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  1. Age 8 to 10/
  2. Fantasy Stories Age 8 to 10

The Last Battle

  • 5 - 10 Years
  • Paperback
  • 208 pages
  • Publisher: Collins Children's Books
  • 12.9 x 19.7 x 1.4 cm


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Introducing the seventh book of the newly designed Narnia classics. Perfect for those seeking a contemporary take on The Chronicles of Narnia. It is Narnia's darkest hour. A false Aslan is commanding all Narnians to work for the cruel Calormenes and striking terror into every heart. King Tirian's only hope is to call Eustace and Jill back to Narnia in an attempt to find the true Aslan and restore peace to the land. But a mighty battle lies ahead.
  • Author

    CS Lewis

  • Book Format


  • Publisher

    Collins Children's Books

  • Published

    October 2009

  • Edition

    New edition

  • Weight


  • Page Count


  • Dimensions

    12.9 x 19.7 x 1.4 cm

  • ISBN


  • ISBN-10


  • Eden Code


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    The Good Book Stall

    Average rating of0.0

    ‘In the last days of Narnia .... there lived an Ape.....and his name was Shift.’ These words are from the opening of the last of The Chronicles of Narnia. Shift thinks of himself as very clever and indeed the original idea of deceiving the Narnian’s was his idea, but soon he has let evil Calormen leaders into the secret and they slowly but surely take control of Shift and all but a few Narnian’s who are still staunchly faithful to their king. When Tirian the present king of Narnia and his great friend Jewell the Unicorn realise that things are going dreadfully wrong in the kingdom, and that Aslan is supposed to be ordering dreadful things, they prepare to do something about it. Sadly Tirian and Jewell are captured and Tirian tied to a tree where he calls out to Aslan and the children who have helped his land from the time of its birth. Jill and Eustace return to Narnia but despite their best efforts things go from bad to worse. Never fear though, Aslan is there, though they might not know it, right to the surprising end.