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Anglican Hymns Old And New Full Music

Full Music

  • Bestseller
  • Hardback
  • Publisher: Kevin Mayhew
  • 14 x 21.7 x 2.7 cm


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For Anglican congregational worship.

933 carefully selected hymns including modern classics with full musical arrangements.

Be equipped to lead your Sunday worship with this comprehensive resource.

Anglican Hymns Old & New offers over 900 hymns and worship songs, blending tradition and modernity to bring every member of the church together in praise.
Anna Hockley

Anna Hockley

Eden Christian Books Specialist

This new edition of Anglican Hymns Old and New has been given a blue cover with gold, stylised lettering and is sure to attract the eye.

130 hymns have been added from Hymns Ancient and Modern, The English Hymnal and Common Praise

Modern worship favourites such as Here I am to worship, Blessed be your name and Lost in wonder have now been included

The total number of hymns is now 933 making it by far the most comprehensive collection available

Indexes have now been fully updated and revised by

Index of composers, arrangers and sources of music

Index of authors and sources of text

Metrical index of tunes

Scriptural index

Index of uses

Index of hymns for the lectionary

All-age index

Index of first lines and titles

Anglican Hymns Old And New Full Music and Anglican Hymns Old And New: Words
Anglican Hymns Old And New: WordsAnglican Hymns Old And New Full Music
  • Book Format


  • Publisher

    Kevin Mayhew

  • Published

    May 2008

  • Weight


  • Dimensions

    14 x 21.7 x 2.7 cm

  • ISBN


  • ISBN-10


  • Eden Code


Hymns Included

A brighter dawn is breaking

A great and mighty wonder

A man there lived in Galilee

A new commandment

A touching place

Abba, Father, let me be

Abide with me

Above all powers, above all kings

Adoramus te, Domine

Ah, holy Jesu, how hast thou offended

All are welcome

All creatures of our God and King

All for Jesus! All for Jesus!

All glory, laud and honour

All hail the Lamb

All hail the power of Jesus’ name

All heaven declares

All I once held dear

All in an Easter garden

All my days

All my hope on God is founded

All over the world

All people that on earth do dwell

All praise to our redeeming Lord

All praise to thee

All that I am

All the nations of the earth

All things bright and beautiful

All who would valiant be

All you who seek a comfort sure

Alleluia (x8)

Alleluia! Alleluia!

Alleluia! Raise the Gospel

Alleluia, alleluia, give thanks to the risen Lord

Alleluia, alleluia, hearts to heaven and voices raise

Alleluia, sing to Jesus

Amazing grace

Amazing love

An upper room did our Lord prepare

Ancient of Days

And can it be

And did those feet in ancient time

And now, O Father, mindful of the love

Angels from the realms of glory

Angel-voices ever singing

As gentle as silence

As Jacob with travel was weary one day

As pants the hart for cooling streams

As the deer pants for the water

As the disciples

As we are gathered

As with gladness men of old

As your family, Lord, see us here

Ascribe greatness

At even, ere the sun was set

At the cross she keeps her station

At the Lamb’s high feast we sing

At the name of Jesus

At this table we remember

At this time of giving

Author of life divine

Awake, awake: fling off the night

Awake, my soul, and with the sun

Awake, our souls; away, our fears

Away in a manger


Be bold, be strong

Be still and know that I am God

Be still, for the presence of the Lord

Be still, my soul

Be the centre of my life

Be the centre

Be thou my guardian and my guide

Be thou my vision

Beautiful one

Beautiful Saviour

Beautiful world

Beauty for brokenness

Because of you

Before Jehovah’s aweful throne

Before the ending of the day

Before the throne

Behold, the great Creator

Beneath the cross of Jesus

Bind us together, Lord

Bless the Lord, my soul

Blessèd assurance

Blessed be the LordGod Almighty

Blessèd be your name

Blessèd city, heavenly Salem

Blessing and honour

Blest are the pure in heart

Blest Creator of the light

Born in the night, Mary’s child

Bread is blessed and broken

Bread of heaven, on thee we feed

Bread of the world in mercy broken

Break the bread and pour the wine

Break thou the bread

Breathe on me, Breath of God


Bright the vision that delighted

Brightest and best

Broken for me

Brother, sister, let me serve you


Calm me, Lord

Celtic Alleluia

Christ, be our light

Christ be with me

Christ for the world we sing!

Christ is made the sure foundation

Christ is our cornerstone

Christ is the heavenly food

Christ is the King!

Christ is the world’s light

Christ, the fair glory of the holy angels

Christ the Lord is risen again

Christ triumphant

Christ, when for us you were baptised

Christ, whose glory fills the skies

Christ’s is the world

Christian people, raise your song

Christians, awake!

Christians, lift up your hearts

Christians lift your hearts and voices

City of God, how broad and far

Clap your hands, all you people

Close to you

Cloth for the cradle

Colours of day

Come, all who look to

Christ today

Come and celebrate

Come and join the celebration

Come and see

Come and see the shining hope

Come down, O Love divine

Come, faithful pilgrims all

Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove

Come, Holy Ghost, our hearts inspire

Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire

Come, Holy Spirit, come

Come into his presence

Come, let us join our cheerful songs

Come, let us use the grace divine

Come, let us with our Lord arise

Come, light of our hearts

Come, Lord Jesus

Come, Lord, to our souls

Come, my Way, my Truth, my Life

Come, now is the time to worship

Come, now, the table’s spread

Come, O thou traveler unknown

Come on and celebrate

Come on, let’s get up and go

Come, risen Lord

Come, see the Lord

Come, thou Holy Spirit, come

Come, thou long-expected Jesus

Come, wounded healer

Come, ye faithful, raise the anthem

Come, ye faithful, raise the strain

Come, ye thankful people, come

Confitemini Domino

Creation sings!

Creator of the earth and skies

Creator of the starry height

Creator Spirit, come

Crown him with many crowns


Dance and sing

Days of Elijah

Dear Lord and Father of mankind

Deck thyself, my soul, with gladness

Deeper, wider, higher

Ding dong, merrily on high!

Disposer supreme

Do not be afraid


Draw nigh and take the body


Earth has many a noble city

Eat this bread

Enemy of apathy

Eternal Father, strong to save

Eternal God, we consecrate

Eternal Ruler of the ceaseless round

Every minute of every day

Exaudi nos, Domine


Faithful One, so unchanging

Faithful Shepherd, feed me

Faithful vigil ended

Father God, I wonder

Father, hear the prayer we offer

Father, I place into your hands

Father in heaven, how we love you

Father, Lord of all creation

Father, most holy, merciful and loving

Father of heaven, whose love profound

Father of peace, and God of love

Father, we adore you

Father, we love you

Father, we thank thee

Father welcomes all his children

Father, who in Jesus found us

Fight the good fight

Fill thou my life, O Lord my God

Fill your hearts with joy and gladness

Filled with the Spirit’s power

Finished the strife

Firmly I believe and truly

Fishes of the ocean

5000 + hungry folk

Follow me

For all the saints

For all thy saints, O Lord

For all your saints still active

For ever

For I’m building a people of power

For Mary, mother of our Lord

For the beauty of the earth

For the days when you feel near

For the fruits of his creation

For the healing of the nations

Forgive our sins as we forgive

Forth in the peace of Christ we go

Forth in thy name, O Lord, I go

Forty days and forty nights

Freely, freely

From all that dwell below the skies

From glory to glory advancing

From heaven you came

From many grains

From the eastern mountains

From the falter of breath

From the rising of the sun

From the sun’s rising

From the very depths of darkness

From thee all skill and science flow


Gather around, for the table is spread

Gather us in

Gifts of bread and wine

Give me joy in my heart

Give me peace, O Lord

Give thanks for those

Give thanks to the Lord

Give thanks with a grateful heart

Give to our God immortal praise

Give us the wings of faith

Gloria (Anderson)

Glorify your name

Glorious things of thee are spoken

Glory be to Jesus

Glory, love, and praise, and honour

Glory to God (Peruvian Gloria)

Glory to God!

Glory to God above

Glory to thee, my God, this night

Glory to thee, O God

Go back, go back to Galilee

Go forth and tell

Go, tell everyone

Go, tell it on the mountain

Go wandering in the sun

God be in my head

God be with you till we meet again

God forgave my sin

God has spoken – by the prophets

God, in the planning

God is good, God is great

God is here! As we his people

God is love: his the care

God is love: let heaven adore him

God is our strength from days of old

God is the giver of love

God is working his purpose out

God knows me

God moves in a mysterious way

God of grace and God of glory

God of life, God of love

God of love

God of mercy

God of mercy, God of grace

God of the Passover

God of the poor

God on earth

God, our Creator

God rest you merry, gentlefolk

God save our gracious Queen

God that madest earth and heaven

God the Father, name we treasure

God to enfold you

God, whose city’s sure foundation

God, whose farm is all creation

God’s love is deeper

God’s Spirit is in my heart

God’s surprise

Going home, moving on

Goliath was big and Goliath was strong

Good Christians all, rejoice

Good Christians all, rejoice and sing

Good King Wenceslas

Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost

Grant us the courage, gracious God

Great big God

Great God, your love has called us

Great is the darkness

Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise

Great is thy faithfulness

Great love

Great Shepherd of thy people

Guide me, O thou great



Hail, gladdening Light

Hail the day that sees him rise

Hail, thou once despised Jesus

Hail to the Lord who comes

Hail to the Lord’s anointed

Hail, true body

Halle, halle, halle

Hallelu, hallelu


Hands that have been handling

Happy are they, they that love God

Hark! A herald voice is calling

Hark, my soul, it is the Lord

Hark, the glad sound!

Hark, the herald-angels sing

Have faith in God, my heart

Have you heard the raindrops

He has risen

He is exalted

He is Lord

He is the Lord

Heaven is in my heart

Heaven is open wide

Heaven shall not wait

Help us, O Lord, to learn

Help us to help each other, Lord

Here am I, Lord

Here I am

Here I am, Lord

Here I am to worship

Here in this place

Here is bread

Here, O my Lord

Here on the threshold of a new beginning

He’s got the whole world in his hand

Hills of the north, rejoice

Holy and anointed One

Holy, holy

Holy, holy, holy

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord

Holy, holy, holy! Lord God almighty

Holy Spirit, come, confirm us

Holy Spirit, truth divine

Holy Spirit, will you be

Hosanna, hosanna

Hosanna to the Son of David

How beauteous are their feet

How bright these glorious spirits shine!

How deep the Father’s love for us

How good is the God we adore

How great thou art

How lovely on the mountains

How shall I sing that majesty

How sweet the name of Jesus sounds


I am a new creation

I am the bread of life

I am trusting thee, Lord Jesus

I believe in Jesus

I bind unto myself today

I cannot tell

I come with joy

I could sing of your love for ever

I danced in the morning

I give my hands

I give you all the honour

I give you love

I give you my heart

I have a friend

I heard the voice of Jesus say

I love you, Lord, and I lift my voice

I need thee every hour

I really want to worship you

I stand in awe

I, the Lord of sea and sky

I watch the sunrise

I will offer up my life

I will sing the wondrous story

I will sing your praises

I will worship

I worship you

If I were a butterfly

If we only seek peace

If you believe and I believe

I’m accepted, I’m forgiven

I’m black, I’m white, I’m short, I’m tall

I’m not ashamed to own my Lord

I’m special

Immortal, invisible, God only wise

Immortal love, for ever full

In bread we bring you, Lord

In Christ alone

In Christ there is no east or west

In full and glad surrender

In heavenly love abiding

In love for me

In our day of thanksgiving

In the bleak mid-winter

In the Cross of Christ I glory

In the garden Mary lingers

In the Lord I’ll be ever thankful

In the Lord is my joy

Inspired by love and anger

It came upon the midnight clear

It is a thing most wonderful

It’s all about you

It’s me, O Lord

It’s rounded like an orange



Jesu, grant me this, I pray

Jesu, Jesu, fill us with your love

Jesu, lover of my soul

Jesu, our hope, our heart’s desire

Jesu, Son of Mary

Jesu, tawa pano

Jesu, the very thought of thee

Jesu, thou joy of loving hearts

Jesus, all for Jesus

Jesus, be the centre

Jesus bids us shine

Jesus calls us here to meet him

Jesus calls us: o’er the tumult

Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ is risen today

Jesus Christ is waiting

Jesus, good above all other

Jesus, humble was your birth

Jesus is greater

Jesus is King

Jesus is Lord! Creation’s voice proclaims it

Jesus is our God

Jesus is our joy

Jesus is the name we honour

Jesus, Jesus

Jesus lives! thy terrors now

Jesus, Lord, we look to thee

Jesus, Lord, we pray

Jesus’ love is very wonderful

Jesus, lover of my soul

Jesus, name above all names

Jesus, Prince and Saviour

Jesus put this song

Jesus, remember me

Jesus shall reign

Jesus shall take the highest honour

Jesus, stand among us

Jesus, stand among us in

thy risen power

Jesus the Lord said: ‘I am the Bread’

Jesus, the name high over all

Jesus, we are here

Jesus, we celebrate your victory

Jesus, we have heard your Spirit

Jesus, where’er thy people meet

Join the song of praise and protest

Joy to the world!

Jubilate, everybody

Judge eternal, throned in splendour

Just a closer walk with thee

Just as I am, without one plea


Keep watch with me

Kindle a flame

King of glory, King of peace

King of kings and Lord of lords

King of kings, majesty

Knowing you

Kum ba yah


Laudate Dominum

Lead, kindly light

Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us

Led like a lamb

Let all mortal flesh keep silence

Let all the world in every corner sing

Let everything that has breath

Let love be found among us

Let saints on earth in concert sing

Let the flame burn brighter

Let the mountains dance and sing

Let there be love

Let us break bread together

Let us build a house

Let us praise God together

Let us talents and tongues employ

Let us, with a gladsome mind

Life for the poor was hard and tough

Lift high the Cross

Lift up your heads

Lift up your hearts!

Lift up your voice

Light of the world

Light up the fire

Light’s abode, celestial Salem

Light’s glittering morn

Like a candle flame

Like a mighty river flowing

Listen, let your heart keep seeking

Little donkey

Little Jesus, sweetly sleep

Living Lord

Lo, he comes with clouds descending

Lo, round the throne, a glorious band

Long ago, prophets knew

Longing for light

Lord, enthroned in heavenly splendour

Lord, for the years

Lord, have mercy (Ghana)

Lord, have mercy (Russian)

Lord, I come before your throne of grace

Lord, I come to you

Lord, I have made thy word my choice

Lord, I lift my hands to you in prayer

Lord, I lift your name on high

Lord, it belongs not to my care

Lord Jesus Christ

Lord Jesus Christ, be present

Lord Jesus, think on me

Lord of all being

Lord of all hopefulness

Lord of all life and power

Lord of all, to whom alone

Lord of beauty, thine the splendour

Lord of creation, may your will be done

Lord of creation, to you be all praise!

Lord of life

Lord of lords and King eternal

Lord of the boundless curves

Lord of the Dance

Lord of the future

Lord of the worlds above

Lord, teach us how to pray aright

Lord, the light of your love

Lord, there are times

Lord, thy word abideth

Lord, today your voice is calling

Lord, we come to ask your healing

Lord, we thank you for the promise

Lord, we turn to you for mercy

Lord, when I turn my back on you

Lord, you call us to a journey

Lord, you created

Lord, you have my heart

Love came down at Christmas

Love divine, all loves excelling

Love is his word

Love’s redeeming work is done

Lovely in your littleness

Loving Shepherd of thy sheep

Low in the grave he lay




Majesty, worship his majesty

Make me a channel of your peace

Make way, make way

Mallaig Sprinkling Song

Mary, blessed grieving mother

Mary had a baby

May God’s blessing surround you

May the fragrance of Jesus fill this place

May the grace of Christ our Saviour

May the mind of Christ my Saviour

Meekness and majesty

Men of faith

Morning glory, starlit sky

Morning has broken

Moses, I know you’re the man

My desire

My faith looks up to thee

My Father, for another night

My God, accept my heart this day

My God, and is thy table spread

My God, how wonderful you are

My God, I love thee

My heart will sing to you

My Jesus, my Saviour

My Lord, what love is this

My song is love unknown

My spirit longs for thee


Nada te turbe

Name of all majesty

Nearer, my God, to thee

New every morning is the love

New songs of celebration render

New Wine

Not far beyond the sea

Nothing can trouble

Now is eternal life

Now let us from this table rise

Now, my tongue, the mystery telling

Now thank we all our God

Now the green blade riseth


O come, all ye faithful

O come, O come, Emmanuel

O comfort my people

O day of God, draw nigh

O dearest Lord, thy sacred head

O for a closer walk with God

O for a heart to praise my God

O for a thousand tongues to sing

O give thanks (Kendrick)

O give thanks (Pond)

O God beyond all praising

O God of Bethel, by whose hand

O God of earth and altar

O God, our help in ages past

O God, unseen but ever near

O God, you search me

O happy band of pilgrims

O happy day

O, heaven is in my heart

O holy, heavenly kingdom

O Holy Spirit, Lord of grace

O, how good is the Lord

O Jesus, I have promised

O King enthroned on high

O let the Son of God enfold you

O little town of Bethlehem

O Lord, all the world belongs to you

O Lord, hear my prayer

O Lord, listen to my prayer

O Lord, my God!

O Lord, my heart is not proud

O Lord of every shining constellation

O Lord of heaven and earth and sea

O Lord, we want to praise you

O Lord, your tenderness

O love divine, how sweet thou art!

O love, how deep, how broad, how high

O Love that wilt not let me go

O my Saviour, lifted from the earth

O perfect love

O praise ye the Lord!

O raise your eyes on high

O sacred head, surrounded

O strength and stay

O, the love of my Lord

O thou, who at thy Eucharist didst pray

O thou who camest from above

O when the saints go marching in

O worship the King

O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness

Of the Father’s love begotten

Oft in danger, oft in woe

Oh, the life of the world

On a hill far away

On Christmas night all Christians sing

On Jordan’s bank the Baptist’s cry

On the day of Pentecost

On the holy cross I see

Once again

Once in royal David’s city

Once, only once, and once for all

One is the body

One more step along the world I go

One shall tell another

One who intercedes

One whose heart is hard as steel

Only by grace

Onward, Christian pilgrims

Open our eyes, Lord

Open the eyes of my heart

Our blest Redeemer, ere he breathed

Our Father (Caribbean)

Our Father (Wiener)

Our Father God in heaven

Our God is a great big God

Our God is so great

Our God loves us

Our God reigns

Over all the earth

Over the earth is a mat of green

Over the mountains and the sea

Overwhelmed by love


Peace is flowing like a river

Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin

Peace, perfect peace, is the gift

Peace to you

Power of your love

Praise and thanksgiving

Praise God from whom all blessings flow

Praise him on the trumpet

Praise him, praise him, all his children

Praise him, praise him, praise him

Praise, my soul, the King of heaven

Praise, O praise our God and King

Praise the Lord, ye heavens, adore him

Praise to God for saints and martyrs

Praise to the Holiest

Praise to the Lord, the Almighty

Praise we now the word of grace

Proclaim, proclaim the story

Purify my heart

Push, little seed

Put peace into each other’s hands

Put thou thy trust in God


Refiner’s fire

Rejoice in God’s saints

Rejoice in the Lord always

Rejoice, O land, in God thy might

Rejoice, the Lord is King


Restore, O Lord

Resurrection breakfast

Ride on, ride on in majesty

Right where we are

Rise and hear! The Lord is speaking

Rise and shine

Rock of ages

Round me falls the night


Saint Luke, beloved physician

Salvation belongs to our God

Sanctus, sanctus, sanctus

Saviour, again to thy dear name we raise

See, amid the winter’s snow

See him lying on a bed of straw

See the holy table, spread for our healing

Seek ye first

Send forth your Spirit, Lord

Send me, Lord

She sits like a bird

Shepherd divine, our wants relieve

Shine, Jesus, shine

Shout for joy and sing

Shout to the Lord

Shout to the north

Show me how to stand for justice

Show your power

Silent night

Silent, surrendered

Sing hosanna

Sing it in the valleys

Sing lullaby

Sing, my tongue, the glorious battle

Sing of the Lord’s goodness

Sing praise

Sing praise to God who reigns above

Sing to God a song of glory

Sing we of the blessed Mother

Son of God, eternal Saviour

Songs of praise the angels sang

Songs of thankfulness and praise

Soul of my Saviour

Spirit divine, attend our prayers

Spirit of God

Spirit of God, our light amid the darkness

Spirit of the living God (Armstrong)

Spirit of the living God (Iverson)

Spirit song

Stand up and bless the Lord

Stand up, stand up for Jesus

Stay with me

Steal away

Story of love

Strengthen for service, Lord

Such love

Sun of my soul, thou

Saviour dear

Surrexit Christus

Sweet sacrament divine


Take me, Lord

Take my hands, Lord

Take my life, and let it be

Take this moment

Take up thy cross, the Saviour said

Teach me, my God and King

Teach me to dance

Tell out, my soul

Thank you for saving me

Thank you for the summer morning

Thank you, Lord

Thanks be to God

Thanks for the fellowship

Thanks to God whose word was spoken

The advent of our King

The angel Gabriel from heaven came

The Beatitudes

The candle song

The Church of God a kingdom is

The Church’s one foundation

The day of resurrection

The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended

The first Nowell

The giving song

The God of Abraham praise

The God of love my shepherd is

The God whom earth and sea and sky

The gracious invitation

The great Creator of the world

The head that once was crowned with thorns

The heart of worship

The heavens declare thy glory, Lord

The holly and the ivy

The King is among us

The King of love my shepherd is

The kingdom is upon you!

The kingdom of heaven

The Last Journey

The Lord is King!

The Lord is my light

The Lord is my song

The Lord is risen indeed

The Lord will come and not be slow

The Lord’s my shepherd (Crimond)

The Lord’s my shepherd (Townend)

The love we share

The old rugged cross

The peace of the earth be with you

The people of God

The people that in darkness sat

The prophets spoke in days of old

The royal banners forward go

The Saviour will come, resplendent in joy

The Servant King

The servant song

The Son of God proclaim

The Spirit lives to set us free

The strife is o’er, the battle done

The Summons

The trees of the field

The Virgin Mary had a baby boy

The wise man

The world is full of smelly feet

Thee we adore, O hidden Saviour, thee

There are hundreds of sparrows

There in God’s garden

There is a green hill far away

There is a land of pure delight

There is a longing

There is a Redeemer

There’s a place where the streets shine

There’s a quiet understanding

There’s a spirit in the air

There’s a wideness in God’s mercy

These are the days

These vows of love are taken

Thine arm, O Lord, in days of old

Thine be the glory

Thine for ever! God of love

Think of a world without any flowers

This day God gives me

This is my body

This is my desire

This is my will

This is the air I breathe

This is the day

This is the day the Lord has made

This is your God

This joyful Eastertide

This little light of mine

This thankful heart

This world you have made

Thou art the Christ, O Lord

Thou art the Way: by thee alone

Thou didst leave thy throne

Thou pilgrim strangers here below

Thou, whose almighty word

Through all the changing scenes of life

Through the night of doubt and sorrow

Thuma mina

Thy hand, O God, has guided

Thy kingdom come

Thy kingdom come, O God

’Tis good, Lord, to be here

To be in your presence

To God be the glory!

To mock your reign, O dearest Lord

To the name of our salvation

To thee, O Lord, our hearts we raise


Ubi caritas

Unto us a boy is born


Veni, lumen cordium

Virgin-born, we bow before thee


Wait for the Lord

Wake, O wake! With tidings thrilling

Waken, O sleeper, wake and rise

Walk in the light

Walk with me, O my Lord

Water of life

We are marching

We believe in God the Father

We bow down

We cannot measure

We eat the plants that grow from the seed

We gather here

We give immortal praise

We hail thy presence glorious

We have a dream

We have a gospel to proclaim

We have a King who rides a donkey

We love the place, O God

We plough the fields and scatter

We praise you, Lord

We pray thee, heavenly Father

We sing the praise of him who died

We three kings of Orient are

We turn to you

We want to see Jesus lifted high

We will lay our burden down

We worship at your feet

We’ll walk the land

Were you there when they crucified my Lord?

What a friend we have in Jesus

What child is this

When all thy mercies, O my God

When God almighty came to earth

When God made the garden of creation

When God of old came down from heaven

When I feel the touch

When I look into your holiness

When I needed a neighbour

When I survey the wondrous cross

When Jesus came to Jordan

When morning gilds the skies

When the music fades

When the Spirit of the Lord

Where is this stupendous stranger?

Wherefore, O Father

While shepherds watched

Who are these like stars appearing

Who can sound the depths of sorrow

Who is there like you

Who put the colours in the rainbow?

Who would think that what was needed

Wide, wide as the ocean

Will you come and follow me

Will your anchor hold

With joy we meditate the grace

Within our darkest night

Within the reign of God

Wonderful, so wonderful


Ye choirs of new Jerusalem

Ye holy angels bright

Ye servants of God

Ye servants of the Lord

Ye that know the Lord is gracious

Ye watchers and ye holy ones

Ye who own the faith of Jesus

Yesterday, today, for ever

You are beautiful

You are the centre

You are the King of Glory

You came from heaven to earth

You laid aside your majesty

You, living Christ, our eyes behold

You, Lord, are in this place

You shall go out with joy

You stood there on the shoreline

You’re alive

You’re worthy of my praise

Your love is amazing

Your love’s greater


Zacchaeus was a very little man

Zip bam boo

A brighter dawn is breaking

A great and mighty wonder

A man there lived in Galilee

A new commandment

A touching place

Abba, Father, let me be

Abide with me

Above all powers, above all kings

Adoramus te, Domine

Ah, holy Jesu, how hast thou offended

All are welcome

All creatures of our God and King

All for Jesus! All for Jesus!

All glory, laud and honour

All hail the Lamb

All hail the power of Jesus’ name

All heaven declares

All I once held dear

All in an Easter garden

All my days

All my hope on God is founded

All over the world

All people that on earth do dwell

All praise to our redeeming Lord

All praise to thee

All that I am

All the nations of the earth

All things bright and beautiful

All who would valiant be

All you who seek a comfort sure

Alleluia (x8)

Alleluia! Alleluia!

Alleluia! Raise the Gospel

Alleluia, alleluia, give thanks to the risen Lord

Alleluia, alleluia, hearts to heaven and voices raise

Alleluia, sing to Jesus

Amazing grace

Amazing love

An upper room did our Lord prepare

Ancient of Days

And can it be

And did those feet in ancient time

And now, O Father, mindful of the love

Angels from the realms of glory

Angel-voices ever singing

As gentle as silence

As Jacob with travel was weary one day

As pants the hart for cooling streams

As the deer pants for the water

As the disciples

As we are gathered

As with gladness men of old

As your family, Lord, see us here

Ascribe greatness

At even, ere the sun was set

At the cross she keeps her station

At the Lamb’s high feast we sing

At the name of Jesus

At this table we remember

At this time of giving

Author of life divine

Awake, awake: fling off the night

Awake, my soul, and with the sun

Awake, our souls; away, our fears

Away in a manger


Be bold, be strong

Be still and know that I am God

Be still, for the presence of the Lord

Be still, my soul

Be the centre of my life

Be the centre

Be thou my guardian and my guide

Be thou my vision

Beautiful one

Beautiful Saviour

Beautiful world

Beauty for brokenness

Because of you

Before Jehovah’s aweful throne

Before the ending of the day

Before the throne

Behold, the great Creator

Beneath the cross of Jesus

Bind us together, Lord

Bless the Lord, my soul

Blessèd assurance

Blessed be the LordGod Almighty

Blessèd be your name

Blessèd city, heavenly Salem

Blessing and honour

Blest are the pure in heart

Blest Creator of the light

Born in the night, Mary’s child

Bread is blessed and broken

Bread of heaven, on thee we feed

Bread of the world in mercy broken

Break the bread and pour the wine

Break thou the bread

Breathe on me, Breath of God


Bright the vision that delighted

Brightest and best

Broken for me

Brother, sister, let me serve you


Calm me, Lord

Celtic Alleluia

Christ, be our light

Christ be with me

Christ for the world we sing!

Christ is made the sure foundation

Christ is our cornerstone

Christ is the heavenly food

Christ is the King!

Christ is the world’s light

Christ, the fair glory of the holy angels

Christ the Lord is risen again

Christ triumphant

Christ, when for us you were baptised

Christ, whose glory fills the skies

Christ’s is the world

Christian people, raise your song

Christians, awake!

Christians, lift up your hearts

Christians lift your hearts and voices

City of God, how broad and far

Clap your hands, all you people

Close to you

Cloth for the cradle

Colours of day

Come, all who look to

Christ today

Come and celebrate

Come and join the celebration

Come and see

Come and see the shining hope

Come down, O Love divine

Come, faithful pilgrims all

Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove

Come, Holy Ghost, our hearts inspire

Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire

Come, Holy Spirit, come

Come into his presence

Come, let us join our cheerful songs

Come, let us use the grace divine

Come, let us with our Lord arise

Come, light of our hearts

Come, Lord Jesus

Come, Lord, to our souls

Come, my Way, my Truth, my Life

Come, now is the time to worship

Come, now, the table’s spread

Come, O thou traveler unknown

Come on and celebrate

Come on, let’s get up and go

Come, risen Lord

Come, see the Lord

Come, thou Holy Spirit, come

Come, thou long-expected Jesus

Come, wounded healer

Come, ye faithful, raise the anthem

Come, ye faithful, raise the strain

Come, ye thankful people, come

Confitemini Domino

Creation sings!

Creator of the earth and skies

Creator of the starry height

Creator Spirit, come

Crown him with many crowns


Dance and sing

Days of Elijah

Dear Lord and Father of mankind

Deck thyself, my soul, with gladness

Deeper, wider, higher

Ding dong, merrily on high!

Disposer supreme

Do not be afraid


Draw nigh and take the body


Earth has many a noble city

Eat this bread

Enemy of apathy

Eternal Father, strong to save

Eternal God, we consecrate

Eternal Ruler of the ceaseless round

Every minute of every day

Exaudi nos, Domine


Faithful One, so unchanging

Faithful Shepherd, feed me

Faithful vigil ended

Father God, I wonder

Father, hear the prayer we offer

Father, I place into your hands

Father in heaven, how we love you

Father, Lord of all creation

Father, most holy, merciful and loving

Father of heaven, whose love profound

Father of peace, and God of love

Father, we adore you

Father, we love you

Father, we thank thee

Father welcomes all his children

Father, who in Jesus found us

Fight the good fight

Fill thou my life, O Lord my God

Fill your hearts with joy and gladness

Filled with the Spirit’s power

Finished the strife

Firmly I believe and truly

Fishes of the ocean

5000 + hungry folk

Follow me

For all the saints

For all thy saints, O Lord

For all your saints still active

For ever

For I’m building a people of power

For Mary, mother of our Lord

For the beauty of the earth

For the days when you feel near

For the fruits of his creation

For the healing of the nations

Forgive our sins as we forgive

Forth in the peace of Christ we go

Forth in thy name, O Lord, I go

Forty days and forty nights

Freely, freely

From all that dwell below the skies

From glory to glory advancing

From heaven you came

From many grains

From the eastern mountains

From the falter of breath

From the rising of the sun

From the sun’s rising

From the very depths of darkness

From thee all skill and science flow


Gather around, for the table is spread

Gather us in

Gifts of bread and wine

Give me joy in my heart

Give me peace, O Lord

Give thanks for those

Give thanks to the Lord

Give thanks with a grateful heart

Give to our God immortal praise

Give us the wings of faith

Gloria (Anderson)

Glorify your name

Glorious things of thee are spoken

Glory be to Jesus

Glory, love, and praise, and honour

Glory to God (Peruvian Gloria)

Glory to God!

Glory to God above

Glory to thee, my God, this night

Glory to thee, O God

Go back, go back to Galilee

Go forth and tell

Go, tell everyone

Go, tell it on the mountain

Go wandering in the sun

God be in my head

God be with you till we meet again

God forgave my sin

God has spoken – by the prophets

God, in the planning

God is good, God is great

God is here! As we his people

God is love: his the care

God is love: let heaven adore him

God is our strength from days of old

God is the giver of love

God is working his purpose out

God knows me

God moves in a mysterious way

God of grace and God of glory

God of life, God of love

God of love

God of mercy

God of mercy, God of grace

God of the Passover

God of the poor

God on earth

God, our Creator

God rest you merry, gentlefolk

God save our gracious Queen

God that madest earth and heaven

God the Father, name we treasure

God to enfold you

God, whose city’s sure foundation

God, whose farm is all creation

God’s love is deeper

God’s Spirit is in my heart

God’s surprise

Going home, moving on

Goliath was big and Goliath was strong

Good Christians all, rejoice

Good Christians all, rejoice and sing

Good King Wenceslas

Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost

Grant us the courage, gracious God

Great big God

Great God, your love has called us

Great is the darkness

Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise

Great is thy faithfulness

Great love

Great Shepherd of thy people

Guide me, O thou great



Hail, gladdening Light

Hail the day that sees him rise

Hail, thou once despised Jesus

Hail to the Lord who comes

Hail to the Lord’s anointed

Hail, true body

Halle, halle, halle

Hallelu, hallelu


Hands that have been handling

Happy are they, they that love God

Hark! A herald voice is calling

Hark, my soul, it is the Lord

Hark, the glad sound!

Hark, the herald-angels sing

Have faith in God, my heart

Have you heard the raindrops

He has risen

He is exalted

He is Lord

He is the Lord

Heaven is in my heart

Heaven is open wide

Heaven shall not wait

Help us, O Lord, to learn

Help us to help each other, Lord

Here am I, Lord

Here I am

Here I am, Lord

Here I am to worship

Here in this place

Here is bread

Here, O my Lord

Here on the threshold of a new beginning

He’s got the whole world in his hand

Hills of the north, rejoice

Holy and anointed One

Holy, holy

Holy, holy, holy

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord

Holy, holy, holy! Lord God almighty

Holy Spirit, come, confirm us

Holy Spirit, truth divine

Holy Spirit, will you be

Hosanna, hosanna

Hosanna to the Son of David

How beauteous are their feet

How bright these glorious spirits shine!

How deep the Father’s love for us

How good is the God we adore

How great thou art

How lovely on the mountains

How shall I sing that majesty

How sweet the name of Jesus sounds


I am a new creation

I am the bread of life

I am trusting thee, Lord Jesus

I believe in Jesus

I bind unto myself today

I cannot tell

I come with joy

I could sing of your love for ever

I danced in the morning

I give my hands

I give you all the honour

I give you love

I give you my heart

I have a friend

I heard the voice of Jesus say

I love you, Lord, and I lift my voice

I need thee every hour

I really want to worship you

I stand in awe

I, the Lord of sea and sky

I watch the sunrise

I will offer up my life

I will sing the wondrous story

I will sing your praises

I will worship

I worship you

If I were a butterfly

If we only seek peace

If you believe and I believe

I’m accepted, I’m forgiven

I’m black, I’m white, I’m short, I’m tall

I’m not ashamed to own my Lord

I’m special

Immortal, invisible, God only wise

Immortal love, for ever full

In bread we bring you, Lord

In Christ alone

In Christ there is no east or west

In full and glad surrender

In heavenly love abiding

In love for me

In our day of thanksgiving

In the bleak mid-winter

In the Cross of Christ I glory

In the garden Mary lingers

In the Lord I’ll be ever thankful

In the Lord is my joy

Inspired by love and anger

It came upon the midnight clear

It is a thing most wonderful

It’s all about you

It’s me, O Lord

It’s rounded like an orange



Jesu, grant me this, I pray

Jesu, Jesu, fill us with your love

Jesu, lover of my soul

Jesu, our hope, our heart’s desire

Jesu, Son of Mary

Jesu, tawa pano

Jesu, the very thought of thee

Jesu, thou joy of loving hearts

Jesus, all for Jesus

Jesus, be the centre

Jesus bids us shine

Jesus calls us here to meet him

Jesus calls us: o’er the tumult

Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ is risen today

Jesus Christ is waiting

Jesus, good above all other

Jesus, humble was your birth

Jesus is greater

Jesus is King

Jesus is Lord! Creation’s voice proclaims it

Jesus is our God

Jesus is our joy

Jesus is the name we honour

Jesus, Jesus

Jesus lives! thy terrors now

Jesus, Lord, we look to thee

Jesus, Lord, we pray

Jesus’ love is very wonderful

Jesus, lover of my soul

Jesus, name above all names

Jesus, Prince and Saviour

Jesus put this song

Jesus, remember me

Jesus shall reign

Jesus shall take the highest honour

Jesus, stand among us

Jesus, stand among us in

thy risen power

Jesus the Lord said: ‘I am the Bread’

Jesus, the name high over all

Jesus, we are here

Jesus, we celebrate your victory

Jesus, we have heard your Spirit

Jesus, where’er thy people meet

Join the song of praise and protest

Joy to the world!

Jubilate, everybody

Judge eternal, throned in splendour

Just a closer walk with thee

Just as I am, without one plea


Keep watch with me

Kindle a flame

King of glory, King of peace

King of kings and Lord of lords

King of kings, majesty

Knowing you

Kum ba yah


Laudate Dominum

Lead, kindly light

Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us

Led like a lamb

Let all mortal flesh keep silence

Let all the world in every corner sing

Let everything that has breath

Let love be found among us

Let saints on earth in concert sing

Let the flame burn brighter

Let the mountains dance and sing

Let there be love

Let us break bread together

Let us build a house

Let us praise God together

Let us talents and tongues employ

Let us, with a gladsome mind

Life for the poor was hard and tough

Lift high the Cross

Lift up your heads

Lift up your hearts!

Lift up your voice

Light of the world

Light up the fire

Light’s abode, celestial Salem

Light’s glittering morn

Like a candle flame

Like a mighty river flowing

Listen, let your heart keep seeking

Little donkey

Little Jesus, sweetly sleep

Living Lord

Lo, he comes with clouds descending

Lo, round the throne, a glorious band

Long ago, prophets knew

Longing for light

Lord, enthroned in heavenly splendour

Lord, for the years

Lord, have mercy (Ghana)

Lord, have mercy (Russian)

Lord, I come before your throne of grace

Lord, I come to you

Lord, I have made thy word my choice

Lord, I lift my hands to you in prayer

Lord, I lift your name on high

Lord, it belongs not to my care

Lord Jesus Christ

Lord Jesus Christ, be present

Lord Jesus, think on me

Lord of all being

Lord of all hopefulness

Lord of all life and power

Lord of all, to whom alone

Lord of beauty, thine the splendour

Lord of creation, may your will be done

Lord of creation, to you be all praise!

Lord of life

Lord of lords and King eternal

Lord of the boundless curves

Lord of the Dance

Lord of the future

Lord of the worlds above

Lord, teach us how to pray aright

Lord, the light of your love

Lord, there are times

Lord, thy word abideth

Lord, today your voice is calling

Lord, we come to ask your healing

Lord, we thank you for the promise

Lord, we turn to you for mercy

Lord, when I turn my back on you

Lord, you call us to a journey

Lord, you created

Lord, you have my heart

Love came down at Christmas

Love divine, all loves excelling

Love is his word

Love’s redeeming work is done

Lovely in your littleness

Loving Shepherd of thy sheep

Low in the grave he lay




Majesty, worship his majesty

Make me a channel of your peace

Make way, make way

Mallaig Sprinkling Song

Mary, blessed grieving mother

Mary had a baby

May God’s blessing surround you

May the fragrance of Jesus fill this place

May the grace of Christ our Saviour

May the mind of Christ my Saviour

Meekness and majesty

Men of faith

Morning glory, starlit sky

Morning has broken

Moses, I know you’re the man

My desire

My faith looks up to thee

My Father, for another night

My God, accept my heart this day

My God, and is thy table spread

My God, how wonderful you are

My God, I love thee

My heart will sing to you

My Jesus, my Saviour

My Lord, what love is this

My song is love unknown

My spirit longs for thee


Nada te turbe

Name of all majesty

Nearer, my God, to thee

New every morning is the love

New songs of celebration render

New Wine

Not far beyond the sea

Nothing can trouble

Now is eternal life

Now let us from this table rise

Now, my tongue, the mystery telling

Now thank we all our God

Now the green blade riseth


O come, all ye faithful

O come, O come, Emmanuel

O comfort my people

O day of God, draw nigh

O dearest Lord, thy sacred head

O for a closer walk with God

O for a heart to praise my God

O for a thousand tongues to sing

O give thanks (Kendrick)

O give thanks (Pond)

O God beyond all praising

O God of Bethel, by whose hand

O God of earth and altar

O God, our help in ages past

O God, unseen but ever near

O God, you search me

O happy band of pilgrims

O happy day

O, heaven is in my heart

O holy, heavenly kingdom

O Holy Spirit, Lord of grace

O, how good is the Lord

O Jesus, I have promised

O King enthroned on high

O let the Son of God enfold you

O little town of Bethlehem

O Lord, all the world belongs to you

O Lord, hear my prayer

O Lord, listen to my prayer

O Lord, my God!

O Lord, my heart is not proud

O Lord of every shining constellation

O Lord of heaven and earth and sea

O Lord, we want to praise you

O Lord, your tenderness

O love divine, how sweet thou art!

O love, how deep, how broad, how high

O Love that wilt not let me go

O my Saviour, lifted from the earth

O perfect love

O praise ye the Lord!

O raise your eyes on high

O sacred head, surrounded

O strength and stay

O, the love of my Lord

O thou, who at thy Eucharist didst pray

O thou who camest from above

O when the saints go marching in

O worship the King

O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness

Of the Father’s love begotten

Oft in danger, oft in woe

Oh, the life of the world

On a hill far away

On Christmas night all Christians sing

On Jordan’s bank the Baptist’s cry

On the day of Pentecost

On the holy cross I see

Once again

Once in royal David’s city

Once, only once, and once for all

One is the body

One more step along the world I go

One shall tell another

One who intercedes

One whose heart is hard as steel

Only by grace

Onward, Christian pilgrims

Open our eyes, Lord

Open the eyes of my heart

Our blest Redeemer, ere he breathed

Our Father (Caribbean)

Our Father (Wiener)

Our Father God in heaven

Our God is a great big God

Our God is so great

Our God loves us

Our God reigns

Over all the earth

Over the earth is a mat of green

Over the mountains and the sea

Overwhelmed by love


Peace is flowing like a river

Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin

Peace, perfect peace, is the gift

Peace to you

Power of your love

Praise and thanksgiving

Praise God from whom all blessings flow

Praise him on the trumpet

Praise him, praise him, all his children

Praise him, praise him, praise him

Praise, my soul, the King of heaven

Praise, O praise our God and King

Praise the Lord, ye heavens, adore him

Praise to God for saints and martyrs

Praise to the Holiest

Praise to the Lord, the Almighty

Praise we now the word of grace

Proclaim, proclaim the story

Purify my heart

Push, little seed

Put peace into each other’s hands

Put thou thy trust in God


Refiner’s fire

Rejoice in God’s saints

Rejoice in the Lord always

Rejoice, O land, in God thy might

Rejoice, the Lord is King


Restore, O Lord

Resurrection breakfast

Ride on, ride on in majesty

Right where we are

Rise and hear! The Lord is speaking

Rise and shine

Rock of ages

Round me falls the night


Saint Luke, beloved physician

Salvation belongs to our God

Sanctus, sanctus, sanctus

Saviour, again to thy dear name we raise

See, amid the winter’s snow

See him lying on a bed of straw

See the holy table, spread for our healing

Seek ye first

Send forth your Spirit, Lord

Send me, Lord

She sits like a bird

Shepherd divine, our wants relieve

Shine, Jesus, shine

Shout for joy and sing

Shout to the Lord

Shout to the north

Show me how to stand for justice

Show your power

Silent night

Silent, surrendered

Sing hosanna

Sing it in the valleys

Sing lullaby

Sing, my tongue, the glorious battle

Sing of the Lord’s goodness

Sing praise

Sing praise to God who reigns above

Sing to God a song of glory

Sing we of the blessed Mother

Son of God, eternal Saviour

Songs of praise the angels sang

Songs of thankfulness and praise

Soul of my Saviour

Spirit divine, attend our prayers

Spirit of God

Spirit of God, our light amid the darkness

Spirit of the living God (Armstrong)

Spirit of the living God (Iverson)

Spirit song

Stand up and bless the Lord

Stand up, stand up for Jesus

Stay with me

Steal away

Story of love

Strengthen for service, Lord

Such love

Sun of my soul, thou

Saviour dear

Surrexit Christus

Sweet sacrament divine


Take me, Lord

Take my hands, Lord

Take my life, and let it be

Take this moment

Take up thy cross, the Saviour said

Teach me, my God and King

Teach me to dance

Tell out, my soul

Thank you for saving me

Thank you for the summer morning

Thank you, Lord

Thanks be to God

Thanks for the fellowship

Thanks to God whose word was spoken

The advent of our King

The angel Gabriel from heaven came

The Beatitudes

The candle song

The Church of God a kingdom is

The Church’s one foundation

The day of resurrection

The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended

The first Nowell

The giving song

The God of Abraham praise

The God of love my shepherd is

The God whom earth and sea and sky

The gracious invitation

The great Creator of the world

The head that once was crowned with thorns

The heart of worship

The heavens declare thy glory, Lord

The holly and the ivy

The King is among us

The King of love my shepherd is

The kingdom is upon you!

The kingdom of heaven

The Last Journey

The Lord is King!

The Lord is my light

The Lord is my song

The Lord is risen indeed

The Lord will come and not be slow

The Lord’s my shepherd (Crimond)

The Lord’s my shepherd (Townend)

The love we share

The old rugged cross

The peace of the earth be with you

The people of God

The people that in darkness sat

The prophets spoke in days of old

The royal banners forward go

The Saviour will come, resplendent in joy

The Servant King

The servant song

The Son of God proclaim

The Spirit lives to set us free

The strife is o’er, the battle done

The Summons

The trees of the field

The Virgin Mary had a baby boy

The wise man

The world is full of smelly feet

Thee we adore, O hidden Saviour, thee

There are hundreds of sparrows

There in God’s garden

There is a green hill far away

There is a land of pure delight

There is a longing

There is a Redeemer

There’s a place where the streets shine

There’s a quiet understanding

There’s a spirit in the air

There’s a wideness in God’s mercy

These are the days

These vows of love are taken

Thine arm, O Lord, in days of old

Thine be the glory

Thine for ever! God of love

Think of a world without any flowers

This day God gives me

This is my body

This is my desire

This is my will

This is the air I breathe

This is the day

This is the day the Lord has made

This is your God

This joyful Eastertide

This little light of mine

This thankful heart

This world you have made

Thou art the Christ, O Lord

Thou art the Way: by thee alone

Thou didst leave thy throne

Thou pilgrim strangers here below

Thou, whose almighty word

Through all the changing scenes of life

Through the night of doubt and sorrow

Thuma mina

Thy hand, O God, has guided

Thy kingdom come

Thy kingdom come, O God

’Tis good, Lord, to be here

To be in your presence

To God be the glory!

To mock your reign, O dearest Lord

To the name of our salvation

To thee, O Lord, our hearts we raise


Ubi caritas

Unto us a boy is born


Veni, lumen cordium

Virgin-born, we bow before thee


Wait for the Lord

Wake, O wake! With tidings thrilling

Waken, O sleeper, wake and rise

Walk in the light

Walk with me, O my Lord

Water of life

We are marching

We believe in God the Father

We bow down

We cannot measure

We eat the plants that grow from the seed

We gather here

We give immortal praise

We hail thy presence glorious

We have a dream

We have a gospel to proclaim

We have a King who rides a donkey

We love the place, O God

We plough the fields and scatter

We praise you, Lord

We pray thee, heavenly Father

We sing the praise of him who died

We three kings of Orient are

We turn to you

We want to see Jesus lifted high

We will lay our burden down

We worship at your feet

We’ll walk the land

Were you there when they crucified my Lord?

What a friend we have in Jesus

What child is this

When all thy mercies, O my God

When God almighty came to earth

When God made the garden of creation

When God of old came down from heaven

When I feel the touch

When I look into your holiness

When I needed a neighbour

When I survey the wondrous cross

When Jesus came to Jordan

When morning gilds the skies

When the music fades

When the Spirit of the Lord

Where is this stupendous stranger?

Wherefore, O Father

While shepherds watched

Who are these like stars appearing

Who can sound the depths of sorrow

Who is there like you

Who put the colours in the rainbow?

Who would think that what was needed

Wide, wide as the ocean

Will you come and follow me

Will your anchor hold

With joy we meditate the grace

Within our darkest night

Within the reign of God

Wonderful, so wonderful


Ye choirs of new Jerusalem

Ye holy angels bright

Ye servants of God

Ye servants of the Lord

Ye that know the Lord is gracious

Ye watchers and ye holy ones

Ye who own the faith of Jesus

Yesterday, today, for ever

You are beautiful

You are the centre

You are the King of Glory

You came from heaven to earth

You laid aside your majesty

You, living Christ, our eyes behold

You, Lord, are in this place

You shall go out with joy

You stood there on the shoreline

You’re alive

You’re worthy of my praise

Your love is amazing

Your love’s greater


Zacchaeus was a very little man

Zip bam boo

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Average rating of4.0
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  • DHS

    David Huffadine-Smith

    Average rating of4.0

    A good, if somewhat basic, collection of well-known hymns, choruses & worship songs, plus a goodly number of lesser known hymns. There is well laid out guidance as to choice of hymns to suit occasions, themes and Scripture, so it is well suited to smaller churches that lack a Director of Music, Choir or Worship Group, and as the title implies, reflects a very traditional Anglican-style collection, whilst seeking to straddle all genres of churchmanship. A good point in its favour is that for some hymns it offers popular alternative tunes and settings. But, if anything, this also becomes weakness, as it arguably contains too much, and by trying, in typical Anglican fashion, to be all things to all people, results in a large weighty volume that some might find heavy to hold & handle. The presentation of the music is fairly basic, and churches with a choral tradition or who enjoy a wide range of instruments beyond organ, keyboard & guitar might prefer to work from something with a more comprehensive presentation. But these criticisms are, in reality, relatively trivial, because if the aim is a single-volume solution of basic, but nevertheless musical and uplifting worship, then this edition fills the extended 'middle ground' remarkably well.