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HTB Relationships

HTB Relationships

Created to help you invest in your most important relationships – with yourself, with others and ultimately with God.

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Marriage And Pre-Marriage

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We’re dedicated to supporting healthy, thriving marriages. Over the years, we’ve walked alongside thousands of couples, and this curated list includes some of the best resources to guide you on your journey – whether you’re preparing for marriage or seeking to strengthen your relationship. Here are our recommendations:


The Meaning of Marriage

The Meaning of Marriage

Facing the Complexities of Marriage with the Wisdom of God

In previous books respected New York pastor and bestselling author Timothy Keller has looked at such diverse and topical subjects as the existence of God, our need to do justice, the meaning of Jesus' life, and the human temptation to make idols - all through the twin lenses of a biblical framework and an engagement with contemporary culture.

In this new book, co-authored with his wife, Kathy, he turns his attention to that most complex of matters: our need for love, and its expression in marriage.

Beginning with the biblical narrative, and its pictures of marriage that span the original ideal to the broken to the redemptive, he looks at themes of friendship and commitment; the completion of men and women in each other; singleness, sex and divorce; and ministry and discipleship within the context of marriage.

This is a profound and engaging work that will challenge and inspire people in all stages of life - single, newlywed and married.

Singleness And Dating

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Navigating singleness and dating in the society that we’re in today can be really challenging. Whether you’re wanting to embrace this season of life with confidence or prepare yourself for the future, these books offer helpful advice, personal stories and practical guidance. Here are our recommendations:


Notes on Love

Notes on Love

Being Single and Dating in a Marriage Obsessed Church

In this delightfully witty and uplifting book, thirty-something Lauren Windle shines a light on the trials and tribulations – and sometimes also the triumphs – of the world of Christian dating.

This is not a how-to guide.

Like having a coffee with your mates while you pore over your profile matches, heartbreaks and hilarious mishaps, Notes on Love draws on Lauren's own experiences of being single and dating in the Church to offer a funny, insightful and open-hearted collection of musings on the absurdity, messiness, pain and joy of it all.

With notes on ‘How to first date’ and ‘A million ways to meet people’ to ‘Disappointment’ and ‘Schrodinger’s boyfriend’, as well as looking at how you can find true love with yourself, your friends and family and above all in Christ, Notes on Love is a thought-provoking exploration of Christian relationships in the Church today.

This is a book for anyone who has struggled with dating in Church, or who has asked themselves how to be single as a Christian only to discover there’s no right answer. Warm, generous and honest, Notes on Love is an invitation to laugh, cry and know that whether you are male or female, single, coupled up or somewhere in between, you are not alone.

Relationship With Self

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Life is full of joys and challenges and navigating them – especially in the context of relationships – can feel overwhelming. Whether you’re dealing with anxiety, experiencing the pain of divorce, struggling with debt or confronting anger, taking time to seek advice and invest in yourself can make a huge difference. Here are our recommendations:


Say Goodbye to Anxiety

Say Goodbye to Anxiety

A 40-Day Devotional Journal to Overcome Fear and Worry

In Say Goodbye to Anxiety, Elle Limebear and Jane Kirby use their personal experience, with practical and spiritual tools, over 40 days to help you find real, lasting freedom from anxiety.

In Say Goodbye to Anxiety, Elle Limebear and Jane Kirby help you find real, lasting freedom from anxiety.

If you are one of the 301 million people that live with anxiety every day then this book is for you.

Elle and Jane have both been in your shoes. They understand the impact of living with anxiety and they know that there is a way forward and a better future.

They honestly share their stories, supporting and cheering us on with God-given practical tools and strategies to overcome anxiety.

Be encouraged, through these 40 devotional thoughts and journalling reflections, to take daily steps with God’s help to move past anxiety and live life to the full.

How will Say Goodbye to Anxiety help me?

This 40-day devotional journal will provide practical tools to help you drive worry, fear and anxiety out of your life, and replace these negative emotions with truth and confidence. 40 days of Bible readings, reflections, prayers, songs and journalling questions are also ideal for small groups or lent study groups.

Has journal spacing to record your thoughts

Provides both practical and spiritual tools to overcome anxiety

Helps you say goodbye to anxiety and say hello to joy

Helps you discover the hope and peace that Jesus can bring

Encourages you to speak out biblical truths over your life

Helps you develop your true potential by breaking free from the chains of worry and fear

Say Goodbye to Anxiety has been written by authors who have personal experience with anxiety and provides the ideal resource or gift for anyone working to break free from anxious thoughts for good.

Relationship With God

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All relationships need investment if we want them to thrive and our relationship with God isn’t any different. Whether you're looking to strengthen your prayer life, understand God’s word more deeply, or explore new ways to live out your faith, these books will guide and encourage you in your pursuit of a closer relationship with God. Here are our recommendations:


How To Hear God

How To Hear God

A Simple Guide for Normal People

Nothing could possibly matter more than learning to discern the authentic voice of God, but few things in life are more susceptible to delusion, deception and downright abuse. When life falls apart and we need God's comfort; in moments of cultural turmoil when we need God's clarity; facing formidable decisions when we need God's guidance; desiring a deeper faith when we need God to say something, anything, to turn the monologue we call prayer into a genuine conversation.

Having addressed God's silence in God on Mute, and then How to Pray in his previous bestseller, Pete Greig is back to bring wisdom and guidance to one of the most pressing and perplexing aspects of universal Christian experience - How to Hear God. Exploring the story of Christ's playful, poignant conversation on the road to Emmaus, Pete draws deeply from the insights of a wide range of Christian traditions.

He weaves together the evangelical emphasis upon hearing God in the Bible, and the charismatic commitment to hearing God in the prophetic, with the contemplative understanding of God's 'still, small voice' within.

Family And Raising Children

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The journey of parenting is full of joys, challenges, and endless opportunities for growth. There is so much advice out there it can be difficult to know where to turn for wisdom and guidance. We’ve curated a list of books to equip you with the tools and inspiration to help you nurture your children and your relationship with them. Here are our recommendations:


5 Love Languages of Children

5 Love Languages of Children

The Secret to Loving Children Effectively

More than 1 million sold!

You know you love your child. But how can you make sure your child knows it?

The #1 New York Times bestselling The 5 Love Languages has helped millions of couples learn the secret to building a love that lasts. Now discover how to speak your child's love language in a way that he or she understands. Dr. Gary Chapman and Dr. Ross Campbell help you:

  • Discover your child's love language
  • Assist your child in successful learning
  • Use the love languages to correct and discipline more effectively
  • Build a foundation of unconditional love for your child

Plus: Find dozens of tips for practical ways to speak your child's love language.

Discover your child's primary language--then speak it--and you will be well on your way to a stronger relationship with your flourishing child.