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Hallowed Be Thy Names

Knowing God Through His Names

  • Bestseller
  • Paperback
  • 256 pages
  • Publisher: Rickfords Hill
  • 11.1 x 17.8 x 1.9 cm


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Want to know more of God?

Cross and Switchblade author David Wilkerson explores God through His names

A clear and timeless way to understand the God of the Bible

  • Binding: Paperback

"My purpose in writing this book has been to obtain a heart knowledge of God's names. I wanted to have a revelation of His names on a personal level-to appropriate their fullest meaning not for mere theological knowledge, but for my daily walk with Him. "You see, each of God's names reveals a defining quality about our Lord's nature and character toward His people. And, as I searched the scriptures, I discovered that God revealed these names to His people only as they needed them-in their moments of deepest crisis. It dawned on me that this was how I wanted to learn my Lord's nature, also-to know His heart towards us, His people, in our most desperate times. Therefore, I've chosen to explore in these pages the ten names of God that most relate to my own times of testing and crisis." - David Wilkerson

David Wilkerson is founder of Teen Challenge and the subject of The Cross and the Switchblade.

He has conducted numerous international evangelistic crusades, and has written over thirty books, bringing conviction and encouragement to the church.

He and his wife, Gwen, live in New York City where he serves as Pastor of Times Square Church.

Hallowed Be Thy Names and Hungry for More of Jesus
Hungry for More of JesusHallowed Be Thy Names
  • Author

    David Wilkerson

  • Book Format


  • Publisher

    Rickfords Hill

  • Published

    May 2012

  • Weight


  • Page Count


  • Dimensions

    11.1 x 17.8 x 1.9 cm

  • ISBN


  • ISBN-10


  • Eden Code


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Average rating of5.0
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  • SD

    Simo Dube

    Average rating of5.0

    Very informative and resourceful book

  • TDG

    Trevor D Gamble

    Average rating of5.0

    One of my very favourite beloved and again now sadly passed on brothers in the faith. If you don't yet know of him and his witness of saving faith in God the Lord, you should do well to read this or others of his books. This was the famous Cross and the Switchblade preacher of the nineteen fifties gang times in US, New York. This is the guy who went into the veritable lion's den of seedy New York gang underworld. Armed only with the truth of the scriptures of his Bible. And walked trusting in the Lord there in true faith of Him. Bringing the later great evangelist Nicky Cruz, then a violent street gang leader, to faith in Jesus. All his books are worth reading too. This one here by Wilkerson especially so. On the Sovereignty of God's Name and God's need to be hallowed rightly, since all Glory and honour and praise belong to Him. As Sovereign Lord God Almighty. Who reigns. Really good books all by both these linked two mentioned brothers in Christ. Who both preached the truth. Cruz still does so internationally in person. Brother Wilkerson though gone to sleep in the Lord, preaches in in these books and audios and videos online available to see and hear. Two great brothers in the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ.

  • TC

    Tony Clarke

    Average rating of5.0

    Great book on a great subject written by a man of God

  • CG

    Carol Greig

    Average rating of4.0

    I really enjoyed reading this small book. It describes many aspects of God's character as He reveals them to His people in different circumstances and it was a wonderful read. The only criticism I have is that on reading the stories he refers to in the Bible he got some facts wrong. For instance he says Rebecca is the daughter of Bethuel, Abraham's "brother", but on reading the passage in the Bible, Bethuel is Abraham's nephew. It certainly doesn't make a difference to what he was referring to re the Lord's provision but I was a bit disappointed that this wasn't noticed before publication. Also at times he offers an interpretation of some events by saying what he imagines, eg in the same chapter (1) he says that he imagines the ram that was caught in the thicket that was used for the substitution for the sacrifice of Isaac was supernaturally given an appetite by God and caught its horns in the thicket when looking for food. None of us know that happened -ONLY that God provided the ram not WHY. I understand the point he's making but sometimes although it could be true he gets a bit carried away when some things he's saying might be just his interpretation. I don't want to nitpick because I thought the book was a great read and really helpful. I found out things that he explained that I didn't realise before and was so easy to understand so I would still totally recommend this book.