Surrogate Motherhood Janet Dickey McDowell
Praying with Dirty Hands Allen Verhey
The Distinction between Killing and Allowing to Die Gilbert Meilaender
Try It Yourself: The Death Machine
Christian Political Ethics
Psalm 44:1-5, 9-12, 23-26; Matthew 5:38-48
The Murmurings: Slaves in the Wilderness Michael Walzer
The Grace of Doing Nothing H. Richard Niebuhr
Must We Do Nothing? Reinhold Niebuhr
The Only Way into the Kingdom of God H. Richard Niebuhr
Letter from Birmingham Jail Martin Luther King, Jr.
Can War Be Just? Thomas Kennedy
The Nonviolence of Dorothy Day Kathleen De Sutter Jordan
Try It Yourself: Nonviolence with a Rapist?
Christian Economic Ethics
Amos 5:11-24; Matthew 19:16-30; 25:31-46
The Rich Man's Salvation Clement of Alexandria
On Usury John Calvin
The Case of Christianity against Capitalism Walter Rauschenbusch
The Law of Love in Politics and Economics Reinhold Niebuhr
Private Property and the Universal Destination of Material Goods Pope John Paul II
Key Themes of Liberation Theology Leonardo Boff and Clodovis Boff
Try It Yourself: Can Capitalism Be Saved?
A Postcommunist Manifesto Max L. Stackhouse and Dennis P. McCann
Responses to "A Postcommunist Manifesto": Ethics, Economics, and the Corporate Life Robert Benne and Preston N. Williams
Christian Environmental Ethics
Genesis 1:26-31; Hosea 4:1-3; Romans 8:18-24a
"The Canticle of Brother Sun" and "How St. Francis Tamed the Very Fierce Wolf of Gubbio" St. Francis
Acting Responsibly with Respect to Animals and Plants Karl Barth
God and the World Sallie McFague
On Slaying the Dragon: The American Nature Myth William F. May
God and Country Wendell Berry
Try It Yourself: The Spotted Owl
W boulton
Book Format
Eerdmans Publishing Company
January 1959
Wayne G. Boulton;Thomas D. Kennedy;Allen Verhey
Page Count
18.9 x 24.7 x 2.9 cm
Eden Code
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