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  1. Understanding The Faith/
  2. The Holy Spirit and Renewal

The School of Christ

The Inner Working of the Holy Spirit

  • Bestseller
  • Paperback
  • 112 pages
  • Publisher: Rickfords Hill
  • 11.1 x 17.8 x 1 cm


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Looking for classic Christian wisdom?

The School of Christ looks at the nature of the Holy Spirit

You'll see how the Holy Spirit moves in the life of believers

Do you hunger for more of God? This Christian classic explores the Holy Spirit from a doctrinal and experiential perspective.

Are you moving on in the growing fullness of the revelation of the Lord Jesus? Have you an open heaven? Is God in Christ revealing Himself to you in ever greater wonder and fullness?

The ministry contained in this little book has been wrought on the anvil of deep and drastic dealings of God with the vessel. It is not only doctrinal: it is experiential. Only those who really mean business with God will take the pains demanded to read it.

"Of all the books that have issued from this ministry, I regard this one as that which goes most deeply to the roots and foundations of our life in Christ with God... May He make the reading of it result in a fuller understanding of the meaning of Christ." - T. AUSTIN-SPARKS

"This is a book you will want to read many times. It was during my third reading that its truth fully dawned on me. It has affected my preaching, my outlook on life, and intensified my hunger for the glorious liberty of the Cross. We believe this book is destined by God to bless and edify numerous spiritually hungry ministers and laymen." - DAVID WILKERSON

The School of Christ and Hungry for More of Jesus
Hungry for More of JesusThe School of Christ
  • Author

    T. Austin-Sparks

  • Book Format


  • Publisher

    Rickfords Hill

  • Published

    June 2010

  • Weight


  • Page Count


  • Dimensions

    11.1 x 17.8 x 1 cm

  • ISBN


  • ISBN-10


  • Eden Code


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Average rating of4.5
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  • PWS

    Philip Wilson-Sharp

    Average rating of5.0

    Jesus said eternal life is to know God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. Knowing about is not it. Will Jesus be saying "Depart from me, I never knew you"? God rewards those who diligently seek Him.

  • MW

    Martin Woodhall

    Average rating of4.0

    Austin-Sparks was a prolific writer in the period 1926 to 1970. Initially influened by R.A. Torrey, and the preachers of the Welsh Revival, his books are based on his personal meditations and conference speaches. He had a unique insight in the interpreatation of John's Gospel, with reference to Jesus and the Holy Spirit. He was an influence on Leonard Ravenhill and Watchman Nee. There is a need for him to be more widely read today. His books are very concentrated, and this one is no exception. In 8 brief chapters he stresses the need for us to develop our personal understanding of Jesus and our relationship with Him, through the indwelling Holy Spirit. This book is a good place to start if you are keen to develop your own walk with God, with a goal of seeing renewal and revival in the church.